Select Right Generic Method with Reflection

Select Right Generic Method with Reflection

It can be done, but it's not pretty!

For example, to get the first overload of Where mentioned in your question you could do this:

var where1 = typeof(Queryable).GetMethods()
.Where(x => x.Name == "Where")
.Select(x => new { M = x, P = x.GetParameters() })
.Where(x => x.P.Length == 2
&& x.P[0].ParameterType.IsGenericType
&& x.P[0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IQueryable<>)
&& x.P[1].ParameterType.IsGenericType
&& x.P[1].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Expression<>))
.Select(x => new { x.M, A = x.P[1].ParameterType.GetGenericArguments() })
.Where(x => x.A[0].IsGenericType
&& x.A[0].GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Func<,>))
.Select(x => new { x.M, A = x.A[0].GetGenericArguments() })
.Where(x => x.A[0].IsGenericParameter
&& x.A[1] == typeof(bool))
.Select(x => x.M)

Or if you wanted the second overload:

var where2 = typeof(Queryable).GetMethods()
.Where(x => x.Name == "Where")
.Select(x => new { M = x, P = x.GetParameters() })
.Where(x => x.P.Length == 2
&& x.P[0].ParameterType.IsGenericType
&& x.P[0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IQueryable<>)
&& x.P[1].ParameterType.IsGenericType
&& x.P[1].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Expression<>))
.Select(x => new { x.M, A = x.P[1].ParameterType.GetGenericArguments() })
.Where(x => x.A[0].IsGenericType
&& x.A[0].GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Func<,,>))
.Select(x => new { x.M, A = x.A[0].GetGenericArguments() })
.Where(x => x.A[0].IsGenericParameter
&& x.A[1] == typeof(int)
&& x.A[2] == typeof(bool))
.Select(x => x.M)

How to call a generic method through reflection

The Cast extension method lives on the class Enumerable, and you need to call MakeGenericMethod:

.GetMethod("Cast", new []{typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable)})
.Invoke(null, new object[] { oObjectType })

update: Because the method is static, the first parameter to Invoke should be null

How do I use reflection to call a generic method?

You need to use reflection to get the method to start with, then "construct" it by supplying type arguments with MakeGenericMethod:

MethodInfo method = typeof(Sample).GetMethod(nameof(Sample.GenericMethod));
MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(myType);
generic.Invoke(this, null);

For a static method, pass null as the first argument to Invoke. That's nothing to do with generic methods - it's just normal reflection.

As noted, a lot of this is simpler as of C# 4 using dynamic - if you can use type inference, of course. It doesn't help in cases where type inference isn't available, such as the exact example in the question.

Reflection: How to get a generic method?

var myMethod = myInstance.GetType()
.Where(m => m.Name == "MyMethod")
.Select(m => new {
Method = m,
Params = m.GetParameters(),
Args = m.GetGenericArguments()
.Where(x => x.Params.Length == 1
&& x.Args.Length == 1
&& x.Params[0].ParameterType == x.Args[0])
.Select(x => x.Method)

Use Reflection to call generic method on object instance with signature: SomeObject.SomeGenericInstanceMethod T (T argument)

You do it exactly the same way.

When you call MethodInfo.Invoke, you pass all the arguments in an object[] anyway, so it's not like you have to know the types at compile time.


using System;
using System.Reflection;

class Test
public static void Foo<T>(T item)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", typeof(T), item);

static void CallByReflection(string name, Type typeArg,
object value)
// Just for simplicity, assume it's public etc
MethodInfo method = typeof(Test).GetMethod(name);
MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(typeArg);
generic.Invoke(null, new object[] { value });

static void Main()
CallByReflection("Foo", typeof(object), "actually a string");
CallByReflection("Foo", typeof(string), "still a string");
// This would throw an exception
// CallByReflection("Foo", typeof(int), "oops");

GetMethod for generic method

That previous answer works for some cases, however:

  • It doesn't handle nested generic types, such as a parameter type of Action<IEnumerable<T>>. It will treat all Action<> as matches, for example, string.Concat(IEnumerable<string>) and string.Concat<T>(IEnumerable<T>) will both match if searching for "Concat" with type IEnumerable<> on the string type. What is really desirable is handling nested generic types recursively, while treating all generic parameters as matching each other regardless of name while NOT matching concrete types.
  • It returns the first method matched rather than throwing an exception if the result is ambiguous, like type.GetMethod() does. So, you might get the method you wanted if you're lucky, or you might not.
  • Sometimes it will be necessary to specify BindingFlags in order to avoid ambiguity, such as when a derived class method 'hides' a base class method. You normally want to find base class methods, but not in a specialized case where you know the method you're looking for is in the derived class. Or, you might know you're looking for a static vs instance method, public vs private, etc. and don't want to match if it's not exact.
  • It doesn't address another major fault with type.GetMethods(), in that it also doesn't search base interfaces for methods when looking for a method on an interface type. OK, maybe that's being picky, but it's another major flaw in GetMethods() that has been a problem for me.
  • Calling type.GetMethods() is inefficient, type.GetMember(name, MemberTypes.Method, ...) will return only methods with a matching name instead of ALL methods in the type.
  • As a final nit-pick, the name GetGenericMethod() could be misleading, since you might be trying to find a non-generic method that happens to have a type parameter somewhere in a parameter type due to a generic declaring type.

Here's a version that addresses all of those things, and can be used as a general-purpose replacement for the flawed GetMethod(). Note that two extension methods are provided, one with BindingFlags and one without (for convenience).

/// <summary>
/// Search for a method by name and parameter types.
/// Unlike GetMethod(), does 'loose' matching on generic
/// parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="AmbiguousMatchException"/>
public static MethodInfo GetMethodExt( this Type thisType,
string name,
params Type[] parameterTypes)
return GetMethodExt(thisType,
| BindingFlags.Static
| BindingFlags.Public
| BindingFlags.NonPublic
| BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy,

/// <summary>
/// Search for a method by name, parameter types, and binding flags.
/// Unlike GetMethod(), does 'loose' matching on generic
/// parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="AmbiguousMatchException"/>
public static MethodInfo GetMethodExt( this Type thisType,
string name,
BindingFlags bindingFlags,
params Type[] parameterTypes)
MethodInfo matchingMethod = null;

// Check all methods with the specified name, including in base classes
GetMethodExt(ref matchingMethod, thisType, name, bindingFlags, parameterTypes);

// If we're searching an interface, we have to manually search base interfaces
if (matchingMethod == null && thisType.IsInterface)
foreach (Type interfaceType in thisType.GetInterfaces())
GetMethodExt(ref matchingMethod,

return matchingMethod;

private static void GetMethodExt( ref MethodInfo matchingMethod,
Type type,
string name,
BindingFlags bindingFlags,
params Type[] parameterTypes)
// Check all methods with the specified name, including in base classes
foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in type.GetMember(name,
// Check that the parameter counts and types match,
// with 'loose' matching on generic parameters
ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos = methodInfo.GetParameters();
if (parameterInfos.Length == parameterTypes.Length)
int i = 0;
for (; i < parameterInfos.Length; ++i)
if (!parameterInfos[i].ParameterType
if (i == parameterInfos.Length)
if (matchingMethod == null)
matchingMethod = methodInfo;
throw new AmbiguousMatchException(
"More than one matching method found!");

/// <summary>
/// Special type used to match any generic parameter type in GetMethodExt().
/// </summary>
public class T
{ }

/// <summary>
/// Determines if the two types are either identical, or are both generic
/// parameters or generic types with generic parameters in the same
/// locations (generic parameters match any other generic paramter,
/// but NOT concrete types).
/// </summary>
private static bool IsSimilarType(this Type thisType, Type type)
// Ignore any 'ref' types
if (thisType.IsByRef)
thisType = thisType.GetElementType();
if (type.IsByRef)
type = type.GetElementType();

