Right Aligning Cell Content in a Datatable Column

How to right align numeric data to right in dataTables

In the columns definition you can use className:

$("#tabDatos").dataTable({  columns: [    { data: "fecha" },        { data: "importe", className: "text-right" }  ]});

Right aligning cell content in a datatable column

You can use the columnClasses attribute of <h:dataTable> to specify CSS classes on all cells of the same column. You can pass a commaseparated string of class names.

<h:dataTable columnClasses="column1,column2,column3">

The above renders <td class="column1"> for the first column, <td class="column2"> for the second and so on. This allows you to externalize and normalize the styles.

Imagine that you have 4 columns and the first, second and fourth column doesn't need to have a special style and that only the third column needs to be right-aligned, then do so

<h:dataTable columnClasses="none,none,right,none">

in combination with

td.right {
text-align: right;

which is semantically more correct and technically more robust than a float: right;.

Align column content to the right of cell React MUIDataTable

Disclaimer: This is totally un-tested and only a snip of "columns".

Give your columns a custom render and set the cell properties i.e. something like:

export const columns = [
name: "category",
label: "Fun Guy Category",
options: {
setCellProps: () => ({ style: { minWidth: "100px", maxWidth: "800px", justifyContent: 'end' }}),
customBodyRender: (data, type, row) => {return <pre>{data}</pre>}

I cannot right-align the data in a column in a table

sprintf may be the command you need. It is a C-style string formatting command that belongs to base R. Example below.

data.frame(a = sprintf("%-1.5f", pi*-3:3))

# output NOT RUN

1 -9.42478
2 -6.28319
3 -3.14159
4 0.00000
5 3.14159
6 6.28319
7 9.42478


Note that it is the minus sign after the % that left justifies the numbers. There's no right justify that I can tell but I think it will do the job. Otherwise, replace with + in order to force the sign for both +/-.

Also make sure that you wrap the function in an as.numeric() so you don't accidentally coerce the data type.

jQuery Datatables align center 1 column

You can use your theme classes (bootstrap), or your own in columndef.

text-right, text-left, text-center

 'columnDefs': [
"targets": 0, // your case first column
"className": "text-center",
"width": "4%"
"targets": 2,
"className": "text-right",

align right in a table cell with CSS


text-align: right

The text-align CSS property describes
how inline content like text is
aligned in its parent block element.
text-align does not control the
alignment of block elements itself,
only their inline content.



<td class='alnright'>text to be aligned to right</td>

.alnright { text-align: right; }

datatables align to right

You can change the column styling in the columns property.

Assuming the data provided from vm.DataTableColumns looks something like this:

columns: [
{ data: "id" },
{ data: "currency" },

You can add the className option.

columns: [
{ data: "id" },
{ data: "currency", className : "yourClass" },

Columns Data

Columns ClassName

How can I right-align a cell in a Wicket table column?

The trick is that the td is the parent of the item as soon as it is added to the ICellPopulator, so that we can add a modifier to it straight away.

public void populateItem(Item<ICellPopulator<T>> item, String componentId, IModel<T> rowModel) {
IModel<Long> model = (IModel<Long>) createLabelModel(rowModel);
Component label = new Label(componentId, model.getObject().toString());
label.getParent().add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("align", "right"));

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