Google Warning: Resource Interpreted as Font But Transferred with Mime Type Application/Octet-Stream

Google warning: Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream

another approach on here:

use below settings on your web.config:

<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff"/>

Google Chrome gives warning Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream:

Actually, I found the answer:

Some browsers, like Google Chrome, will show this warning when a font
is downloaded from a web server that sets an unexpected MIME type for

For many font types, there is a solution!

Update the configuration for your web server with the following MIME
type per font file extension:

.ttf — font/truetype 
.otf — font/opentype
.eot — application/
.woff — application/x-font-woff

If you
are using Apache configuration, you may include the AddType directive
for each font type:

AddType application/ eot

AddType font/truetype ttf

AddType application/x-font-woff woff

AddType font/opentype otf

With a specific MIME type configured per font, and not the generic
application/octet-stream MIME type, you should no longer see a warning
in your web browser console.

This configuration — while effective for cleaning up your console —
does not include the technically correct MIME type for fonts like OTF,
TTF, and WOFF. For these font types, an official MIME type has not
(yet) been approved. An official type for WOFF — application/font-woff
— has been requested.AddType font/opentype otf

Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type font-woff with NodeJS

Make sure to use full "type/encoding" mime type strings when using data-uris:


In this case you're missing the "application" type indication.

Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type font-woff with NodeJS

Make sure to use full "type/encoding" mime type strings when using data-uris:


In this case you're missing the "application" type indication.

Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/x-font-woff

According to the W3C spec, the correct MIME type is application/font-woff, so you need to configure your web server to use that when serving .woff files.

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