How to Group Windows Form Radio Buttons

How do I group Windows Form radio buttons?

Put all radio buttons for a group in a container object like a Panel or a GroupBox. That will automatically group them together in Windows Forms.

How to group Groups of radio buttons in Windows forms

It is the designed behavior of a RadioButton to be grouped by its container according to MSDN:

When the user selects one option button (also known as a radio button)
within a group, the others clear automatically. All RadioButton
controls in a given container, such as a Form, constitute a group. To
create multiple groups on one form, place each group in its own
container, such as a GroupBox or Panel control

You could try using a common eventhandler for the RadioButtons that you want linked and handle the Checking/UnChecking yourself, Or you can place your RadioButtons on top of your GroupBox, not adding them to the GroupBox then BringToFront.

Are there multiple ways to group radio buttons in Windows Forms?

Fact that radio buttons are mutually exclusive only when they are within same parent. Being said that I can think of two options.

  1. Let them be in same parent, handle the Paint event of the parent and draw yourself manually giving the impression that they are different groups.
  2. You have to manually manage the mutual exclusion :(

RadioButtons are no magic, they just set the Checked property of other radio's to false behind the scenes.

private List<RadioButton> radioButtons = new List<RadioButton>();
//Populate this with radios interested, then call HookUpEvents and that should work

private void HookUpEvents()
foreach(var radio in radioButtons)
radio.CheckedChanged -= PerformMutualExclusion;
radio.CheckedChanged += PerformMutualExclusion;

private void PerformMutualExclusion(object sender, EventArgs e)
Radio senderRadio = (RadioButton)sender;
foreach(var radio in radioButtons)
if(radio == sender || !radio.Checked)
radio.Checked = false;

Grouping Windows Forms Radiobuttons with different parent controls in C#

I'm afraid you'll have to handle this manually... It's not so bad actually, you can probably just store all the RadioButton in a list, and use a single event handler for all of them:

private List<RadioButton> _radioButtonGroup = new List<RadioButton>();
private void radioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)sender;
if (rb.Checked)
foreach(RadioButton other in _radioButtonGroup)
if (other == rb)
other.Checked = false;

How do I group Windows Form radio buttons and textboxes?

You can write a method with 3 (or more) parameters, and just pass the controls.

public void Foo()
DoWork(chbx_Ext_tit1, txt_ext_tit_nom1, txt_ext_tit_num1);
DoWork(chbx_Ext_tit2, txt_ext_tit_nom2, txt_ext_tit_num2);

public void DoWork(CheckBox checkbox, TextBox textbox1, TextBox textbox2)
if (checkbox.Checked == true)
FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(@"c:\LigueStats\data\TXT\Nom_joueur.txt", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter fichier1 = new StreamWriter(fs1);



FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(@"c:\LigueStats\data\TXT\Num_joueur.txt", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter fichier2 = new StreamWriter(fs2);


Or better, just pass the values you need:

public void Foo()
DoWork(chbx_Ext_tit1.Checked, txt_ext_tit_nom1.Text, txt_ext_tit_num1.Text);
DoWork(chbx_Ext_tit2.Checked, txt_ext_tit_nom2.Text, txt_ext_tit_num2.Text);

public void DoWork(bool isChecked, string text1, string text2)
if (isChecked)
FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(@"c:\LigueStats\data\TXT\Nom_joueur.txt", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter fichier1 = new StreamWriter(fs1);



FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(@"c:\LigueStats\data\TXT\Num_joueur.txt", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter fichier2 = new StreamWriter(fs2);


How do I group together radio buttons that are in a custom control?

Okay so I found "A" solution. I don't know if it's an IDEAL solution but it works.

I had had the object function off of looking for the "CheckedChanged" event. The problem is that this fires whether it was done manually or programatically.
Solution? Use the "Clicked" event. But not just on the button, on the entire thing.

So what we get is this:

namespace Pieces{
public partial class ucGraphicLabelRadioButton : UserControl{
private event EventHandler _CheckedChanged;

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the controls text.
/// </summary>
public override string Text{
get{return this.lblTitle.Text;}
set{lblTitle.Text = value;}
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the checked state of the button.
/// </summary>
public bool Checked{
get{return this.rbtnButton.Checked;}
set{this.rbtnButton.Checked = value;}

public event EventHandler CheckedChanged{
add{this._CheckedChanged += value;}
remove{this._CheckedChanged -= value;}

public ucGraphicLabelRadioButton(){

//This is where the fancy stuff happens...
private void ToggleCheck(object sender, EventArgs e){
this.lblTitle.GlowColor = Color.Green;
bool FoundOtherChecked = false;
this.Parent.Controls.OfType<ucGraphicLabelRadioButton>().Where(x => x.Checked && x != this).ToList().ForEach(x => {
x.Checked = false;
x.lblTitle.GlowColor = Color.Black;
FoundOtherChecked = true;

if ((FoundOtherChecked && !this.Checked) || !this.Checked){
this.Checked = !this.Checked;
this.lblTitle.GlowColor = this.rbtnButton.Checked ? Color.Green : Color.Black;

if (this._CheckedChanged != null)
this._CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());


The "ToggleCheck" event is tied to the RadioButton objects "Click" event as well as the labels "Click" event and the entire custom controls "Click" event so ideally clicking anywhere on the label will fire the event off.

