How to Access a Variable from Another Script in Another Gameobject Through Getcomponent

How to access a variable from another script in another gameobject through GetComponent?

You need to find the GameObject that contains the script Component that you plan to get a reference to. Make sure the GameObject is already in the scene, or Find will return null.

 GameObject g = GameObject.Find("GameObject Name");

Then you can grab the script:

 BombDrop bScript = g.GetComponent<BombDrop>();

Then you can access the variables and functions of the Script.;

I just realized that I answered a very similar question the other day, check here:
Don't know how to get enemy's health

I'll expand a bit on your question since I already answered it.

What your code is doing is saying "Look within my GameObject for a BombDropScript, most of the time the script won't be attached to the same GameObject.

Also use a setter and getter for maxBombs.

public class BombDrop : MonoBehaviour
public void setMaxBombs(int amount)
maxBombs += amount;

public int getMaxBombs()
return maxBombs;

Accessing the variable from another Script on the same GameObject

idkhorsey ih = go.GetComponent<idkhorsey>();

can not be done in a static context at field declaration.

Rather do it e.g. in

private idkhorsey ih;

private void Awake()
// or
//private void Start()
ih = go.GetComponent<idkhorsey>();

Or if you say it is on the same GameObject anyway then why even use go? Simply use

private idkhorsey ih;

private void Awake()
// or
//private void Start()
ih = GetComponent<idkhorsey>();

However, way easier would be directly using

public idkhorsey ih;
//[SerializeField] private idkhorsey ih;

and drag your according object into that field directly and forget about go.

Access component from another script

If they are on the same object than

myScript = GetComponent<Outline>();

should already give you the reference you want.

Otherwise if you say it is on the parent object than you should instead use

myScript = transform.parent.GetComponent<Outline>();

or GetComponentInParent (only if the component is enabled and the GameObject active on Start)

myScript = GetComponentInParent<Outline>();

Even better (if possible) would be you make it a [SerializeField]

[SerializeField] private Outline myScript;

and directly reference it via the Inspector than you don't have to use GetComponent at all. Drag&Drop the according GameObject in the field it automatically gets the according component reference.

In order to then enable or disable it simply set MonoBehaviour.enabled

myScript.enabled = true; // or false

Use variable from another script or define it?

TLDR; Getcomponent() calls are expensive. It is OK if used once/rarely, but starts to have an effect when called continiously.

Store a reference (define) to it:

public class GetController : MonoBehaviour
// Will show up in unity's inspector.
// Drag-and-Drop the gameObject with the 'Controller' component attached to it.
private Controller yourController ;

void Dosomthing(){
var Ma = yourController.Manager

Also, most things in Unity can be exposed to the Inspector as long as it is serializable.

You can expose a Controller field to the inspector, and drag-drop the same GameObject.
This lets you skip a GetComponent call and another define.

Access variables/functions from another Component

How to access variables/functions from another Class. The variable or function you want to access or called must be public not private.

public class ScriptA : MonoBehaviour{

public int playerScore = 0;

void Start()


public void doSomething()


Access variable playerScore in ScriptA from ScriptB. First, find the GameObject that the script or component is attached to with the GameObject.Find function then use the GetComponent function to retrieve that script or component that is attached to it.

public class ScriptB : MonoBehaviour{

ScriptA scriptInstance = null;

void Start()
GameObject tempObj = GameObject.Find("NameOfGameObjectScriptAIsAttachedTo");
scriptInstance = tempObj.GetComponent<ScriptA>();

//Access playerScore variable from ScriptA
scriptInstance.playerScore = 5;

//Call doSomething() function from ScriptA

How can I access a variable from another script in Unity?

Try this:

public class Particle : MonoBehaviour
public static Particle instance;
public float particleSize;
public Transform particle;

void Awake()
instance = this;
void Start()
particle.localScale *= particleSize;

public class Magnetic : MonoBehaviour

public Transform magnetic;

void Start()
magnetic.localscale *= Particle.instance.particleSize;

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