Calling JavaScript Function from Codebehind

Calling JavaScript Function From CodeBehind

You may try this :


How to call a codebehind function from javascript in

in JavaScript:


Server side control:

    <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSample" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="" style="display:none;" OnClick="btnSample_Click" />


    protected void btnSample_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


It is easy way though...

How to call javascript function from code-behind

This is a way to invoke one or more JavaScript methods from the code behind.
By using Script Manager we can call the methods in sequence. Consider the below code for example.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "UpdateMsg", 
alert('Overrides successfully Updated.');

In this first method EnableControls() is invoked.
Next the alert will be displayed.
Next the DisableControls() method will be invoked.

How do I call a JavaScript function from Asp.Net Code Behind?

By default, the script is written to the output but without the <script> tags. You probably would have noticed this if you were using your browser's JavaScript console or looking at the resulting HTML on the client. Make sure you familiarize yourself with those tools.

You can have it add the script tags for you with a slightly different overload of the method.

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "MyKey", "WantToSave();", true);

Or you can add them yourself:

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "MyKey", "<script>WantToSave();</script>");

The combination of the key string and the type the control was registered with serve to uniquely identify the registered script, in case you later want to unregister it or replace it with a different script. So the key doesn't have to be anything specific, just something unique.

Calling javascript function from C# code behind

Suppose You're assign the value from code behind to Hidden field

countryValue.Value = "India";
stateValue.Value = "Maharashtra";
cityValue.Value = "Mumbai";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "com", "CallJavaScriptFun();", true);

and then calling the javascript method...the above code is set from code behind...

 function CallJavaScriptFun() {

var countryValue = document.getElementById('<% =countryValue.ClientID %>').value;//here you will get the value of hidden field and assign to client side our case it should be "India" as Value
var country = document.getElementById('countryId');
country = countryValue;

var districtName = document.getElementById('<% =stateValue.ClientID %>').value;
var district = document.getElementById("stateId")
district.value = districtName;

var cityName = document.getElementById('<% =cityValue.ClientID %>').value;
var city = document.getElementById("cityId")
city.value = cityName;

All the hidden field countryValue,stateValue,cityValue are stored in
respectively variable...

and then assign to client side id....

and Follow this answer also....

How do I programmatically set the value of a select box element using JavaScript?

After Edit-

You have to put this javascript function into head part....check out this image...i have already tested it's working fine...

Sample Image

Call JS function from code behind C#

Change your js function like this

function RowClick(filterId) {

popUpObj ="voucher.aspx?param=" + filterId + "",
"toolbar=no," +
"scrollbars=no," +
"location=no," +
"statusbar=no," +
"menubar=no," +
"resizable=0," +
"width=530," +
"height=500," +
"left = 450," +


There is no need of this line now var filterId = eventArgs.getDataKeyValue('RowID'); Now you can directly use the parameter filterId in your js function.

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