When the object is toggled it runs a linq search for any object that is like itself in the parent control and grabs it ONLY if it's checked. Then, it unchecks it and sets the glow state to black.

The control also has an event that forwards any sort of event you want to tie to the radio buttons "CheckedChanged" event and then fires it.

I know that doing the whole

.ToList().ForEach(x => ...)

is total overkill since the search would only ever return a single object (or none in the case it was turning itself off) but it does work. Is there a better way to do this?

EDIT: I had to make some changes since evidently when you click directly on the radio button, it becomes checked first THEN the clicked event fires. Also, to make sure they behave more like radio buttons and less like check boxes with radio-button like behavior, I.E.: The user can't click them off now. It checks to see if one was toggled on before toggling itself off.

Group 2 radiobuttons into the same group for Windows application

You don't have to look for the .net 3.0 radio button.( I don't even think there's such thing.) All you have to do is set your build target at the project level and everything should be ok.

To do so, right click the project name, click on Properties and under the Application menu you'll see a Target framework dropdown. Select the wanted .NET Framework from there.

Please be aware that the GroupName is available only in WPF. For WinForms you can use GroupBox or a Panel control to have them grouped however you want.(Just tried it and it's working). More options on this problem can be found on this question

Best way to databind a group of radiobuttons in WinForms

Following is a generic RadioGroupBox implementation in the spirit of ArielBH's suggestion (some code borrowed from Jay Andrew Allen's RadioPanel). Just add RadioButtons to it, set their tags to different integers and bind to the 'Selected' property.

public class RadioGroupBox : GroupBox
public event EventHandler SelectedChanged = delegate { };

int _selected;
public int Selected
return _selected;
int val = 0;
var radioButton = this.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>()
.FirstOrDefault(radio =>
radio.Tag != null
&& int.TryParse(radio.Tag.ToString(), out val) && val == value);

if (radioButton != null)
radioButton.Checked = true;
_selected = val;

protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e)

var radioButton = e.Control as RadioButton;
if (radioButton != null)
radioButton.CheckedChanged += radioButton_CheckedChanged;

void radioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var radio = (RadioButton)sender;
int val = 0;
if (radio.Checked && radio.Tag != null
&& int.TryParse(radio.Tag.ToString(), out val))
_selected = val;
SelectedChanged(this, new EventArgs());

Note that you can't bind to the 'Selected' property via the designer due to initialization order problems in InitializeComponent (the binding is performed before the radio buttons are initialized, so their tag is null in the first assignment). So just bind yourself like so:

    public Form1()
//Assuming selected1 and selected2 are defined as integer application settings
radioGroup1.DataBindings.Add("Selected", Properties.Settings.Default, "selected1");
radioGroup2.DataBindings.Add("Selected", Properties.Settings.Default, "selected2");

Is there a way to control all radio buttons through one control? Instead of passing a control for each radio button (C#)

Simply subscribe all radio buttons to the same event. Then you can act on which is checked and act accordingly instead of having duplicate code for each button.

Below is a simple example that set a text box's Text property to display which is checked.

Form class

public partial class Form1 : Form

public Form1()

private void radioButtons_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Do whatever you need to do here. I'm simple setting some text based off
//the name of the checked radio button.

System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton rb = (sender as System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton);
textBox1.Text = $"{rb.Name} is checked!";

In the .designer.cs file

//Note that the EventHandler for each is the same.
this.radioButton3.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.radioButtons_CheckedChanged);
this.radioButton2.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.radioButtons_CheckedChanged);
this.radioButton1.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.radioButtons_CheckedChanged);

How to set radio buttons in a nested group box as a same group with radio buttons outside of that group box

This might have been answered in another post, it sounds the same:

Grouping Windows Forms Radiobuttons with different parent controls in C#

This was the accepted solution:

I'm afraid you'll have to handle this manually... It's not so bad
actually, you can probably just store all the RadioButton in a list,
and use a single event handler for all of them:

private List<RadioButton> _radioButtonGroup = new List<RadioButton>();
private void radioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)sender;
if (rb.Checked)
foreach(RadioButton other in _radioButtonGroup)
if (other == rb)
other.Checked = false;

Edit: Here's another question asking the same thing:
Radiobuttons as a group in different panels

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