Font-Weight CSS Transition in Chrome

Font-Weight CSS Transition in Chrome

Font-weight animation is currently not supported in Chrome and IE-10 based on numerous tests. This may change in the future.

How do I apply a css font-weight transition with a font-face rule

You cannot create smooth transitions using the font-weight property.

Thanks to Kyle Sevenoaks and this question

Can CSS3 transition font size?

The color transitions fine over time, but the font switches
immediately for some dagnabbit reason.

Your font-size transition is being overwritten by your color transition.

transition: font-size 12s; /* transition is set to 'font-size 12s' */
transition: color 12s; /* transition is set to 'color 12s' !! */

Instead, you must combine them all into one declaration:

transition: color 12s, font-size 12s;


-webkit-transition: color 12s, font-size 12s;
-moz-transition: color 12s, font-size 12s;
-o-transition: color 12s, font-size 12s;
transition: color 12s, font-size 12s;

(Or, just use the all keyword: transition: all 12s; -

Safari changing font weights when unrelated animations are running

When you trigger GPU compositing (eg, through CSS animation), the browser sends that element to the GPU, but also anything that would appear on top of that element if its top/left properties were changed. This includes any position:relative elements that appear after the animating one.

The solution is to give the animating element position:relative and a z-index that puts it above everything else. That way you get your animation but keep the (superior IMO) sub-pixel font rendering on unrelated elements.

Here's a demo of the problem and solution

Update: Newer versions of Chrome retain sub-pixel antialiasing on GPU composited elements as long as the element has no transparency, eg has a background with no transparent or semi-transparent pixels. Note that things like border-radius introduce semi-transparent pixels.

CSS3 transition messing up fonts in webkit?

What you're seeing is webkit anti-alias your text because it's treating it as a texture as opposed to a vector. There's not much you can do, other than not using transformations, or using an text replacement to provide an image instead of your type.

There's a few related threads regarding webkit aliasing, but I haven't personally had much luck keeping the type as type, and still using transformations.

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