Twitter Bootstrap - Making CSS Icons Bigger

Twitter Bootstrap - Making CSS Icons bigger

It's not going to look as nice as using FontAwesome (which is an actual font), but you can scale glyphicons using the background-size property. This will also entail scaling all the other values by an identical factor, which means you can't just do this generally, but will need to do this for a single icon at a time.

Example, doubling the flag icon would be:

.icon-flag.logo-icon {
width: 28px; // 14px * 2
height: 28px; // 14px * 2
background-size: 938px 318px; // original dimensions * 2
background-position: -624px -48px; // original position * 2

If you do want to do this for arbitrary icons, you would be better off working with the LESS where you could probably generate this programatically. Personally, I think switching to FontAwesome is the better alternative.

Bootstrap how to make icon bigger

Just use the font-size property.

.square1:hover{  font-size:2em;  }
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/><div class="square1"><a href="#">  <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span></a></div>

Twitter Bootstrap and bigger than a standard icon in the button

Create a icon-perso class

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
<i class="icon-school icon-perso"></i> text

Add the following css to override the default behaviour with:

  • the url of your picture
  • the width and height of the picture
  • change the line-height to the picture height
  • margins if required


.icon-perso {
background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-perso.png");
width: 20px;
height: 16px
line-height: 16px;

If you picture contain several icons like glyphicons-halflings.png you may have to change the background-position

.icon-school {
background-position: 0px 0px;

You can have a look at bootstrap.css around from line 2143 if you are curious.

Increasing icon size mucks up bootstrap layout on large screens

You need to change the line-height for the icon, it's at line-height: 31.4286px; and your text is line-height: 20px;

See example Snippet.

.no-wrap-labels label {    white-space: nowrap !important;}.t-22 {    font-size: 22px;    line-height: 22px;}
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How can I increase the size of twitter bootstrap carousel navigation arrows

it's a font so all you need to do is make it bigger

for example:

.carousel-control .icon-prev, 
.carousel-control .icon-next {
font-size: 100px;

then use margin-top to adjust the horizontal position, for example (in case of 100px in font-size) use margin-top: -70px;

Sample Image

Twitter bootstrap bigger glyphicons.

If it's Bootstrap 3, then try increasing the font-size if it applies to the element. Example below.

glyphicon.myclass {
font-size: 1.4em;

How to make twitter bootstrap buttons bigger?

here are the sizes bootstrap offers right out of the box.


read more about it here

it's under Button sizes


or you could make your own:

.btn-xlarge {
padding: 18px 28px;
font-size: 22px; //change this to your desired size
line-height: normal;
-webkit-border-radius: 8px;
-moz-border-radius: 8px;
border-radius: 8px;

Source located here

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