How Is Generic Covariance & Contra-Variance Implemented in C# 4.0

The type arguments cannot be inferred from the usage'

Well this is the problem:

public IEnumerable<IChromosome> Chromosomes

You're only declaring that you're returning a sequence of IChromosome values. Your criterion expects MatchDay values. You happen to know that it's actually returning a sequence of MatchDay values, but the compiler doesn't.

You could use Cast<> to check this at execution time:

return season.Chromosomes.Cast<U>().Count(Criteria);

... or you could change Chromosomes to return an IEnumerable<MatchDay>. Unfortunately we can't really tell whether that's a valid answer or not as we don't know how ICrossoverable is declared. Perhaps you should make ICrossoverable generic in the element type?

Why generic IList does not inherit non-generic IList

As you note, T in IList<T> is not covariant. As a rule of thumb: any class that can modify its state cannot be covariant. The reason is that such classes often have methods that have T as the type of one of their parameters, e.g. void Add(T element). And covariant type parameters are not allowed in input positions.

Generics were added, among other reasons, to provide type safety. For example, you can't add an Elephant to a list of Apple. If ICollection<T> were to extend ICollection, then you could call ((ICollection)myApples).Add(someElephant) without a compile-time error, as ICollection has a method void Add(object obj), which seemingly allows you to add any object to the list, while in practice you can only add objects of T. Therefore, ICollection<T> does not extend ICollection and IList<T> does not extend IList.

Anders Hejlsberg, one of the creators of C#, explains it like this:

Ideally all of the generic collection interfaces (e.g. ICollection<T>, IList<T>) would inherit from their non-generic counterparts such that generic interface instances could be used both with generic and non-generic code.

As it turns out, the only generic interface for which this is possible is IEnumerable<T>, because only IEnumerable<T> is contra-variant [sic1]: In IEnumerable<T>, the type parameter T is used only in "output" positions (return values) and not in "input" positions (parameters). ICollection<T> and IList<T> use T in both input and output positions, and those interfaces are therefore invariant.

1) IEnumerable<T> is co-variant

Since .Net 4.5 there are the IReadOnlyCollection<out T> and IReadOnlyList<out T> covariant interfaces. But IList<T>, ICollection<T> and many of the list and collection classes don't implement or extend them. Frankly, I find them not very useful, as they only define Count and this[int index].

If I could redesign .Net 4.5 from the ground up, I would have split the list interface into a read-only covariant interface IList<out T> that includes Contains and IndexOf, and a mutable invariant interface IMutableList<T>. Then you could cast IList<Apple> to IList<object>. I implemented this here:

M42 Collections - Covariant collections, lists and arrays.

out T vs T in Generics

The out keyword in generics is used to denote that the type T in the interface is covariant. See Covariance and contravariance for details.

The classic example is IEnumerable<out T>. Since IEnumerable<out T> is covariant, you're allowed to do the following:

IEnumerable<string> strings = new List<string>();
IEnumerable<object> objects = strings;

The second line above would fail if this wasn't covariant, even though logically it should work, since string derives from object. Before variance in generic interfaces was added to C# and VB.NET (in .NET 4 with VS 2010), this was a compile time error.

After .NET 4, IEnumerable<T> was marked covariant, and became IEnumerable<out T>. Since IEnumerable<out T> only uses the elements within it, and never adds/changes them, it's safe for it to treat an enumerable collection of strings as an enumerable collection of objects, which means it's covariant.

This wouldn't work with a type like IList<T>, since IList<T> has an Add method. Suppose this would be allowed:

IList<string> strings = new List<string>();
IList<object> objects = strings; // NOTE: Fails at compile time

You could then call:

objects.Add(new Image()); // This should work, since IList<object> should let us add **any** object

This would, of course, fail - so IList<T> can't be marked covariant.

There is also, btw, an option for in - which is used by things like comparison interfaces. IComparer<in T>, for example, works the opposite way. You can use a concrete IComparer<Foo> directly as an IComparer<Bar> if Bar is a subclass of Foo, because the IComparer<in T> interface is contravariant.

Passing a variable number of generic type parameters

If, as you say, you want to be able to pass completely unrelated lists, maybe you should accept the base IList interface:

public void Export(string FileName, params IList[] Data)

All List<T> objects implement IList, as well as the generic IList<T>, so you can enforce that.

Actually, depending on what you need to do with these lists in the Exporter, perhaps enforcing IEnumerable is enough for you, if all you need is forward-only read-once functionality.

