What Is Webkit and How Is It Related to Css

What is WebKit and how is it related to CSS?

Update: So apparently, WebKit is a HTML/CSS web browser rendering engine for Safari/Chrome. Are there such engines for IE/Opera/Firefox and what are the differences, pros and cons of using one over the other? Can I use WebKit features in Firefox for example?

Every browser is backed by a rendering engine to draw the HTML/CSS web page.

  • IE → Trident (discontinued)
  • Edge → EdgeHTML (clean-up fork of Trident) (Edge switched to Blink in 2019)
  • Firefox → Gecko
  • Opera → Presto (no longer uses Presto since Feb 2013, consider Opera = Chrome, therefore Blink nowadays)
  • Safari → WebKit
  • Chrome → Blink (a fork of Webkit).

See Comparison of web browser engines for a list of comparisons in different areas.

The ultimate question... is WebKit supported by IE?

Not natively.

What are -moz- and -webkit-?

These are the vendor-prefixed properties offered by the relevant rendering engines (-webkit for Chrome, Safari; -moz for Firefox, -o for Opera, -ms for Internet Explorer). Typically they're used to implement new, or proprietary CSS features, prior to final clarification/definition by the W3.

This allows properties to be set specific to each individual browser/rendering engine in order for inconsistencies between implementations to be safely accounted for. The prefixes will, over time, be removed (at least in theory) as the unprefixed, the final version, of the property is implemented in that browser.

To that end it's usually considered good practice to specify the vendor-prefixed version first and then the non-prefixed version, in order that the non-prefixed property will override the vendor-prefixed property-settings once it's implemented; for example:

.elementClass {
-moz-border-radius: 2em;
-ms-border-radius: 2em;
-o-border-radius: 2em;
-webkit-border-radius: 2em;
border-radius: 2em;

Specifically, to address the CSS in your question, the lines you quote:

-webkit-column-count: 3;
-webkit-column-gap: 10px;
-webkit-column-fill: auto;
-moz-column-count: 3;
-moz-column-gap: 10px;
-moz-column-fill: auto;

Specify the column-count, column-gap and column-fill properties for Webkit browsers and Firefox.


  • CSS Multi-column layout module.
  • 'In defence of Vendor Prefixes' (Meyerweb.com).
  • Vendor prefix lists (Meyerweb.com).

Explain the use of CSS properties: -webkit-border-radius and border-radius

Webkit is a engine for safari and Google chrome. but chrome use Blink engine instead of Webkit. That mean Blink can do the job of Webkit. And now Microsoft Edge is also support for Webkit. And Don't forget webkit engine was created by Apple for safari browser.

  1. The meaning of -webkit- code in CSS is,
    This code is only works on browsers with an engine that supports webkit. for example Chrome,safari and Microsoft EDGE.

  2. -webkit-border-radius: 25px 25px 0 0;
    This code is only works on browsers with an engine that supports webkit.

  3. border-radius: 0 0 25px 25px;
    This code works on any browser.

Do you have to use -webkit- syntax anymore?

I have been developing a CSS framework, and fromt hat I learned: To make things work for real, you have to also type it all out. That means in short: You should use the -webkit- prefix, and the same settings without. Besides, there is also -o- (Opera), -moz- (Firefox), -ms- and sometimes -Ms (IE, and yes, case sensitive). Very rarely there might be also -khtml-...but the chance you run into that is equal to zero. I have not seen any modern browser that uses that one any longer.

It might be painful to duplicate your statements, but that is how you make your CSS cross-browser compatible. And that is why I started to use PHP to do it instead...

You can also look up the statements - i.e. box-pack - and see their browser compatibility and syntaxes.

For example: Google Chrome seems to preffer -webkit- over the "non-branded" (no -webkit-) version. Safari tends to ignore the branded version and uses the non-branded version.

How can i know when to use -webkit-, -moz, -ms-, -o-, etc?

To know what prefixes to use is based on what browsers you want to support. A good place to find out what browser versions require a prefix is caniuse.com.

The variation is due to what browsers other developers have decided to support. If you see more prefixes then the developers (site owner) of the site have decided on a higher/deeper level of support for older browsers. Fewer prefixes will support fewer browsers. As to why? There could be a lot of reasons some are target audience and feature requirements (Web APIs).

You can go the manual route but a lot of developers will use tools like Autoprefixer or a CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS. These tools give you different ways of defining what prefixes to use.

With something like AutoPrefixer there's an option to list what browsers you want to support and it figures out what prefixes etc. are required to support those browsers based on the non-prefixed version.

With a CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS you can create a mixin (basically a function) that will add the prefixes you've defined.

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