How to Use Firebug to Easily Find Which CSS File Defines a Particular Style

How to use Firebug to easily find which css file defines a particular style

Activate the style tab in the right panel "Style | Computed | Layout | DOM ". For every CSS rule, there will be a blue link "mystyles.css (line 22). You can quickly jump to a rule by activating Element Inspector (The box w/ mouse on the far left hand, hotkey is Ctrl + Shift + C. Highlighting over your element with Element Inspector (you can also click on it) will show you all the CSS rules that apply (or were overwritten).

In firebug, how do I find out all of the css styles being applied to a particular element?

Click Inspect (upper left) to select the element you want to check

then on the right panel select the tab labeled "Style". It will also tell you from which .css file that particular property comes from

What is the method in Firebug to find out the CSS files causing class name clashes?

It is totally normal that different CSS files include rules with overlapping selectors. The precedence of the values is defined within the CSS Selectors specification and is specified by their so-called "specificity".

How the different CSS rules got applied to result in the specific computed CSS values can be seen within the Computed side panel of Firebug.
You just need to expand the related property there and you'll get a list of all selectors and related values sorted by their specificity with the one that "won" at the top. At the right side of each entry you'll find the file name and line number where the related CSS rule is defined.

Computed value of the <code>color</code> property including computation trace

Use Firebug to get a deep copy of CSS in elements

I don't know about Firebug, but you could build a script to do it.

List the CSS you want to copy (every property you believe is required to make it portable) and then loop through in JS and getComputedStyle(). Then build a ; delimited list of property:value pairs, and assign it to the style attribute if your element and all children.

This doesn't look like an easy task - and you will no doubt run into problems.

How to filter and show only applied CSS in Chrome Developer Tools (like Firebug in Firefox)

In the Chrome dev tools, in the right hand column (where CSS is shown in the Elements panel), the first section is called "Computed Style". If you deselect "show inherited", you get a neat list of the styles that actually apply to the element. Does that help?

Is there a way to find out where a css rule is coming from?

You may use web inspector in Chrome.

Right click on failing element and select inspect element.

You should end up with web inspector window with two sections: left is html nodes tree and right is styles and properties of selected node. Failing element should be selected already.

Next you need to expand "Computed Style" tab and look for offending style.

When found, you'll see small triangle to the left of style definition - it is clickable. On click it should expand list of selectors that affects this style for this element. You'll see url to css for each of this. Bingo.

Is there a way to check which CSS styles are being used or not used on a web page?

Install the CSS Usage add-on for Firebug and run it on that page. It will tell you which styles are being used and not used by that page.

how do i get css source file path from firebug?

Click on that URL.

It will open the correct file to the correct line. From there you can easily see the path...

CSS file exploring in Firebug

However, if you mean file path, on the server, you cannot get that from the browser or Firebug; it depends on your server settings.

How can I see the line number for CSS style of selected element in Chrome Developer Tools?

It's the number at the end of the file name, following the : sign.

For example, layout9.css?nocached4:1 means the property is declared at line 1. This is typical of minified CSS files, which tend to be a single line.

The difference in the screenshot between Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools could be that Firebug is configured to use CSS source maps, so it is able to show the correct line numbers regardless. Check to see the Chrome Developer Tools has the setting "Enable CSS source maps" checked.

Chrome Developer Tools - Settings - Enable CSS Source Maps

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