Best way to decide is to determine what the shared functionality you need for all parameters, and define your method signature to enforce that functionality.


Based on your comment, it seems what you want is possible in C# 4.0 using covariant/contravariant generics, meaning that a generic ISomething<out object> could receive an ISomething<string>. The problem is that IList<T> doesn't define a covariant generic parameter, so passing IList<string> for IList<object> doesn't work.

However, IList<T> inherits IEnumerable<out T>, which DOES define a covariant parameter. So if your Export method receives a params IEnumerable<object>[] data parameter, you SHOULD be able to pass it any IList<T> you want.

Covariance, Invariance and Contravariance explained in plain English?

Some say it is about relationship between types and subtypes, other say it is about type conversion and others say it is used to decide whether a method is overwritten or overloaded.

All of the above.

At heart, these terms describe how the subtype relation is affected by type transformations. That is, if A and B are types, f is a type transformation, and ≤ the subtype relation (i.e. A ≤ B means that A is a subtype of B), we have

  • f is covariant if A ≤ B implies that f(A) ≤ f(B)
  • f is contravariant if A ≤ B implies that f(B) ≤ f(A)
  • f is invariant if neither of the above holds

Let's consider an example. Let f(A) = List<A> where List is declared by

class List<T> { ... } 

Is f covariant, contravariant, or invariant? Covariant would mean that a List<String> is a subtype of List<Object>, contravariant that a List<Object> is a subtype of List<String> and invariant that neither is a subtype of the other, i.e. List<String> and List<Object> are inconvertible types. In Java, the latter is true, we say (somewhat informally) that generics are invariant.

Another example. Let f(A) = A[]. Is f covariant, contravariant, or invariant? That is, is String[] a subtype of Object[], Object[] a subtype of String[], or is neither a subtype of the other? (Answer: In Java, arrays are covariant)

This was still rather abstract. To make it more concrete, let's look at which operations in Java are defined in terms of the subtype relation. The simplest example is assignment. The statement

x = y;

will compile only if typeof(y) ≤ typeof(x). That is, we have just learned that the statements

ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<Object>();
ArrayList<Object> objects = new ArrayList<String>();

will not compile in Java, but

Object[] objects = new String[1];


Another example where the subtype relation matters is a method invocation expression:

result = method(a);

Informally speaking, this statement is evaluated by assigning the value of a to the method's first parameter, then executing the body of the method, and then assigning the methods return value to result. Like the plain assignment in the last example, the "right hand side" must be a subtype of the "left hand side", i.e. this statement can only be valid if typeof(a) ≤ typeof(parameter(method)) and returntype(method) ≤ typeof(result). That is, if method is declared by:

Number[] method(ArrayList<Number> list) { ... }

none of the following expressions will compile:

Integer[] result = method(new ArrayList<Integer>());
Number[] result = method(new ArrayList<Integer>());
Object[] result = method(new ArrayList<Object>());


Number[] result = method(new ArrayList<Number>());
Object[] result = method(new ArrayList<Number>());


Another example where subtyping matters is overriding. Consider:

Super sup = new Sub();
Number n = sup.method(1);


class Super {
Number method(Number n) { ... }

class Sub extends Super {
Number method(Number n);

Informally, the runtime will rewrite this to:

class Super {
Number method(Number n) {
if (this instanceof Sub) {
return ((Sub) this).method(n); // *
} else {

For the marked line to compile, the method parameter of the overriding method must be a supertype of the method parameter of the overridden method, and the return type a subtype of the overridden method's one. Formally speaking, f(A) = parametertype(method asdeclaredin(A)) must at least be contravariant, and if f(A) = returntype(method asdeclaredin(A)) must at least be covariant.

Note the "at least" above. Those are minimum requirements any reasonable statically type safe object oriented programming language will enforce, but a programming language may elect to be more strict. In the case of Java 1.4, parameter types and method return types must be identical (except for type erasure) when overriding methods, i.e. parametertype(method asdeclaredin(A)) = parametertype(method asdeclaredin(B)) when overriding. Since Java 1.5, covariant return types are permitted when overriding, i.e. the following will compile in Java 1.5, but not in Java 1.4:

class Collection {
Iterator iterator() { ... }

class List extends Collection {
ListIterator iterator() { ... }

I hope I covered everything - or rather, scratched the surface. Still I hope it will help to understand the abstract, but important concept of type variance.

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