How to Highlight a Selected Row in *Ngfor

How to highlight a selected row in *ngFor?

There are plenty of solutions to do this, one of them is you can store the current company when clicked.

In the *ngFor you check if the current item is the currentCompany and you add the class highlighted or whatever class you wish if its the same company.

export class TableComponent {

public currentCompany;

public selectCompany(event: any, item: any) {

this.currentCompany =;


And then on your template:

<tr *ngFor="let item of companies" (click)="selectCompany($event, item)" 
[class.highlighted]=" === currentCompany">


Another solution if you wish to have multiple highlighted companies you can add a property highlighted to your item. Then on selectCompany() you just set the property to true. On your check you do [class.highlighted]="item.highlighted".

Highlight rows using ngFor in Angular Ionic based on condition

[ngClass]="(count-1==i)?'newMsg':'oldMsg'" to

Angular ngFor - Change CSS of the selected row instead of all rows

From your code, you are sharing selRow for each row, hence when you tick the checkbox in a row, other rows' checkboxes will also automatically checked.

Instead, what you need are:

  1. selRows: An array to store selected index.
  2. toggleSelectedRows: An method to add/remove the index from selRows.
  3. isSelectedRow: Check whether the index is added in selRows.
selRows: number[] = [];

toggleSelectedRows(i: number) {
let index = this.selRows.findIndex((x) => x == i);

if (index == -1) this.selRows.push(i);
else this.selRows.splice(index, 1);

isSelectedRow(i: number) {
return this.selRows.findIndex((x) => x == i) > -1;
*ngFor="let user of users; let i = index"
[ngClass]="isSelectedRow(i) ? 'selRow' : ''"
<td class="checkbox-field">
<input type="checkbox" (change)="toggleSelectedRows(i)" />


Sample StackBlitz Demo

How can I highlight on mouse click selected row of the table using Bootstrap 4 and Angular 6?

A simple way is just to add one attribute like:
isSelected: boolean to you dataRows when one or more of them is selected;

listClick(event, newValue, cell) {
cell.isSelected = !cell.isSelected;

but i highly recommend you to use this excellent data table in angular

hope it help.

Highlight table row when clicked in angular

If only highlight single row item case:

<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;let index = index" (click)="clickEvent(index)" []="index == cindex"></tr>

cindex: number
clickEvent(index) {
this.cindex = index

Highlight selected row in primeng table without checking the checbox

I was able to achieve this by maintaining a variable highlight that gets the clicked row value and assigning the highlight class only to rows where this value is equal to that of the clicked row.

<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
<tr class="some-class" [class.ui-state-highlight]="rowData === highlighted">
<p-tableCheckbox [value]="rowData"></p-tableCheckbox>
<td *ngFor="let col of columns">

<a (click)="highlighted = rowData"> {{rowData[col.field]}}</a>

Updated Stackblitz here.

Highlighting selected elements in angular *ngFor

change your template to this:

<div class="border-box">
<div *ngFor="let item of quarterDataList">
<div class="item-hover" *ngFor="let count of item.quarterData;let i = index" (click)="setClickedRow((i+'_'+item.year))" []="((i+'_'+item.year)) == selectedRow">


How to toggle background color of rows in *ngFor in Angular / TypeScript?

You can put dummy property in your object and handle it on click.

<tr *ngFor="let ApiDataFile of filteredApiDataFiles; let idx=index; let even=even"
[style.background-color]="ApiDataFile.rowClicked ? 'yellow' : (even ? 'red' : 'green')"
(click)="ApiDataFile.rowClicked = !ApiDataFile.rowClicked">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ ApiDataFile.surname }}</td>

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