Forcing Aspect Ratio with CSS Doesn't Work on Safari

Forcing aspect ratio with CSS doesn't work on Safari

As announced during WWDC20 at What's new for web developers, starting from Safari 13.1, WebKit now calculates the image aspect ratio from the width and height values of the image element. This means that the issue you have faced is fixed on the latest version of the browser.

On the next video you can see a test ran at my machine where Chrome and Safari behaves the same:

See also:

  • WebKit changelog including the fix
  • WebKit changeset where the fix is implemented

CSS - aspect-ratio: not working in Safari browser

aspect-ratio as a css property is not supported in Safari prior to Safari 15, but the use of media queries with aspect-ratio @media: (aspect-ratio: 1/1) is supported:

Safari not computing image aspect ratios from width and height attributes

The issue was related to a calculation error in Safari's WebKit API. The issue was reported on the WebKit Bugzilla (report), and was patched in WebKit Changeset 276521. Said changeset was merged and released with Safari Technical Preview 125.

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