How to Colorize a White Png Image with CSS Only

Change color of PNG image via CSS?

You can use filters with -webkit-filter and filter:
Filters are relatively new to browsers but supported in over 90% of browsers according to the following CanIUse table:

You can change an image to grayscale, sepia and lot more (look at the example).

So you can now change the color of a PNG file with filters.

body {
min-width: 800px;
min-height: 400px
img {
/*Filter styles*/
.saturate { filter: saturate(3); }
.grayscale { filter: grayscale(100%); }
.contrast { filter: contrast(160%); }
.brightness { filter: brightness(0.25); }
.blur { filter: blur(3px); }
.invert { filter: invert(100%); }
.sepia { filter: sepia(100%); }
.huerotate { filter: hue-rotate(180deg); }
.rss.opacity { filter: opacity(50%); }
<!--- img src -->
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="original">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="saturate" class="saturate">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="grayscale" class="grayscale">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="contrast" class="contrast">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="brightness" class="brightness">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="blur" class="blur">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="invert" class="invert">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="sepia" class="sepia">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="huerotate" class="huerotate">
<img alt="Mona Lisa" src="" title="opacity" class="rss opacity">

Is there any way to colorize a white PNG image with CSS only?

This can be done with css masking, though unfortunately browser support is really bad (I believe webkit only).

-webkit-mask-box-image: url(http://yourimagehere);

Because your image is all white, it is a perfect candidate for masking. The way the mask works is that wherever the image is white, the original element is shown as normal, where black (or transparent) the original element is not shown. Anything in the middle has some level of transparency.


You can also get this to work in FireFox with slight help from svg.

div {

width: 50px;

height: 50px;

mask: url(#mymask);

-webkit-mask-box-image: url(;

<div style="background-color: red;"></div>

<div style="background-color: blue;"></div>

<div style="background-color: green;"></div>

<div style="background-color: orange;"></div>

<div style="background-color: purple;"></div>

<svg height="0" width="0">

<mask id="mymask">

<image id="img" xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" height="50px" width="50px" />



How to replace color of PNG image using CSS?

Your icon is a png image, so each pixel is defined separately to have its own color. There are no whole shapes that you can target with css and define a color, as you would for regular HTML elements.

However, there I a few things I would say:

  1. I would have thought that it should be possible to change the color of this shape in photoshop without making it look any more grainy or pixelated than before.

  2. I would suggest making this into an svg. This is a vector file format, so it generally has a smaller file size compared to pixel images, has completely sharp and defined edges, and can be scaled up to any size without reducing its quality. And, most importantly for you, it's very easy to change its color with CSS.

  3. You could try using CSS filters to change the appearance of your png. Check out this stackoverflow question to see if it helps: Change color of PNG image via CSS?

As I've said, an svg would be my recommended option. I've created a code snippet below of what that would look like – you'll find your color #2a4f6c in the code, so just change that if you want the image to have a different color again..

<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"

viewBox="0 0 1360.6 1077.2" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1360.6 1077.2;" xml:space="preserve">

<style type="text/css">



<path class="st0" d="M356.4,460l260.4-109.3l-21.8-51.8L334.6,408.1c-13,5.5-19.2,20.5-13.7,33.5l1.9,4.6


<rect x="614.5" y="239" transform="matrix(0.9059 -0.4236 0.4236 0.9059 -61.7804 311.7127)" class="st0" width="111.8" height="111.8"/>

<path class="st0" d="M706.2,197.3l-131.4,61.4c-3.7,1.7-8.1,0.1-9.9-3.6l-14.1-30.2c-1.7-3.7-0.1-8.1,3.6-9.9l131.4-61.4


<path class="st0" d="M786.4,375.5L655,436.9c-3.7,1.7-8.1,0.1-9.9-3.6L631,403.1c-1.7-3.7-0.1-8.1,3.6-9.9L766,331.8


<path class="st0" d="M907.2,521.7c1-2,1.5-4.2,1.5-6.5v-18.7c0-8.2-6.6-14.8-14.8-14.8H547.4c-8.2,0-14.8,6.6-14.8,14.8v18.7


<path class="st0" d="M941.8,589.8H499.5c-13.3,0-24.1-10.8-24.1-24.1v0c0-13.3,10.8-24.1,24.1-24.1h442.3



CSS filter: make color image with transparency white

You can use

filter: brightness(0) invert(1);

html {

background: red;


p {

float: left;

max-width: 50%;

text-align: center;


img {

display: block;

max-width: 100%;


.filter {

-webkit-filter: brightness(0) invert(1);

filter: brightness(0) invert(1);



<img src="" />




<img src="" class="filter" />


CSS - Add Color to Black & White PNG Image Using a Filter

You can do it with CSS filters, though I wouldn’t recommend that at all:

.colorizable {


/* for demonstration purposes; originals not entirely black */


/* black to white */


/* white to off-white */


/* off-white to yellow */


/* do whatever you want with yellow */



.example-clip {

display: block;

height: 20px;

margin: 1em;

object-fit: none;

object-position: 0 0;

width: 300px;


.original {

filter: contrast(1000%);


body {

background: #333;

<img class="colorizable example-clip" src="" />

<img class="original example-clip" src="" />

Change color of image via CSS

you need to combine two filters saturate and hue, below is a possible combination to get a "red" (if you use a color picker it will generate the default web "red" - #FF0000 or just #F00, because you can choose your red, stronger or lighter.

img {
webkit-filter: saturate(100) hue-rotate(-140deg);
filter: saturate(100) hue-rotate(-140deg)
<img class="screencap" src="">


In the first snippet had, allegedly, a bug (after a chat with @kaiido), that was just making red in FF using Windows in tag img - while keeping pink in other browsers in other OSs, (therefore I'm going to file the bug in bugzilla)

So there is a way to do this working cross browser, using mixed filters

img {

-webkit-filter: brightness(0.6)contrast(3.4)hue-rotate(217deg)saturate(9.9);

filter: brightness(0.6)contrast(3.4)hue-rotate(217deg)saturate(9.9);

<img class="screencap" src="">

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