Is There Any Simple Way to Convert .Xls File to .CSV File? (Excel)

I Want to convert a .xls or.xlsx file to .csv format using C#

You have to specify the FileFormat explicitely, see here:

xlsheet.SaveAs(@"C:\Users\AbrahamSamuel\Desktop\sample\new.csv", XlFileFormat.xlCSV);

Depending on your needs, instead of xlCSV, xlCSVUTF8 or xlCSVWindows might be the right choice.

shell script to convert .xls to .csv and then delete the .xls files that are converted?

You can edit this line:

for i in /reports/cctv_xls/*.xls; do libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv "$i" --outdir /cctv_reports/cctv_csv/; done

to be

for i in /reports/cctv_xls/*.xls; do libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv "$i" --outdir /cctv_reports/cctv_csv/ && rm $i; done

this will delete the xls file only if its successfully converted to csv

convert xls to csv without any data changes

Here is three ways:

I) With openoffice you can convert any ms excel format to any excel format (csv too) and you can choose the character encoding, delimiter characters, etc for example utf-8 too.

1) Open xls file in openoffice

2) File/Save as

3) Choose the output format (CSV)

4) Click on save

5) A dialog appears, choose character encoding, delimiter character and the other ...

II) You can do it with ms office >= 2010 too:

III) Or if you have notepad++ you can convert character encoding of the 'wrong' character encoded csv file. Character Encoding, UTF or ANSI?

Converting XLSX file using to a CSV file

The code you linked to reads an XLSX sheet and returns the CSV data as a byte buffer through a memory stream.

You can write directly to a file instead, if you remove the memory stream and pass the path to the target file in ConvertToCsv :

public static void ConvertToCsv(this ExcelPackage package, string targetFile)
var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1];

var maxColumnNumber = worksheet.Dimension.End.Column;
var currentRow = new List<string>(maxColumnNumber);
var totalRowCount = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
var currentRowNum = 1;

//No need for a memory buffer, writing directly to a file
//var memory = new MemoryStream();

using (var writer = new StreamWriter(targetFile,false, Encoding.UTF8))
//the rest of the code remains the same

// No buffer returned
//return memory.ToArray();

Encoding.UTF8 ensures the file will be written as UTF8 with a Byte Order Mark that allows all programs to understand this is a UTF8 file instead of ASCII. Otherwise, a program could read the file as ASCII and choke on the first non-ASCII character encountered.

How to convert Excel XLS to CSV using PHP

Probably you can start reading a XLS using PHP.

Then, using the main logic to output what you want (csv in your case).

Good luck,

How to convert Excel file with multiple sheets to CSV at once using azure logic app?

Hope you are using Get Tables action, then it returns all the tables in any of the worksheets.

You can now loop in through the output of Get Tables action and use "list rows present in a table" action.

Sample Image

On the Table option Select Enter custom value and Select the dynamic content Name of your previous "Get Tables" action.

Sample Image

As you have already mentioned that you were able to convert one table to csv. The next actions should be inside the same, use FOR LOOP to save the table rows to csv.


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