// Handle array types
if (thisType.IsArray && type.IsArray)
return thisType.GetElementType().IsSimilarType(type.GetElementType());

// If the types are identical, or they're both generic parameters
// or the special 'T' type, treat as a match
if (thisType == type || ((thisType.IsGenericParameter || thisType == typeof(T))
&& (type.IsGenericParameter || type == typeof(T))))
return true;

// Handle any generic arguments
if (thisType.IsGenericType && type.IsGenericType)
Type[] thisArguments = thisType.GetGenericArguments();
Type[] arguments = type.GetGenericArguments();
if (thisArguments.Length == arguments.Length)
for (int i = 0; i < thisArguments.Length; ++i)
if (!thisArguments[i].IsSimilarType(arguments[i]))
return false;
return true;

return false;

Note that the IsSimilarType(Type) extension method can be made public and might be useful on its own. I know, the name isn't great - you're welcome to come up with a better one, but it might get really long to explain what it does. Also, I added yet another improvement by checking for 'ref' and array types (refs are ignored for matching, but arrays dimensions must match).

So, that's how Microsoft should have done it. It's really not that hard.

Yeah, I know, you can shorten some of that logic using Linq, but I'm not a huge fan of Linq in low-level routines like this, and also not unless the Linq is about as easy to follow as the original code, which is often NOT the case, IMO.

If you love Linq, and you must, you can replace the inner-most part of IsSimilarType() with this (turns 8 lines into 1):

if (thisArguments.Length == arguments.Length)
return !thisArguments.Where((t, i) => !t.IsSimilarType(arguments[i])).Any();

One last thing: If you're looking for a generic method with a generic parameter, such as Method<T>(T, T[]), you'll have to find a Type which is a generic parameter (IsGenericParameter == true) to pass in for the parameter type (any one will do, because of the 'wildcard' matching). However, you can't just do new Type() - you have to find a real one (or build one with TypeBuilder). To make this easier, I added the public class T declaration, and added logic to IsSimilarType() to check for it and match any generic parameter. If you need a T[], just use T.MakeArrayType(1).

Call generic method by reflection. System.ArgumentException happens

In this line:

var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(type);

You are creating a generic method of type type, which is MyRequest.

So, eventually you are using MyRequest as TResponse.

But what you actually want to do is you want to pass MyResponse as TResponse.

You can do the following in order to be able to call this dynamically:

  • get the interface IMyRequest<> which is your request is implementing
  • get the only generic argument of this interface, which will be TResponse

This is how the code might look like, but you need to add some checks on types and valid error handling here:

var type = request.GetType();

var responseType = type.GetInterfaces() // [IRequest<MyResponse>]
.Single(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRequest<>)) // IRequest<MyResponse>
.GetGenericArguments() // [MyResponse]
.Single(); // MyResponse

var method = mediator.GetType().GetMethod("Send");
var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(responseType); // note that responseType is used here

var response = generic.Invoke(mediator, new object[] { request });

After all, are you sure that you want to bind your response to a specific definition of a request? I don't know your architecture and what you are trying to achieve, but, perhaps, this can be a more agile solution:

public interface IRequest


public interface IMediator
TResponse Send<TRequest, TResponse>(IRequest request);

public class MyRequest : IRequest

public class MyResponse

public class Mediator : IMediator
public TResponse Send<TRequest, TResponse>(IRequest request)
return default(TResponse);

Using reflection to distinguish generic methods with generic arguments

You would like to call

typeof(EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions).GetMethod("ThenInclude", new [] { type1, type2 })

But you cannot do so because the type arguments type1 and type2 are constructed from the open generic types returned by MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments() for the two methods named "ThenInclude".

