Spring Boot + Thymeleaf CSS Is Not Applied to Template

Spring Boot + Thymeleaf css is not applied to template

I had same problems and I was also trying to use thymeleaf template resolver for pdf generation. I did lots research on thymeleaf and spring framework, I tried WebContext, I tried HttpServletRequest, I tried some of Spring Thymeleaf integration solutions it was not working either. So I think it was not syntax error, and I finally end up with using absolute path instead of relative.
Url for reference

Here the reason with my assumption, lets say our resources are served on localhost:8080/myapp/css/style.css. And the relative path to request resource is really ups to what context it relatives to.
For eaxmple a normal thymeleaf model Veiw, which return as html pages on browser for client, so the context in that case would be the request hostname, port and application context(eg: localhost:8080/myapp). And relative path will be based on that. So if relative path is /css/style.css, context + relative path will result to be localhost:8080/myapp/css/style.css

Unlike web context, in our case, offline template is on server backend, so the context I assume would be the server running context, which would be the local server path + appcontext(eg: D:/myServer/apps/myapp), relative path /css/style.css on this would be D:/myServer/apps/myapp/css/style.css, this is not make sense. In order to use static resources, I have to pass it's absolute path.

I started use :

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" th:href="@{http://localhost:8080/myapp/css/style.css}"/>

It's working fine but what if there are multiple host names or server is running on a proxy, then this is going to be a hard coded solution. It's better to know what is the real base url the user is requesting. So we can't really get rid off HttpSevletRequest.

Here is my code:

1.Config resource handler:

public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

  1. Get base url from HttpServletRequest, you can inject it in method or autowired in your service class, or get from RequestContextHolder. I write this in my Service class:

    private static String getCurrentBaseUrl() {
    ServletRequestAttributes sra = (ServletRequestAttributes)RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
    HttpServletRequest req = sra.getRequest();
    return req.getScheme() + "://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort() + req.getContextPath();
  2. This is the place I use template engine in my class:

        Context context = new Context();
    context.setVariable("variales", variables);
    context.setVariable("baseUrl", getCurrentBaseUrl());
    String content = springTemplateEngine.process("myTemplate",context);
  3. In my template, I use absolute css url like this:

    <link type="stylesheet" th:src="@{|${baseUrl}/css/style.css|}" />

SpringBoot with Thymeleaf - css not found

The problem was the @EnableWebMvc annotation in the Application.java file. As soon as I removed that one, the css started to be available at localhost:8080/css/style.css but was not applied. So far I haven't found the reason why the @EnableWebMvc was causing the problem.

Then I removed a controller mapped to /** that I had implemented in order to display custom error page.

public String notFound() {
return "errors/404";

After removing also this one, I've got my css working. =)

Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and CSS

Instead of

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"/>

Use this :

<link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/css/main.css}" />

and make sure this is your file placeholders

src/main/resource/static/css - for CSS files

src/main/resource/templates - for HTML templates files

Spring Boot cant serve css file with Thymeleaf View

The issue was actually in my CSS file :) . Apparently i had selectors for classes that werent present in the html. After removing them the solution proposed in the comments worked fine!

Spring Boot + Thymeleaf CSS file cannot access and have 500 error no template found

After checking my source code, I find it's because I have another controller has request mapping to home page and block CSS/JS URL. After I comment the function test2(), home page can load static resources now.

@RequestMapping(value = "/")
public String test1(){
return "index";

public String test2(){
return "index";

When I run my Spring Boot Project with Thymeleaf, the browser won't load the css files but path for href and th:href is correct

Spring Boot serves anything that is in src/main/resources/static at the root of your application.

So the URL to use to get the CSS with Thymeleaf should be /css/styles.css.

Edit your HTML file like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../static/css/styles.css" th:href="@{/css/styles.css}">

In your security configuration, also use /css and not /static/css:


You can also use:


PathRequest.toStaticResources().atCommonLocations() includes /css/*, /js/*, /images/*, /webjars/* and favicon.ico.

Custom .css file doesn't work with Thymeleaf & Spring MVC

Try changing a little bit your folder structure, create a folder under resources called static, and a folder called css under static and place the css files there, something like:

└─── static
└─── css
└─── main.css

Then you should be able to access it by using:

 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" th:href="@{/css/main.css}"/>

Spring Thymeleaf not loading CSS (xml configuration)

I had the same problem in the beginning :)

Put your css, js, images, ... inside a "static" folder within the resources directory. Otherwise thymeleaf can't find it.

It should look like this: resources -> static -> css -> style.css

You can now access the css via href="css/style.css"

The same goes for js, images, etc.

EDIT: Added pictures of a sample project

Project structure

Html page

Check out the demo project under Github ! :)

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