Asp.Net Core 2 Web API Timeout Issue core 2 Web API timeout issue

adding requestTimeout to web.confg solved my timeout.

<aspNetCore requestTimeout="00:20:00" processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\project.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />

Better approach is to Kick off request and then poll the result as suggested by @steve-land

Increase the timeout when logging with external provider

How to check of the real error is? I tried to increase the timeout

You need change the time for BackchannelTimeout.


Timeouts with long running ASP.NET MVC Core Controller HTTPPost Method

But in .Net Core 2.0 there is no web.config file in project. It generate automatically.

I solved the problem by adding .UseKestrel(...) to the BuildWebHost function in Program.cs file as follows:

public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
.UseKestrel(o => { o.Limits.KeepAliveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10); })

change DotNet 6 inbound request timeout

According to your description, I suggest you could try to modify it by changing the program.cs file codes:

More details, you could refer to below codes:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.WebHost.UseKestrel(options =>
options.Limits.MaxConcurrentConnections = 100;
options.Limits.KeepAliveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60);

how set the request timeout in asp .net core 3.1

issue is solved:

in web config :

<!-- This will handle requests up to 300MB -->
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="314572800" />

and in asp core 3.1 ConfigureServices :
I did not understand the reason, but this piece of code solved the problem

services.Configure<FormOptions>(options =>
options.ValueLengthLimit = int.MaxValue;
options.MultipartBodyLengthLimit = long.MaxValue; // <-- ! long.MaxValue
options.MultipartBoundaryLengthLimit = int.MaxValue;
options.MultipartHeadersCountLimit = int.MaxValue;
options.MultipartHeadersLengthLimit = int.MaxValue;

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