Svg Fill Not Being Applied in Firefox

SVG Fill not being applied in FireFox

If the behavior was unique to Firefox prior to version 56, it was because #menu-bag refers to a <symbol> element.

The specs say that a re-used <symbol> should be implemented as if it were replaced by a nested <svg>. Firefox used to treat this literally in their shadow DOM. The shadow DOM isn't visible in your DOM inspector, but it is subject to CSS selectors.

Which means that this code:

<a href="#" class="skip-link">
<svg class="icon">
<use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#menu-bag"></use>

WAs implemented like this:

<a href="#" class="skip-link">
<svg class="icon">
<use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#menu-bag">
<!--Start of shadow DOM boundary-->
<svg><!-- replacement for <symbol> -->
<!-- graphics content -->
<!--End of shadow DOM boundary-->

The svg.icon matches your .skip-link .icon rule (and as Kyle Mitt points out, that rule will always take precedence over your a:hover svg rule). This value is also inherited by the <use> element.

However, the shadow-DOM <svg> doesn't get the inherited value, because it is styled directly with the svg rule. When you change your selector to .skip-link svg, or when you trigger the a:hover svg rule, then the hidden inner element gets the style directly applied because that SVG is also a descendent of the link.

As Robert Longson noted in the comments, this is not how it is supposed to work. It's a side effect of the way that Firefox implemented <use> elements as complete cloned DOM trees, which just happened to be hidden from your DOM inspector.

Here's a "working" example of your original problem. Which is to say, on Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox 56+ or IE you will see a green circle that isn't altered when you hover it, but on Firefox prior to version 56 you will see a blue circle that turns red on hover/focus.

svg {    fill: navy;}a:hover svg, a:focus svg {    fill: red;}.skip-link .icon {    fill: green;}.icon {    height: 50;    width: 50;}
 <a href="#" class="skip-link">        <svg class="icon">            <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#menu-bag" />        </svg></a><svg height="0" width="0">    <symbol id="menu-bag" viewBox="-10 -10 20 20">        <circle r="10" />    </symbol></svg>

SVGs with use xlink not working in Firefox 84

Found the issue: one of the symbols in the sprites file didn't have a closing tag. For some reason other browsers were still able to display all of them without complaining, but not Firefox.

Since it may happen to others, I'll keep the question posted.

SVG Fill Animation doesn't work on Firefox and Edge

Modifying geometric attributes, such as width, is a new thing in SVG 2. Only Chrome has implemented that so far.

You will need to use a different method to animate your <rect>. For example, you could move it horizontally using a transform, instead of changing its width.


It looks like there is a bug in Firefox at the moment, causing CSS selectors to not match elements in the <defs> section.

The solution is to use the logo as the clippath, and move a blue rectangle in and out instead.

