How to Install Msbuild on Os X and Linux

How to install MSBuild on OS X and Linux?

Yes, there is such a package hosted by the CoreFX team as a MyGet feed. To install, run this at a terminal:


version="" # update as needed

mono path/to/nuget.exe install $packageid -Version \
$version -Source ""

# run MSBuild
mono $packageid.$version/lib/MSBuild.exe Foo.sln

Technically this should be used only for building the .NET Core repos, but I'll take it as an alternative to an unofficial publisher.


EDIT: Note that this will only work if your version of Mono is 4.0.1 or above.

Where to get msbuild for Linux

You can obtain .NET Core SDK as described in these URLs.

It is divided for each linux distribution.







.NET Downloads for Linux, macOS, and Windows

Select the tab for the desired OS and then download.




Getting .Net Core MSBuild binaries without building the code
The best way to get .NET Core MSBuild is by installing the .NET Core SDK, which redistributes us. This will get you the latest released version of MSBuild for .NET Core. After installing it, you can use MSBuild through dotnet build or by manual invocation of the MSBuild.dll in the dotnet distribution.

How to get the current operating system in MSBuild?

The variable is $(OS), usually checked against being or not being Windows_NT:

<Exec Command="./" Condition=" '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' " />

How to install Visual C++ build tools (14.0+) in CentOS 8?

After searching many websites, finally, I got the answer from the comment section of this question.

How to compile mono projects from command line on mac

You need to install .NET for macOS, then use a dotnet command to run compile and execute a .NET project.

Here are the commands to run a Hello World's app:

dotnet new console -o myApp
cd myApp
dotnet run

For Mono apps, you need to install Mono framework (available as a Mac .pkg file)

Consider also installing MSBuild (The Microsoft Build Engine). It requires OpenSSL (install via: brew install openssl). See: Building Testing and Debugging on .Net Core MSBuild.

Can I use docker to run MSBuild on OSX?

You could build it if you're willing to use only .NET Core, per these directions. However you are correct that you need Windows to get the full .NET Framework. And at this point you can only use Windows Docker containers on Windows 10 pro or Windows Server 2016, not Mac or Linux.

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