Firefox Not Recognizing a Font

Firefox not recognizing a font

The solution is not straightforward. Font appearance varies by browser, OS, and of course by which fonts are available on the client's system. Don't take this answer at face value without further testing based on your target audience.

On Windows, ever since Firefox 4 and IE9, fonts are rendered using DirectWrite instead of GDI. Since this change, fonts like "Arial Narrow" and "Arial Black" are considered part of the Arial family and not as standalone families. So in Firefox, you access Arial Narrow through the regular Arial declaration with some modifiers. IE9 works in a similar fashion, but seems to have some pragmatic cheats baked-in that makes it work in the way developers have been used to.

Franklin Gothic Medium

font-family: "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Franklin Gothic", sans-serif;

All browsers except Firefox understand "Franklin Gothic Medium". Firefox doesn't and goes on to the next choice, "Franklin Gothic", which you might not even think you have, but that is where "Franklin Gothic Medium" is living in the DirectWrite world. In the absence of any other modifiers (italic, bold, stretch), my Firefox grabs "Franklin Gothic Medium" when "Franklin Gothic" is specified.

Arial Narrow Bold

font-family: "Arial Narrow Bold", "Arial Narrow", "Arial", sans-serif;
font-stretch: condensed;
font-weight: 700;

Some browsers, like Chrome and IE7–8 recognize "Arial Narrow Bold". But IE9 and Firefox do not. IE9 does recognize "Arial Narrow". Firefox falls down to Arial. font-stretch: condensed tells Firefox to use the "Arial Narrow" version of Arial, and font-weight: 700; tells both IE9 and Firefox to use to the "Arial Narrow Bold" version as far as I can tell. Font weights of 600, 700, 800, and 900 are triggering the bold for me.

Franklin Gothic Medium with Arial Narrow Bold fallback

Now you've got a Catch-22.

font-family: "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Franklin Gothic", "Arial Narrow Bold", "Arial Narrow", "Arial", sans-serif;

If Firefox can find "Franklin Gothic" you are fine, but if it can't then it will fall back to "Arial". If you use font-stretch: condensed; font-weight: 700; to turn that into "Arial Narrow Bold", you will affect the appearance of Franklin when the Arial fallback is not used. Every browser will apply the font-weight rule to Franklin if Franklin is available—not what you want at all. If you use font-stretch: condensed and Firefox has access to Franklin, it will dutifully condense it. (I didn't see that in any other browser.) In your particular situation, I would count on Firefox getting Franklin and accept that regular Arial will be used as the fallback. But adding "Franklin Gothic" (for FF) and "Arial Narrow" (for IE9) is going to help a lot.

(At the time of writing, Chrome is at version 21 and Firefox is at version 14.)

Firefox webfonts not loading

In my experience, Firefox is picky about expecting quotes in @font-face rules:

@font-face {
font-family: AngelinaRegular;
src: url('../fonts/angelina-webfont.eot');
src: url('../fonts/angelina-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../fonts/angelina-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('../fonts/angelina-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('../fonts/angelina-webfont.svg#webfontOvuhCGpN') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

CSS @font-face not working with Firefox, but working with Chrome and IE


Firefox comes with a very strict "file uri origin" (file:///) policy by default: to have it to behave just as other browsers, go to about:config, filter by fileuri and toggle the following preference:


Set it to false and you should be able to load local font resources across different path levels.


As per my comment below, and you are experiencing this problem after deploying your site, you could try to add an additional header to see if your problem configures itself as a cross domain issue: it shouldn't, since you are specifying relative paths, but i would give it a try anyway: in your .htaccess file, specify you want to send an additional header for each .ttf/.otf/.eot file being requested:

<FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|eot)$">
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

Frankly, I wouldn't expect it to make any difference, but it's so simple it's worth trying: else try to use base64 encoding for your font typeface, ugly but it may works too.

A nice recap is available here

Mobile Firefox and Chrome not recognizing @font-face

This seems like a duplicate from: @font-face Not Working in Chrome for Android

The problem may be related to your font-family declaration (I can't tell because you haven't posted that part). If, for example, you had this:

font-family: fghjkjh, 'jump_startregular', sans-serif;

...Chrome for Android would simply pretend that fghjkjh is installed (but really use the default Android font) and ignore everything else. (Not sure if this is a bug or a feature.)

In which case, the solution is to move 'jump_startregular' to the front - and possibly add a local source to the @font-face block instead, which probably causes problems with other older browsers.

"Taken word for word from the link mention above"

If this doesn't work, I suggest you use google fonts instead.

Firefox not recognizing custom font

jlego is right - you should check out the FontSquirrel site - they have an excellent tool for building your kit and converting your files for you, AND you must always be sure that the font is legal to use on your site.

However Firefox and Chrome should both support TTF, which is the format you are using.

In researching your problem on your site, what I've found is that the font is not rendering properly in any browser I check in. What I've found is while the stylesheet is referencing the right file location, but the font file appears to be corrupted. I would suggest getting a new font file new replace the one you are using.

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