Cause of Error Cs0161: Not All Code Paths Return a Value

CS0161: not all code paths return a value

The compiler can't know that on of the ifs will eventually evaluate to true. You need some default return value after the for loop, even if it's never reached in practice:

static int LowestDivisor(int x)
if (x < 0)
x *= -1;
if (x == 0 || x == 1)
return -1;
for (int i = 2; i <= x; i++)
if (x % i == 0)
return i;
// Should never happen...
return x;

Cause of Error CS0161: not all code paths return a value

The simple reason is that the compiler has to be able to statically verify that all execution flow paths end up with a return statement (or an exception).

Let's look at your code, it contains:

  • Some variables controlling a while loop
  • A while loop, with the return statement embedded
  • No return statement after the loop

So basically the compiler has to verify these things:

  1. That the while loop is actually executed
  2. That the return statement is always executed
  3. Or that some exception is always thrown instead.

The compiler is simply not able to verify this.

Let's try a very simple example:

public int Test()
int a = 1;
while (a > 0)
return 10;

This trivial example will generate the exact same error:

CS0161 'Test()': not all code paths return a value

So the compiler is not able to deduce that because of these facts:

  • a is a local variable (meaning that only local code can impact it)
  • a has an initial value of 1, and is never changed
  • If the a variable is greater than zero (which it is), the return statement is reached

then the code will always return the value 10.

Now look at this example:

public int Test()
const int a = 1;
while (a > 0)
return 10;

Only difference is that I made a a const. Now it compiles, but this is because the optimizer is now able to remove the whole loop, the final IL is just this:

IL_0000: ldc.i4.s 0A
IL_0002: ret

The whole while loop and local variable is gone, all is left is just this:

return 10;

So clearly the compiler does not look at variable values when it statically analyzes these things. The cost of implementing this feature and getting it right probably outweighs the effect or the downside of not doing it. Remember that "Every feature starts out in the hole by 100 points, which means that it has to have a significant net positive effect on the overall package for it to make it into the language.".

So yes, this is definitely a case where you know more about the code than the compiler.

Just for completeness, let's look at all the ways your code can flow:

  1. It can exit early with an exception if maxAttempts is less than 1
  2. It will enter the while-loop since attempt is 1 and maxAttempts is at least 1.
  3. If the code inside the try statement throws a HttpRequestException then attempt is incremented and if still less than or equal to maxAttempts the while-loop will do another iteration. If it is now bigger than maxAttempts the exception will bubble up.
  4. If some other exception is thrown, it won't get handled, and will bubble out of the method
  5. If no exception is thrown, the response is returned.

So basically, this code can be said to always end up either throwing an exception or return, but the compiler is not able to statically verify this.

Since you have embedded the escape hatch (attempt > maxAttempts) in two places, both as a criteria for the while-loop, and additionally inside the catch block I would simplify the code by just removing it from the while-loop:

while (true)
if (attempt > maxAttempts)

Since you're guaranteed to run the while-loop at least once, and that it will actually be the catch block that exits it, just formalize that and the compiler will again be happy.

Now the flow control looks like this:

  • The while loop will always execute (or we have already thrown an exception)
  • The while loop will never terminate (no break inside, so no need for any code after the loop)
  • The only possible way to exit the loop is either an explicit return or an exception, neither of which the compiler has to verify any more because the focus of this particular error message is to flag that there is potentially a way to escape the method without an explicit return. Since there is no way to escape the method accidentally any more the rest of the checks can simply be skipped.

    Even this method will compile:

    public int Test()
    while (true)

Error CS0161: Not all code paths return a value

You need to return a DataTable from your MergeTA method. Add this to the bottom:


C# compiler error: not all code paths return a value

You're missing a return statement.

When the compiler looks at your code, it's sees a third path (the else you didn't code for) that could occur but doesn't return a value. Hence not all code paths return a value.

For my suggested fix, I put a return after your loop ends. The other obvious spot - adding an else that had a return value to the if-else-if - would break the for loop.

public static bool isTwenty(int num)
for(int j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
if(num % j != 0)
return false;
else if(num % j == 0 && num == 20)
return true;
return false; //This is your missing statement

Not all code paths return a value in C# console application Error Coode:CS0161

If list is empty (i.e. has no items) or is null, then the loop will not run. This means the code cannot reach any of the return statements, because they are all within the loop. In that case, there is no way for the program to know what value to return from the method. There is a "path" through the method which does not return a value.

This is an impossible situation - a non-void method must return something, so the compiler will not allow you to build and run the program until you have resolved it by adding an extra return statement at the end after the loop finishes, to cover the situation I've described.

I am receiving this error (CS0161), why am I getting it?

You need to return something outside the loop at the end of the method in case of secretMessage has length to 0, or the loop returns nothing.

First you need to check at the beginning for null or empty, so ToLower will not raise an exception.

Next you need to return something too at the end in case of the loop return nothing.

static string Encrypt(string message)
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) )
return message;
return something or raise an exception.
} MVC Error: not all code paths return a value

the method LIDAuthentication doesn't return a value the session value is null.

public ActionResult LIDAuthentication() 
if (Session["LoginID"] != null)
return View();

return new RedirectToActionResult("action", "controller", null);

The page model is an IEnumerable containing Testing object, instead of one Testing object. It looks for a property on the IEnumerable that's not there


@model IEnumerable<WebApplicationTesting.Models.Testing>


@model WebApplicationTesting.Models.Testing

also check the code that call's the view so the model is correct

Error message: not all code paths return a value

You don't have to call return on each conditional statement. Simply track the state with a variable (purchaseState). It is unclear what should happen when a InAppBillingPurchaseException is thrown. I would at least log this error.

public async Task<bool> TestMakePurchase(string productId, string payload)
var purchaseSuccesful = false;
var billing = CrossInAppBilling.Current;
if (await billing.ConnectAsync())
var purchase = await billing.PurchaseAsync(productId, ItemType.InAppPurchase, payload);
purchaseSuccesful = purchase != null;
catch (InAppBillingPurchaseException purchaseEx)
//log this error?
await billing.DisconnectAsync();

return purchaseSuccesful;

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