svg#bogeLogo {  display: block;  left: 50%;  position: absolute;  top: 50%;  transform: translate(-50%,-50%);}
#bogePath { fill: transparent; stroke: red; stroke-width: 8;}
svg#bogeLogo #bogeFinal { fill: blue; transition: all 1.4s ease-out !important; transform: translateX(-2552px);}
svg#bogeLogo:hover #bogeFinal { transform: translateX(0px);}
<svg id="bogeLogo" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 2551.2 2551.2" style="enable-background:new 0 0 100 100;" xml:space="preserve">  <defs>    <path id="bogePath" d="M1263.5,1239.5l0-1l0.8-1194.9l-60.3,0l-0.6,1195.9l-1146.6,0.2v60.3l1146.6-0.5v1195h59l1-1195  l1231.9,0.5l0-60.3L1263.5,1239.5z M779.6,1037c98.3-37.9,134.5-130.5,138.1-140c6.8-18.3,31.3-87,1.9-161.1  c-20.6-52-58.4-82.8-74.8-95.9c-23.2-18.5-45.4-27.8-61.3-34.5c13.2-6.5,52.6-26.9,76.7-90.2c26-68.5-0.8-128.3-7.7-143.8  c-25.5-57.3-74.1-84.5-95-96.9c-31.8-19-83.7-25.5-104.2-26.3L410.2,248v3.2l-1.1,800.3v1.1l293.7-0.2  C721.3,1051.7,748.9,1048.8,779.6,1037z M570.6,394.5c46.8-9.2,80.5-1.6,97.8,3.8c19.2,6.1,27.6,12.5,32.6,17.3  c22.3,21.1,22.8,51.6,23,61.4c0.2,9.5,0.7,37.9-19.2,61.4c-18.5,21.9-43.5,28.8-65.2,30.7c-31.6,2.7-51.9,2.2-69-1.9V394.5z   M570.6,908.5V701.4c33.3-3.2,60.9-2.9,80.5-1.9c39.3,2,59.3,3.2,80.5,15.3c7,4,29.8,17.4,44.1,46c5.2,10.5,15.6,35.6,9.6,67.1  c-2.2,11.7-9.7,39.6-34.5,59.5c-11,8.7-25.4,16-63.3,21.1C660.3,912.2,620.2,914.9,570.6,908.5z M1835.5,1052.5  c218.7,0,395-184.3,395-403s-177.3-407-396-407s-396,188.3-396,407S1616.8,1052.5,1835.5,1052.5z M1835,390.5  c131.3,0,237.8,116.2,237.8,259.5S1966.3,909.5,1835,909.5S1597.2,793.3,1597.2,650S1703.7,390.5,1835,390.5z M636.5,1879.5v1l1,129  v0.1c73,0.1,142.9,0.3,216,0.4c-5.4,14.1-15,34.1-31.6,54.7c-5.9,7.2-35.7,43.1-89.4,63.7c-58.3,22.4-109.4,13.3-136.9,8.1  c-54.1-10.3-90.3-33.6-98.9-39.3c-39-25.9-60.5-55.8-71.8-71.8c-14.1-20-35.1-50.4-44.7-96.2c-2.4-11.6-10.4-54.2,2.7-107.1  c3.5-14.3,14.4-52.5,44.7-92.2c9.3-12.2,39.6-49.6,93.5-75.9c15.2-7.4,47.4-21.4,90.8-25.7c7.7-0.8,40-3.7,81.3,4.1  c19.2,3.6,46.7,9,77.2,25.7c14.7,8,31,19.8,63.7,43.4c8.8,6.3,15.7,12.5,20.5,16l90-106c-15.9-18.7-35.7-40.2-71-63  c-54-35-103.7-45.6-141.8-53.3c-31.3-6.3-86.6-17-158.1-6.3c-59.3,8.9-105.3,28.7-134.6,44.3c-49.5,26.2-82,56.1-95.8,69.6  c-39.5,38.6-60.6,75.2-65,83.1c-4.7,8.2-27.1,48.6-39.8,107.5c-2.3,10.9-9.1,44.7-9,89.4c0,22.3,0.4,59.9,13.6,106.6  c10.1,35.8,23.2,61,32.5,78.6c11,20.9,29,54.4,62.3,90.3c39,42.1,79.9,66.8,106.6,80.4c46.4,23.6,85.8,31.6,109.3,36.1  c25.3,4.9,72.3,11.8,131,6.3c27.9-2.6,61.2-6,102.1-21.7c14.8-5.7,58.3-23.6,103-63.2c42.8-37.9,65.1-76.5,79.5-102.1  c12.4-21.9,31.2-55.8,42.5-104.8c10.8-46.8,9.9-87,7.3-113.9L636.5,1879.5z M1019,1874.6c0,0.3,0.1,0.6,0.1,0.9l1.4,0L1019,1874.6z   M1753.3,1919.6l291.8,1.1v-1.1l-1.1-142.2l-285.5,1.1h-1.1l1-137.9h1l304.6-3.3h1.1v-151.7h-464.6v2.1l-0.5,794l0,0.4h470.4v-146.4  h-317.1V1919.6z"/>    <clipPath id="bogeClip">      <use xlink:href="#bogePath"/>    </clipPath>  </defs>    <use xlink:href="#bogePath"/>  <g clip-path="url(#bogeClip)">    <rect id="bogeFinal" x="0" y="0" height="100%" width="100%"/>  </g></svg>

fill property of SVG does not working in Chrome

Use currentcolor in the path fill attribute of the <symbol> element.

The currentcolor keyword represents the value of an element's color
property. This lets you use the color value on properties that do not
receive it by default.

Then, add a color CSS property to the class of the <svg> container that will wrap the <symbol> instantiated by the <use> element.

.icon {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;

.icon--blue {
color: blue;

.icon--red {
color: red;
<svg width="0" height="0" style="display: none;" xmlns="">
<symbol viewBox="0 0 2048 2048" id="crossBtn">
<path class="pathCrossBtn" fill="currentcolor" d="M1618 1450q0 40-28 68l-136 136q-28 28-68 28t-68-28l-294-294-294 294q-28 28-68 28t-68-28l-136-136q-28-28-28-68t28-68l294-294-294-294q-28-28-28-68t28-68l136-136q28-28 68-28t68 28l294 294 294-294q28-28 68-28t68 28l136 136q28 28 28 68t-28 68l-294 294 294 294q28 28 28 68z"

<svg class="icon icon--red" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048">
<use xlink:href="#crossBtn"></use>
<svg class="icon icon--blue" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048">
<use xlink:href="#crossBtn"></use>

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