How to Get the Network Interface and Its Right Ipv4 Address

How do I get the network interface and its right IPv4 address?

foreach(NetworkInterface ni in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
if(ni.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Wireless80211 || ni.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet)
foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation ip in ni.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses)
if (ip.Address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)

This should get you what you want. ip.Address is an IPAddress, that you want.

Get network interface name from IPv4 address

#include <windows.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "iphlpapi.lib")

main(int argc, char** argv) {
pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *) malloc(sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO));
ULONG buflen = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO);

if(GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &buflen) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *) malloc(buflen);

if(GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &buflen) == NO_ERROR) {
PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapter = pAdapterInfo;
while (pAdapter) {
printf("\tAdapter Name: \t%s\n", pAdapter->AdapterName);
printf("\tAdapter Desc: \t%s\n", pAdapter->Description);
printf("\tAdapter Addr: \t%ld\n", pAdapter->Address);
printf("\tIP Address: \t%s\n", pAdapter->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String);
printf("\tIP Mask: \t%s\n", pAdapter->IpAddressList.IpMask.String);
printf("\tGateway: \t%s\n", pAdapter->GatewayList.IpAddress.String);
if(pAdapter->DhcpEnabled) {
printf("\tDHCP Enabled: Yes\n");
printf("\t\tDHCP Server: \t%s\n", pAdapter->DhcpServer.IpAddress.String);
printf("\tLease Obtained: %ld\n", pAdapter->LeaseObtained);
} else {
printf("\tDHCP Enabled: No\n");
if(pAdapter->HaveWins) {
printf("\tHave Wins: Yes\n");
printf("\t\tPrimary Wins Server: \t%s\n", pAdapter->PrimaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String);
printf("\t\tSecondary Wins Server: \t%s\n", pAdapter->SecondaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String);
} else {
printf("\tHave Wins: No\n");
pAdapter = pAdapter->Next;
} else {
printf("Call to GetAdaptersInfo failed.\n");

As @sonyisda1 mentioned, this is taken from MSDN.

Get local IP address of ethernet interface in C#

The following code gets the IPv4 from the preferred interface. This should also work inside virtual machines.

using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;

public static void getIPv4()
using (Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, 0))
socket.Connect("", 1337); // doesnt matter what it connects to
IPEndPoint endPoint = socket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
Console.WriteLine(endPoint.Address.ToString()); //ipv4
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Failed"); // If no connection is found

How can I get the IP address from a NIC (network interface controller) in Python?

Two methods:

Method #1 (use external package)

You need to ask for the IP address that is bound to your eth0 interface. This is available from the netifaces package

import netifaces as ni
ip = ni.ifaddresses('eth0')[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr']
print(ip) # should print ""

You can also get a list of all available interfaces via


Method #2 (no external package)

Here's a way to get the IP address without using a python package:

import socket
import fcntl
import struct

def get_ip_address(ifname):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])

get_ip_address('eth0') # ''

Note: detecting the IP address to determine what environment you are using is quite a hack. Almost all frameworks provide a very simple way to set/modify an environment variable to indicate the current environment. Try and take a look at your documentation for this. It should be as simple as doing

if app.config['ENV'] == 'production':
# send production email
# send development email

How do I get the Local Network IP address of a computer programmatically?

In How to get IP addresses in .NET with a host name by John Spano, it says to add the System.Net namespace, and use the following code:

//To get the local IP address 
string sHostName = Dns.GetHostName ();
IPHostEntry ipE = Dns.GetHostByName (sHostName);
IPAddress [] IpA = ipE.AddressList;
for (int i = 0; i < IpA.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine ("IP Address {0}: {1} ", i, IpA[i].ToString ());

How to add Network Interfaces to a Combobox and resolve ip based on selected interface?

When getting adapter names and IP addresses, I suggest something like the following:

By storing them in a dictionary you can access them by their adapter name.

Please see my comments for detailed explanation on the process I used.

I hope this helps, I tried to be thorough with the comments.

Notes for the method for storing the adapter names and IPs

//create a dictionary storing the name and address of each adapter
public Dictionary<string,IPAddress> ip4ByAdapter = new Dictionary<string,IPAddress>();
public Dictionary<string,IPAddress> ip6ByAdapter = new Dictionary<string,IPAddress>();

void GetIpsAndAdapters()
//Get the network interfaces
NetworkInterface[] netInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();

//don't forget to clear the combo box

foreach(NetworkInterface adapter in netInterfaces)
//get the IP Properties for short hand
IPInterfaceProperties ipProps = adapter.GetIPProperties();

//set a default value of
IPAddress ipv4 = new IPAddress(0);

//if it has one, store the ipv4 of the current adapter
if(ipProps.UnicastAddresses.Count > 1)
ipv4 = ipProps.UnicastAddresses[1].Address;

//set a default value of
IPAddress ipv6 = new IPAddress(0);

//if it has one, store the ipv6 of the current adapter
if (ipProps.UnicastAddresses.Count > 0)
ipv6 = ipProps.UnicastAddresses[0].Address;

//store the matching pair of adapter and ip address in dictionary
//check for duplicates (loopbacks perhaps) and ignore them
ip4ByAdapter.Add(adapter.Name, ipv4);

//same for ipv6
ip6ByAdapter.Add(adapter.Name, ipv6);


Notes for the comboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged Event

private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if we haven't selected an item yet, just do nothing
if(comboBox1.SelectedIndex == -1 || comboBox1.SelectedItem is null)

//reset the textboxes, just to an empty string
tblocalip.Text = "";
tblocalip6.Text = "";

//if the Dictionary contains a matching adapter to the one selected in the combo box
//then show it
tblocalip.Text = ip4ByAdapter[comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()].ToString();

//same for ipv6
tblocalip6.Text = ip6ByAdapter[comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()].ToString();

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