How to Open the Physical File Operating System Error 32

Unable to open the physical file Operating system error 32

I have a sneaky suspicion it has to do with permissions. Give full control to your "Authenticated Users".

In case you are wondering how to do this --- I am on Windows 7 and the steps go like this:

  • Right-click on the MDF file and click properties.
  • Select the "Security" tab and select your "Authenticated Users" (or
    something that looks right).
  • Click "Edit" and select the "Allow" check-box for "Full Control".
  • OK all the way out.


Unable to open the physical file' error trying to attach DB to Microsoft SQL Server on Linux for Docker Engine using mssql-cli

OK I figured this out now, the missing step was that the backup files need to the copied into the Docker container.


docker exec -it containerName mkdir /var/opt/mssql/backup

docker exec -it containerName cp /local/path/to/files containerName:/var/opt/mssql/backup

Then once connected to the database run the query pointing to the paths in the container e.g.

ON (FILENAME = '/var/opt/mssql/backup/MyDb.mdf'),
(FILENAME = '/var/opt/mssql/backup/MyDbLogs.ldf')

SQL Server Management Studio 2012 Unable to Attach master database?

If your server is running your master database is online and in use by server.

What you tried to do just has no sense at all: why on the earth would one attach master database while it's already attached?

CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file

I got the solution Thank you @Oscar for the solution. This is the problem originated due to visual studio's default behavior of storing the all projects in C drive and folders. Best solution Store the project files in other drives other than the OS.

Temporary solution: just rightclick -> property -> security give write permission

update: its said that the problem arises with a bug in Sql server 2017 which is fixed in update

Cumulative Update 6 for SQL Server 2017.

@moderators plz mark this question as closed, thank you.

c# SQL) unable to open physical file(MS localdb .mdf) after attaching the .mdf file which was created in another computer(server)

I've tried several scenarios to understand how SQL server is working. The conclusion is we need to detach first and re-attach to same or different machine(computer). Then, I could have been successful to move to another computer.

However, a single process of backup and restoring localdb to another machine(computer) doesn't work. Furthermore, if we detach localdb(database file .mdf) first, SQL server no more recognizes the localdb database and we cannot run backup command for the localdb.

Conclusively and simply, if we want to move localdb (microsoft database .mdf file) to other local server(computer, machine), we're needed to just detach the localdb from master database in computer A and copy the files and re-attach to another master database of computer B.

Hope this helps someone else..

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