How to Make an Svg Masked Image Compatible with Internet Explorer

How to make an svg masked image compatible with Internet Explorer

IE won't apply an SVG clip to a html element, so you need an SVG <image> element rather than an HTML <img> element e.g.

* {  padding: 0;  margin: 0;}html, body {  height: 100%;  width: 100%;}
.photo_rectangle_inverse { -webkit-clip-path: url(#shape); clip-path: url(#shape); position: relative; -webkit-transform: translateZ(1px)}
    <svg height="100%" width="100%" >      <defs>        <clipPath id="shape">          <path d="M10,70 Q0,80 10,90 L70,150 Q80,160 90,150 L150,90 Q160,80 150,70 L90,10 Q80,0 70,10z" />        </clipPath>      </defs>
<image height="160px" width="170px" xlink:href='' class='photo_rectangle_inverse'/> <image transform="translate(170,0)" height="160px" width="170px" xlink:href='' class='photo_rectangle_inverse' /> </svg>'

css masking in IE10

demo -

try using svg

<svg width="360" height="233" version="1.2">  <defs>    <mask id="svgmask2">      <image width="100%" height="100%" xlink:href="" />    </mask>  </defs>  <image mask="url(#svgmask2)" width="100%" height="100%" xlink:href="" /></svg>

Internet Explorer not recognizing CSS for SVG elements

The answer is...

For opacity transitions in an SVG, IE needs an opacity greater than zero!

a.hover_area:link, a.hover_area:visited {opacity: 0.001}

Otherwise it just throws it out, like "heyyyyy, won't be needing this invisible thing!" despite having been told to expect a transition: transition-property: opacity;

Here's a snippet, working in IE11:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"></head><body><div style="width: 480px; height: 640px; margin: 20px auto;"> <!-- IE needs width AND height specified to scale the SVG inside correctly. -->
<svg id="map" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 960 640">
<filter id="desaturate"> <feColorMatrix type='matrix' values="0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 " /> </filter> <style type="text/css"> /* <![CDATA[ */ a.hover_area:link, a.hover_area:visited { opacity: 0.001; /* Must be greater than 0 for IE! */ } a.hover_area:hover, a.hover_area:active { opacity: 1; transition-property: opacity; transition-duration: 0.4s; transition-timing-function: ease-in-out; } .desaturated { filter:url("#desaturate"); } /* ]]> */ </style>
<defs> <clipPath id="clip-path"> <polygon id="_1" data-name="1" points="514 303 495 298 573 72 639 -25 796 -25 679 149 514 303" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-2"> <polygon id="_2" data-name="2" points="518 320 518 303 679 149 980 -11 980 139 738 269 518 320" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-3"> <polygon id="_3" data-name="3" points="509 333 538 349 729 400 997 405 997 280 738 269 509 333" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-4"> <polygon id="_4" data-name="4" points="500 357 675 512 938 654 980 654 980 527 729 400 518 344 500 357" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-5"> <polygon id="_5" data-name="5" points="762 662 681 528 509 365 495 371 571 603 609 668 762 662" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-6"> <polygon id="_6" data-name="6" points="538 661 543 583 500 386 490 353 480 353 409 580 409 661 538 661" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-7"> <polygon id="_7" data-name="7" points="189 654 298 492 456 353 470 353 476 365 397 580 343 661 189 654" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-8"> <polygon id="_8" data-name="8" points="-17 608 266 493 456 353 435 344 227 371 -24 465 -17 608" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-9"> <polygon id="_9" data-name="9" points="-10 365 227 371 466 325 216 240 -24 225 -10 365" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-10"> <polygon id="_10" data-name="10" points="456 303 295 120 78 -25 -24 -25 -24 68 221 230 443 310 456 303" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-11"> <polygon id="_11" data-name="11" points="312 127 233 -25 385 -25 436 85 480 292 476 303 456 303 312 127" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-path-12"> <polygon id="_12" data-name="12" points="480 293 496 299 565 69 565 -21 436 -17 436 75 480 293" fill="none"/> </clipPath> <image id="image" width="960" height="640" width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </defs>
<image id="bw_img" class="desaturated" width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/>
<a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_1-2" data-name="1"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_2-2" data-name="2"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-2)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_3-2" data-name="3"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-3)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_4-2" data-name="4"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-4)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_5-2" data-name="5"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-5)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_6-2" data-name="6"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-6)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_7-2" data-name="7"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-7)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_8-2" data-name="8"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-8)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_9-2" data-name="9"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-9)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_10-2" data-name="10"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-10)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_11-2" data-name="11"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-11)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a> <a xlink:href="#" class="hover_area"> <g id="_12-2" data-name="12"> <g clip-path="url(#clip-path-12)"> <image width="960" height="640" xlink:href=""/> </g> </g> </a></svg>

IE11 meta element Breaks SVG

It sounds as though you're not in a modern document mode. Internet Explorer 11 shows the SVG just fine when you're in Standards Mode. Make sure that if you have an x-ua-compatible meta tag, you have it set to Edge, rather than an earlier mode.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

You can determine your document mode by opening up your F12 Developer Tools and checking either the document mode dropdown (seen at top-right, currently "Edge") or the emulation tab:

Sample Image

If you do not have an x-ua-compatible meta tag (or header), be sure to use a doctype that will put the document into Standards mode, such as <!DOCTYPE html>.

Sample Image

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