How to Scale an Image in a CSS Sprite

How to scale CSS sprites when used as background-image?

Your image sprite has a dimension of 500x400 so define half this size if you want to reduce by 2 on the background-size then adjust the background-position to get any icon you want:

.my-sprite {    background-image: url("");    height:50px;    width:50px;    background-position:150px 0px;    background-size:250px 200px;        border:1px solid;}
<div class="my-sprite"></div>

Resize images from sprite

You can use the background-size property in css3:

background-size: 50% 50%;

Resize image from sprite using CSS

You can only use the scale without width and height like the following:

.sprite {  background:url(;  width:32px;  height:32px;}
32px icons:<div class="sprite" style="background-position:0px 32px;"> </div><div class="sprite" style="background-position:64px 32px;"> </div><div class="sprite" style="background-position:32px 96px;"> </div><div class="sprite" style="background-position:0px 0px;"> </div><div class="sprite" style="background-position:32px 64px;"> </div><hr>20px icons (attempts):<div class="sprite" style="background-position:32px 64px; transform:scale(0.625);"> </div><div class="sprite" style="background-position:32px 64px; transform:scale(calc(20 / 32));"> </div>

How can I scale sprite sheet images to a container?

You were almost there, just need to specify some values in %.

Run the snippet below in fullscreen and resize:

.striped-background {  position: relative;  max-width: 1400px;  padding: 37.143% 0 0; /* 520px is 37.143% from 1400px so we keep the aspect ratio */  background: url("") no-repeat 0 0 / cover;}
#blue-section div { position: absolute; width: 6.6%; /* 92px is 6.6% from 1400px */ padding: 6.6% 0 0; cursor: pointer; background-image: url(""); background-size: 556.522%; /* the width of your sprite is 512px where 460px for 5 symbols (92px each) and the rest of the space is for unnecessary extra space. So if there was no extra space, background-size would be 500% (100% for 5 symbols) but we have to multiply this number to 512/460 what gives us 556.522% */}
#AAAA { left: 4.5%; top: 15%; background-position: 0.476190% 0.476190%;}
#BBBB { left: 15.05%; top: 15%; background-position: 22.8571% 0.476190%;}
#CCCC { left: 36.16%; top: 15%; background-position: 45.2381% 0.476190%;}
#DDDD { left: 46.72%; top: 15%; background-position: 67.6190% 0.476190%;}
#EEEE { left: 9.77%; top: 65%; background-position: 90.0000% 0.476190%;}
#FFFF { left: 20.33%; top: 50%; background-position: 0.476190% 22.8571%;}
#GGGG { left: 20.33%; top: 80%; background-position: 22.8571% 22.8571%;}
#HHHH { left: 30.88%; top: 40%; background-position: 45.2381% 22.8571%;}
#IIII { left: 30.88%; top: 65%; background-position: 67.6190% 22.8571%;}
#JJJJ { left: 41.44%; top: 65%; background-position: 90.0000% 22.8571%;}
#KKKK { left: 57.27%; top: 30%; background-position: 0.476190% 45.2381%;}
#LLLL { left: 57.27%; top: 65%; background-position: 22.8571% 45.2381%;}
#MMMM { left: 78.38%; top: 40%; background-position: 45.2381% 45.2381%;}
#NNNN { left: 67.83%; top: 40%; background-position: 67.6190% 45.2381%;}
#OOOO { left: 73.11%; top: 15%; background-position: 90.0000% 45.2381%;}
#PPPP { left: 83.66%; top: 15%; background-position: 0.476190% 67.6190%;}
#QQQQ { left: 88.94%; top: 40%; background-position: 22.8571% 67.6190%;}
#RRRR { left: 83.66%; top: 65%; background-position: 45.2381% 67.6190%;}
#SSSS { left: 73.11%; top: 65%; background-position: 67.6190% 67.6190%;}
<div class="container-fluid striped-background">  <div id="blue-section">    <div id="AAAA"></div>    <div id="BBBB"></div>    <div id="CCCC"></div>    <div id="DDDD"></div>    <div id="EEEE"></div>    <div id="FFFF"></div>    <div id="GGGG"></div>    <div id="HHHH"></div>    <div id="IIII"></div>    <div id="JJJJ"></div>    <div id="KKKK"></div>    <div id="LLLL"></div>    <div id="MMMM"></div>    <div id="NNNN"></div>    <div id="OOOO"></div>    <div id="PPPP"></div>    <div id="QQQQ"></div>    <div id="RRRR"></div>    <div id="SSSS"></div>  </div></div>

Scaling an image sprite, using percentage: Possible?

If you'd want a simple fix without worrying about crossbrowser-issues, I'd suggest to use a normal image.

Next, one could use data URIs or use a combo of zoom for webkit/ie and -moz-transform:scale for Firefox or finally break your head on background-size calculations.

You might also want to read: How can I scale an image in a CSS sprite

Hope this helps!

Resize background image sprite component using CSS

add this  transform: scale(0.5);