How to Skip First Child

How to skip first child?

With the negation pseudo-class:

p:not(:first-child) { color: red; }

Browser support is very strong now, but alternatives include:

p { color: red; }
p:first-child { color: black; }


* + p { color: red; }

CSS apply to all inside div but skip first child

Apply to all and remove it from the first one:

/* All the titles */.title-title:after {  content: "";  display: block;  width: 40%;  margin-top: 5px;  margin-left: auto;  margin-right: auto;  border: 1px red solid;}/* We remove from the first one*/#first .title-title:after {  display:none;}
/* Part of my own external bootstrap rip off LUL */.py-ta-c { text-align: center;}
.py-mb-m { margin-bottom: 10%;}
<div id="first" class="py-ta-c py-mb-m"> <h2 class="title-title">First</h2> <h4 class="title-subtitle">Exclude me</h4></div>
<div id="second" class="py-ta-c py-mb-m"> <h2 class="title-title">Second</h2> <h4 class="title-subtitle">Include me</h4></div>
<div id="third" class="py-ta-c py-mb-m"> <h2 class="title-title">Third</h2> <h4 class="title-subtitle">Include me</h4></div>
<!-- AND SO ON -->

Skip first child of top level divs only

If you are just trying to apply the style to all the div tags where you have assigned the "a" class except the first one, then you just need a minor modification to your css.

.want-to-skip-first-a .a:not(:first-child) {
background-color: red;

How to skip first N elements with CSS or jQuery?

You can use jQuery's slice method:


A pure CSS approach is the nth-child selector:


It seems to be supported by modern browsers:

Skip hidden element on :first-child selector

Sadly the :visible pseudoclass is still distinct to jQuery. A workaround you can use though would be to handle the hiding by adding/removing a class.

Then it's a matter of overrides

li.hidden {
display: none;

li:not(.hidden) {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

li:not(.hidden) ~ li {
width: auto;
height: auto;
margin-bottom: 0;
flex: 1;

CSS: is not a first child selector possible?

Yes, using :not(:first-child)

parent child:not(:first-child) { /* style */ }
