Webkit Hyphenation

WebKit Hyphenation

-webkit-hyphens works fine on iOS 4.2 and above, and is partially supported in the webkit nightlies.



iOS 4.3:

iOS 4.3

CSS auto hyphens turn into question-mark boxes in Chrome

This seems to be a bug with Chromium and macOS—not broken code from my part.

CSS hyphenate issues with longer words in Chrome

hyphens is only a Working Draft CSS property at present and currently is not fully implemented or supported by all browsers.

I suggest you review the support tables at CanIUse.com which has the following notes.

Chrome < 55 and Android 4.0 Browser support "-webkit-hyphens: none", but not the "auto" property. It is advisable to set the @lang attribute on the HTML element to enable hyphenation support and improve accessibility.

For Chrome: Only supported on Android & Mac platforms (and only the "auto" value) for now.

How can I use hyphenation in Google Chrome browser?

Hyphenation is currently supported on Chrome only on Android and macOS (and only the "auto" value), as you can see here: http://caniuse.com/#search=hyphens

I used Hyphenator too, as suggested by Eric.

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