What you can do is to loop through all methods named "ThenInclude" that have the required number of generic arguments and parameters, map the open generic arguments to the required parameter type(s), and check if the actual parameters types match the required types:

class Whatever<TEntity> where TEntity : class
public static MethodInfo ThenIncludeMethod<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>()
var query = from m in typeof(EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions).GetMethods()
where m.Name == "ThenInclude" && m.IsGenericMethodDefinition
let args = m.GetGenericArguments()
where args.Length == 3
let tEntityType = args[0]
let tPreviousPropertyType = args[1]
let tPropertyType = args[2]
let parameters = m.GetParameters()
where parameters.Length == 2
where parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(IIncludableQueryable<,>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { tEntityType, tPreviousPropertyType })
where parameters[1].ParameterType == typeof(Expression<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(new[] { tPreviousPropertyType, tPropertyType }))
select m.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(TEntity), typeof(TPreviousProperty), typeof(TProperty) });
return query.SingleOrDefault();

public static MethodInfo ThenIncludeEnumerableMethod<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>()
var query = from m in typeof(EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions).GetMethods()
where m.Name == "ThenInclude" && m.IsGenericMethodDefinition
let args = m.GetGenericArguments()
where args.Length == 3
let tEntityType = args[0]
let tPreviousPropertyType = args[1]
let tPropertyType = args[2]
let parameters = m.GetParameters()
where parameters.Length == 2
where parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(IIncludableQueryable<,>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { tEntityType, typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { tPreviousPropertyType }) })
where parameters[1].ParameterType == typeof(Expression<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(new[] { tPreviousPropertyType, tPropertyType }))
select m.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(TEntity), typeof(TPreviousProperty), typeof(TProperty) });
return query.SingleOrDefault();

Honestly your current method is much simpler, however it does return the MethodInfo of an anonymous method declared by Whatever<T> that calls EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions.ThenInclude() while the above return a MethodInfo of a concrete method of EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensionsThenInclude<,,>() directly.

Note I wrote this using full .Net. If you are using .Net Core you may need to nuget System.Reflection.TypeExtensions as described here and then I believe it should work.

Call a local generic method by reflection

Jon Skeets answer will work for your problem too.

I only changed the signature to match your requirements:

var repository = new Repository();
repository.Store<Foo>(xs => xs.Count());

int Compute<M>(string[] source) => repository.Fetch<M>().Invoke(source);

// Call Compute<M>
var runtimeKnownTime = typeof(Foo);
var computeResult = InvokeHelper(Compute<object>, new[] { "A", "B" }, runtimeKnownTime);


This uses the following implementation of InvokeHelper:

// This code was created by Jon Skeet :
// I only changed Action<int> to Func<int, int> and changed the return type.
private static int InvokeHelper(Func<string[], int> int32Func, object data, Type type)
// You probably want to validate that it really is a generic method...
var method = int32Func.Method;
var genericMethod = method.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
var concreteMethod = genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type);
return (int)concreteMethod.Invoke(int32Func.Target, new[] { data });


BUT I don't see the need to use this hack. You don't need the generic type in your case.
Change the repository to:

public class Repository
private Dictionary<Type, object> _store = new Dictionary<Type, object>();

public void Store(Type id, Func<string[], int> value)
_store[id] = value;

// optional
public void Store<T>(Func<string[], int> value) => this.Store(typeof(T), value);

public Func<string[], int> Fetch(Type id)
return (Func<string[], int>)_store[id];

// optional
public Func<string[], int> Fetch<T>() => this.Fetch(typeof(T));

And you can use it without generics:

var repository = new Repository();
repository.Store(typeof(Foo), xs => xs.Count());

int Compute(Type id, string[] source) => repository.Fetch(id).Invoke(source);

// Call Compute<M>
var runtimeKnownTime = typeof(Foo);

Console.WriteLine(Compute(runtimeKnownTime, new[] { "A", "B" }));

If you want, create generic overloads for the methods Fetch and Store that call the shown implementation using typeof(T). I markted this method with optional in my sample implemenation.

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