A Specified Include Path Is Not Valid. the Entitytype Does Not Declare a Navigation Property with the Name *

A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType does not declare a navigation property with the name *

Navigation property should be of entity type of collection of related entities. Including some navigation property means joining your current entity with some related entity or entities. That allows eager loading of data from several tables in single query. LastName is not a navigation property - it is simple field, and it will be loaded by default, you don't need to include it:

UsersContext db = new UsersContext();
var users = db.UserProfiles.Where(u => u.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId)

This query will be translated into something like

SELECT UserId, UserName, LastName, FirstName 
FROM UserProfiles
WHERE UserId = @value

A specified Include path is not valid. Entity Framework Code First

ClubMembers is declared as a field, but EntityFramework requires it to be a property. Declare it as following:

public ICollection<InvestmentClubMember> ClubMembers { get; set; };

How Do I Resolve A specified Include path is not valid?

Child collection properties must be declared as anICollection<T>, not anIEnumerable<T>.

Also, you do not need to explicitly add a CategoryId field to the child class; EF will create that automatically in the database.

The EntityType does not declare a navigation property with the name 'StateId'

You should include State. Not StateId

public ZipCode GetByZip(string zip)
using (GeoLibDbContext entityContext = new GeoLibDbContext())
return entityContext.ZipCodeSet.Include(e => e.State).FirstOrDefault(e => e.Zip == zip);

Include works with navigation property, and in your case navigation property is State.

Getting Error: A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType Field' does not declare a navigation property

You have to use the property name of the Field class in the Include string:

public List<Field> GetScheduleDetails()
var schedulefields = DBcontextFactory.Context.Set<Field>).Include("ScheduleFields").ToList();

This will eager load the ScheduleField objects associated with the Field objects.

Note, you can also eager load many levels. For example, if you want to eager load the schedules of the ScheduleField object as well you would do this:

public List<Field> GetScheduleDetails()
var schedulefields = DBcontextFactory.Context.Set<Field>).Include("ScheduleFields.Schedule").ToList();

A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType 'SpiceShop.Models.Product' does not declare a navigation property with the name 'Products'


It looks like your View requires a Model that is a single object of type "Product".

Also, I have tried to give each of my identifiers/variables a name that best conveys their meaning and intent.

Edit 2:

Please note that changing any input parameter names on a method will require a corresponding change in your View code that calls the method.

In MVC, Action-Method parameters are automatically mapped.

Your debug shows a URL of Browse?categories=Sauces, which is automatically mapped to the method "Browse" with input parameter categories set to "Sauces". But (my version of) the Browse method is expecting a categoryName parameter, not categories. So you will need to make sure that URL Attribute and the Method Parameter have exactly the same name.

So if you really need to pass the selected Category's Name as the input parameter:

public ActionResult Browse(string categoryName)
// Gets the CategoryId for the given categoryName, or zero if not found.
var categoryId = spiceDB.Categories
.Where(c => c.Name == categoryName)
.Select(c => c.CategoriesId)

// Gets the first Product (only) for the specified categoryId.
var firstProduct = category.Products
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CategoriesId == categoryId);

return View(firstProduct);

However, a much more common usage scenario for supporting this type of "parent-child" relationship would be:

  • Your Category List invokes a query by ID when clicked, not a query by Name (i.e. 3, not "Pickles")
  • Your View supports all the related Products, not just the first one (i.e. a model of type List<Product>, not just Product)


public ActionResult Browse(int categoryId)
var products = spiceDB.Products
.Where(p => p.CategoriesId == categoryId)

return View(products);

i.e. making your Product List more comprehensive, and your data access code simpler and more efficient.

A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType '*Propiedad' does not declare a navigation property with the name 'Nombre'

Include is made to eagerly load navigation properties, meaning any property that is, in fact, another related entity. Since Nombre is a string, you do not need to include it: it is part of the entity that is returned from the database call. If Nombre were of a class representing a database entity, then you could include it.

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