Sass in Netbeans 7.4

SASS In NetBeans 7.4

OK, I've found something pretty simple.

Assuming you've installed Ruby200 and NetBeans 7.4 on your system already.

1 - Start "Start Command Prompt with Ruby" and type sass -h.

Sidenote: If you don't have Sass installed do: gem install sass and you'll get latest version of Sass. In NetBeans setup the CSS Preprocessors by clicking on Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Sass path click on Search and you get C:\Ruby200-x64\bin\sass.bat

You will get a punch of options for Sass including --style NAME.

2 - Go to your NetBeans project, right click at the top level of it

3 - Select "Set Configuration" > Customize, then window called "Project Properties" pops up

4 - On Project Properties window select "CSS Preprocessors", then look for "Compiler Options"

5 - Use --style compact for compact css output.
Also available are --style compressed, --style expanded


Sass Options
NetBeans Sass Setup
NetBeans Set Configurations

How can I setup compass on netbeans 7.4

  1. In NetBeans, click the File > Project Properties menu item.
  2. In the dialog that opens, select the CSS Preprocessors category.
  3. At the bottom of the Sass properties is Compiler options. Enter --compass

That fixed the problem you are asking about for me. However, I then encountered further problems with Compass because it was ignorant of the paths to files. To overcome this I created a config.rb file in the root of my project. This had to define a full project path and directory names. Moreover, working on a Windows machine, it was fussy about the direction of slashes and types of quotes.

project_path    = 'c:\path\to\project'
css_dir = "css"
sass_dir = "sass"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "js"

How can I setup compass on netbeans 7.4

  1. In NetBeans, click the File > Project Properties menu item.
  2. In the dialog that opens, select the CSS Preprocessors category.
  3. At the bottom of the Sass properties is Compiler options. Enter --compass

That fixed the problem you are asking about for me. However, I then encountered further problems with Compass because it was ignorant of the paths to files. To overcome this I created a config.rb file in the root of my project. This had to define a full project path and directory names. Moreover, working on a Windows machine, it was fussy about the direction of slashes and types of quotes.

project_path    = 'c:\path\to\project'
css_dir = "css"
sass_dir = "sass"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "js"

Netbeans 7.x syntax highlighting for .sass files?

Found this plugin which does what I need:

One drawback is that it doesn't allow to customize the syntax colors, but I found a way to do that by editing the following plugin file (you have to unzip the .nbm and .jar files to do that, and then rearchive them using zip without any compression):


Hope this helps someone else as well

Netbeans - installing SASS

Your path environment variable points to the wrong folder

Your Path to ruby is C:\Ruby193\bin

Go back and edit your path environment variable to point to C:\Ruby193\bin . At the moment you have C:\Ruby\192\bin


And Now remove the backslash between Ruby and 193.

Your Path is set to : C:\Ruby\193\bin :-) !

your .bat is in Folder : C:\Ruby193\bin


Go to Options

Miscellaneous --> CSS Preprocessors

check : Generate extra information (debug)

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