Android Emulator Not Connecting to Localhost API

How do you connect localhost in the Android emulator?

Thanks, @lampShaded for your answer.

In your API/URL directly use[your port]/ and under emulator setting add the proxy address as with the port number. For more, you can visit:

Sample Image

Android emulator not connecting to localhost api

There is simple workaround to connect Emulator & Simulator to localhost API.

Download third party software NgRok for Windows at any specific location of your PC. It just contains one executable file called ngrok.exe (you not need to install it).

Now execute your service on your preferred browser. Than follow below steps.

  • Open your ngrok.exe file path in command prompt

Sample Image

  • Keep your service url (take from your browser) with prefix ngrok http --host-header=rewrite and hit enter.

Sample Image

  • Now go to your browser where you have executed your service open new tab and type localhost:4040 than press enter -->Go to status there you will find your public url which you can use in your mobile application.

Sample Image

Note: Url structure should be like this public const string BaseUri = ""; followed by / in last. Try not to append unnecessary /.


  1. You can debug services from one Visual Studio to another.

  2. Your url will be active until you close command prompt.

  3. In browser or command prompt track your requests status like Ok, Not found etc.

For more information visit this

Hope it help you.

Can't connect to localhost from android emulator

It can be really painful to get this working.

You have to open up fire walls, and config IIS express - and you don't have the full IIS GUI for setup. So, by default, when running from Visual Studio, to get external use of that same web site can be REALLY a pain - a HUGE pain.

Best bet would be to install the full edition of IIS on your computer - and not use IIS express.

There are some ideas and suggesting here on how to open up IIS Express.

Visual Studio 2017 - Giving remote users access to website in IIS Express

Cannot connect to localhost API from Android app

If you are testing your application from a real android device then you need to put the IP address of your PC while you are trying to connect to your Django server through APIs. And yes, you need to be in the same network as well. So you need to check the following things.

  1. Make sure that the PC (where you are running the server) and the Android device (where you are testing your application) are in the same network (connected with same Wifi network maybe).
  2. Make sure you are connecting to the IP address of your PC where the server is running. For example, right now, the IP address of your PC is Then, you need to connect to this IP address and call your API like the following.
  3. Make sure you are accepting requests to the port 8000 in your PC. Check your Firewall configuration if it is blocking any incoming requests to the 8000 port. If it is found blocking, then please allow an incoming request to the 8000 port using the following.

    sudo ufw allow 8000/tcp

If there is nothing which is helping you, then please check your Android code to check if the API calling is okay. I would strongly recommend using Volley for API calls suggested in developers documentation.

Last, but not the least, please check if you have necessary permission in your AndroidManifest.xml file. You need to add the following permission to grant your application to use the internet.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> 
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

How to connect to my http://localhost web server from Android Emulator

The localhost refers to the device on which the code is running, in this case the emulator.

If you want to refer to the computer which is running the Android simulator, use the IP address instead.

Sample Image

You can read more from here.

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