Unauthorizedaccessexception Cannot Resolve Directory.Getfiles Failure

UnauthorizedAccessException cannot resolve Directory.GetFiles failure

In order to gain control on the level that you want, you should probably probe one directory at a time, instead of a whole tree. The following method populates the given IList<string> with all files found in the directory tree, except those where the user doesn't have access:

// using System.Linq
private static void AddFiles(string path, IList<string> files)
.ForEach(s => files.Add(s));

.ForEach(s => AddFiles(s, files));
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
// ok, so we are not allowed to dig into that directory. Move on.

Ignore folders/files when Directory.GetFiles() is denied access

You will have to do the recursion manually; don't use AllDirectories - look one folder at a time, then try getting the files from sub-dirs. Untested, but something like below (note uses a delegate rather than building an array):

using System;
using System.IO;
static class Program
static void Main()
string path = ""; // TODO
ApplyAllFiles(path, ProcessFile);
static void ProcessFile(string path) {/* ... */}
static void ApplyAllFiles(string folder, Action<string> fileAction)
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(folder))
foreach (string subDir in Directory.GetDirectories(folder))
ApplyAllFiles(subDir, fileAction);
// swallow, log, whatever

Access to file is denied

As per Directory.GetFiles, the error UnauthorizedAccessException is caused by the following:

The caller does not have the required permission.

Also, I wouldnt run GetFiles with search option as AllDirectories but go through one directory at a time. I used this link:

UnauthorizedAccessException cannot resolve Directory.GetFiles failure

Answer 2 (not the accepted one)

GetFiles Access Denied Exception

When an exception occurs and you catch the exception, you still need to return a result for the function. Initialize your variable files to contain an empty array and then return it after the try-catch-block, so it is always returned, even when an error occurs.

public string[] passFiles(string location)
// Create an empty array that will be returned in case something goes wrong
string[] files = new string[0];
files = Directory.GetFiles(location);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
// Code here will be hit if access is denied.

return files;

See also this question for a similar question and some useful answers.

Access to the path is denied when using Directory.GetFiles(...)

If you want to continue with the next folder after a fail, then yea; you'll have to do it yourself. I would recommend a Stack<T> (depth first) or Queue<T> (bredth first) rather than recursion, and an iterator block (yield return); then you avoid both stack-overflow and memory usage issues.


    public static IEnumerable<string> GetFiles(string root, string searchPattern)
Stack<string> pending = new Stack<string>();
while (pending.Count != 0)
var path = pending.Pop();
string[] next = null;
next = Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern);
catch { }
if(next != null && next.Length != 0)
foreach (var file in next) yield return file;
next = Directory.GetDirectories(path);
foreach (var subdir in next) pending.Push(subdir);
catch { }

How to continue from a UnauthorizedAccessException error in c# when searching for files

You need to use recursion to query one directory at a time. This way you can catch any unauthorized exceptions and continue your search.

static void Main()
foreach (DriveInfo info in DriveInfo.GetDrives().Where(c => c.IsReady))
foreach (string file in DirSearch(info.RootDirectory.FullName))

private static IList<string> DirSearch(string path)
List<string> files = new List<string>();
foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
catch (Exception ex)
return files;

System.UnauthorizedAccessException when getting files

Your app could not have access rights to some folders, for others you can use the following code:

void DiscoverDirs(string where, List<string> files, Func<FileInfo, bool> filter)
var di = new DirectoryInfo(where);
files.AddRange(di.EnumerateFiles().Where(filter).Select(x => x.FullName));

foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(where))
DiscoverDirs(dir, files, filter);
// no access fo this dir, ignore


DateTime From = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24);
DateTime To = DateTime.Now;
var ScanSize = 5*1024*1024;

var list = new List<string>();
DiscoverDirs(@"C:\", list,
file => file.LastWriteTime >= From & file.LastWriteTime <= To && file.Length >= ScanSize);

foreach (string name in list)
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(name);
string fullname = file.FullName;

Console.WriteLine(file.FullName + " ; " + "last changed at " + " ; " + file.LastWriteTime.ToString());

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