Ionic Conditional Text Color

ionic conditional text color


<ion-view view-title="{{employee.firstName }}">
<ion-content has-header="true" padding="true">
<div ng-class="{'green':employee.tStatus == 'Present','color: red':employee.tStatus == 'Absent'}">{{ }}

SO Demo

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {  $scope.employee = {    tStatus: 'Present',    name: 'Sameed'  }});
.green {  color: green;}.red {  color: red;}
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">  <div ng-class="{'green':employee.tStatus == 'Present','color: red':employee.tStatus == 'Absent'}">{{ }}  </div></div>

Change color of an ion-item on condition

The color will change based on your variable if you add square brackets around color.

<ion-note item-end [color]="!isShipButtonDisabled ? 'primary' : 'secondary'">

Adding the square brackets will tell angular to evaluate that expression.

how to change ionic text colors when some condition occur

Ok! Try this way.


<ion-card *ngFor="let item of objectData" (click)="goToArrivalflightDetails(item,item.operationalTimes.publishedArrival.dateLocal,item.operationalTimes.actualRunwayArrival.dateLocal,item.airportResources.departureTerminal);">
<p [ngClass]='item.status'>{{item.status | statusupdator}}</p>

Inside you scss

.L {
color: green;
.C {
color: red;

Let me know if having any problem. :)

Ionic color text depending on condition

Ionic 4
You can use the color property of the ion-text tag. Then your code could look somehow like this:

<ion-slide *ngFor="let loopValue of values">
<ion-text [color]="viewValue == loopValue ? 'primary' : 'light'">

Ionic 3
Because there is no ion-text tag you should use ion-item instead.

Here is an example (also created one on stackblitz):

<ion-slide *ngFor="let loopValue of values">
<ion-item [color]="viewValue == loopValue ? 'primary' : 'light'">

In this way, you do not have to replicate the whole tag with a *ngIf. Instead, the color of the ion-text depends on the ternary operator inside the color-property.

Ionic Vue: How do I change the text color of a selected option?

Ionic 5

You can use CSS Shadow Parts for that.

For the ion-select component, the exposed parts are icon, placeholder and text.

ion-select::part(text) {
color: brown;

Unfortunately, I don't know to achieve that with earlier versions of Ionic.

It might work with latest versions of Ionic 4 though.

unable to change text color in ion-option when interface=popover

I was able to change the text color (of all ion-options) by inserting in app.scss

.item-radio.item ion-label {
color: red; //your color here

For the selected option, insert a !important to the color attribute

.item-radio-checked.item ion-label {
color: blue !important; //your color here for selected option

Setting the fill color attribute from css in Ionic 6

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't ionc icon and button have color property?

E.g you could do:

 <ion-button size='small' [fill]="tabSelected == 'details'? 'solid' : ''" (click)='selectTab("details")' [color]="tabSelected == 'colleagues'? 'pmblue' : ''" }">

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