Regex Match Multiple Times in String

Match a string pattern multiple times in the same line

Problem is that your regex (\{\$.+\$\}) is greedy in nature when you use .+ that's why it matches longest match between {$ and }$.

To fix the problem make your regex non-greedy:


Or even better use negation regex:


RegEx Demo

Regex match a pattern occurring multiple times in a string

You can use

^[0-9]+:[0-9]+, 80:[0-9]+, 443:[0-9]+(, [0-9]+:[0-9]+)+,$

See the regex demo.

Also, consider the awk solution like

awk '/^[0-9]+:[0-9]+(, [0-9]+:[0-9]+)+,$/ && /80/ && /443/' file

See the online demo:

s='0:0, 80:3, 443:0, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 80:0, 443:1, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 80:0, 443:0, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 80:3, 443:1, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 443:0, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 80:0, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,'
awk '/^[0-9]+:[0-9]+(, [0-9]+:[0-9]+)+,$/ && /80/ && /443/' <<< "$s"


0:0, 80:3, 443:0, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 80:0, 443:1, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 80:0, 443:0, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,
0:0, 80:3, 443:1, 8883:0, 9000:0, 9001:0,

RegEx Match multiple times in string

Use a positive look ahead and look behind assertion to match the angle brackets, use .*? to match the shortest possible sequence of characters between those brackets. Find all values by iterating the MatchCollection returned by the Matches() method.

Regex regex = new Regex("(?<=<<).*?(?=>>)");

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(
"this is a test for <<bob>> who like <<books>>"))

LiveDemo in DotNetFiddle

Regex match multiple same expression multiple times

Note you are using ^ anchor at the start and that makes your pattern only match at the start of a line (mind also the m modifier). .+?(?=\s|$) is too cumbersome, you want to match any 1+ chars up to the first whitespace or end of string, use {\S+ (or {\S* if you plan to match { without any non-whitespace chars after it).

You may use

s = s.replace(/{\S*|}/g, '')

You may trim the outcome to get rid of resulting leading/trailing spaces:

s = s.replace(/{\S*|}/g, '').trim()

See the regex demo and the regex graph:

Sample Image


  • {\S* - { char followed with 0 or more non-whitespace characters
  • | - or
  • } - a } char.

Regex match capture group multiple times



See regex proof.


(?: group, but do not capture:
x 'x'
| OR
(?<! look behind to see if there is not:
\A the beginning of the string
) end of look-behind
\G where the last m//g left off
) end of grouping
.*? any character except \n (0 or more times
(matching the least amount possible))
\K match reset operator (omits matched text)
b 'b'
(?= look ahead to see if there is:
.* any character except line breaks (0 or more times
(matching the most amount possible))
z 'z'
) end of look-ahead

Match a pattern multiple times

Use the global option, when matching multiple times, plus "m" flag for multiline


Regex match multiple times in one line

If greedy is the problem, you can try using \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[^(]+?Additional comments. ? after + turns it into non-greedy,

I am not quite sure what output is required, and I would suggest to format the question so that spaces and newlines are clear. Include the current output and required output as well.

Regex: match multiple times between tags

You may try this:



  1. def matches def
  2. (?=[^<>]*<\/) Positive look ahead that is looking for a </ i.e.
    end tag without matching < and > before it [^<>]*?


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