CSS Pre-Processor with a Possibility to Define Variables in a @Media Query

CSS pre-processor with a possibility to define variables in a @media query

Let me answer more directly the question:

"Is it possible to achieve this in any other CSS pre-processor, or we
are doomed to override the .myElement within each media query?"

The answer actually resides in the question. Because LESS (and other similar tools) is a "pre-processor," the @media means nothing to it at compilation time, because it is not looking at the media state of the browser for its preprocessing. The @media state is only relevant after the preprocessing, at which point any @someVariable has already been calculated. This is why what you are trying to do cannot work. Your @myVar can only be output as a single value in a CSS style sheet, and that output occurs before the browser state is ever evaluated by @media.

So it does not have to do with the "global" or "local" scope of a media query, but the fact that LESS compiles the code into CSS utilizing the variables, and it is the CSS (not LESS) that pays attention to the @media query information.

For some further discussion on building media queries with LESS in such a way that they are all together and not scattered throughout the code, see this question.

css, change less variable with @media

Since I don't seem to be getting a lot of support for closing this as a duplicate of this question, I'll essentially repeat my answer (with some variety).

Remember @media is a CSS query, not a LESS query

The @media query is a CSS capability that allows the currently loaded CSS to respond to the media it is being presented on (typically some type of browser, but could be print, etc.).

LESS is a CSS preprocessor that creates CSS before it is loaded into the browser, and thus before the media is ever being checked (which is done in the CSS itself, after it has been generated by LESS).

So the proper method for LESS is to have the same type of output as straight CSS, which means you have to repeat the .menu selector in the @media query so that its value changes for the media type.

Final CSS Output Should Be Something Like

@media only screen and (max-width: 400px) {
.menu {
width: 100px;

.menu {
width: 300px;

There are various ways to generate something like that with LESS. Strictly taking your basic format above, there is this:

@menu-width: 300px; // default size

@media only screen and (max-width: 400px) {
.menu {
width: @menu-width - 200px; /* assuming you want it dynamic to default */

.menu {
width: @menu-width;

But also look at:

  • For the basic idea of LESS media queries: How can I use media queries more efficiently with LESS?
  • For discussion of getting media queries grouped and less repetition of selector code, see: Media Query grouping instead of multiple scattered media queries that match

CSS native variables not working in media queries

From the spec,

The var() function can be used in place of any part of a value in
any property on an element. The var() function can not be used as
property names, selectors, or anything else besides property values.
(Doing so usually produces invalid syntax, or else a value whose
meaning has no connection to the variable.)

So no, you can't use it in a media query.

And that makes sense. Because you can set --mobile-breakpoint e.g. to :root, that is, the <html> element, and from there be inherited to other elements. But a media query is not an element, it does not inherit from <html>, so it can't work.

This is not what CSS variables are trying to accomplish. You can use a CSS preprocessor instead.

Dynamic Css Media Query

This is probably an example of a css pre-processor. You can set variables in less that can be re-used throughout your css.

Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themable and extendable.

Check out a couple of options:


LESS CSS set variables in media query?

It would be nice, but this is impossible to do like this.

LESS compiles your media queries to actual media queries, so at compile time there is no indication of which media query will be relevant to the browser.

After compile time you just have CSS not less so you can't have variables anymore.

You can do this instead but it isn't as elegant:

@base_width: 100px;

@media all and (max-width: 768px) {
.something {
width: @base_width;

@media all and (min-width: 769px) {
.something {
width: @base_width * 2;

Adding to values rather than replacing existing values with media queries. CSS

In pure CSS this isn't possible.

When you use any CSS preprocessor, eg. LESS or SASS, you can use theere variables, do math operations (add 100px to existing one padding etc.).

Using Sass Variables with CSS3 Media Queries

This is simply not possible. Since the trigger @media screen and (max-width: 1170px) happens on the client-side.

Achieving your expected result would only be possible if SASS grabbed all rules and properties in your stylesheet containing your $base_width variable and copied/changed them accordingly.

Since it won't work automatically you could do it by hand like this:

@media screen and (max-width: 1170px)
$base_width: 960px // you need to indent it to (re)set it just within this media-query
// now you copy all the css rules/properties that contain or are relative to $base_width e.g.
width: $base_width

@media screen and (min-width: 1171px)
$base_width: 1160px
width: $base_width

This is not really DRY but the best you can do.

If the changes are the same every time you could also prepare a mixin containing all the changing values, so you wouldn't need to repeat it. Additionally you can try to combine the mixin with specific changes. Like:

@media screen and (min-width: 1171px)
#width-1171-specific-element // additional specific changes, that aren't in the mixin
display: block

And the Mixin would look like this

width: $base_width

Style duplication with Sass in @media when variables are already redefined

You have to do the second one. In your first example, your generated CSS would be:

p {
font-size: 30px;

In your second example, your generate CSS would be:

p {
font-size: 30px;

@media ... {
p {
font-size: 20px;

I'd probably define 2 variables for the 2 different text sizes, like so:

$normal-font-size: 30px;
$tablet-font-size: 20px;

p {
font-size: $normal-font-size;

@media ... {
p {
font-size: $tablet-font-size;

You generally don't want to change the value of your Sass variables throughout your code like that. You'd have to make sure to reset it to 30px if you wanted to do something after the media block that needed it.

Using class set in media query as mixin in less

Your problem is a common misconception. LESS does not process the @media query, the browser does after LESS has done its work. LESS can only create the CSS code that the browser is going to read. So the @media is "meaningless" to LESS, it is just like any other selector (.someClass div table, etc.), it only processes what the @media is going to serve to the browser.

So that means you need to put all your code that changes for the @media in the @media block. But you also don't want a bunch of repeated code. So instead, create a master mixin to set your @media code, and then call that mixin from the media queries:

.makeFooGroup(@w1, @w2) {
.foo {width: @w1}
.foo-2{width: @w2}

@media (min-width: 1000px) {
.makeFooGroup(120px, 150px);
@media (max-width: 999px) {
.makeFooGroup(110px, 120px);

Produces this css:

@media (min-width: 1000px) {
.foo {width: 120px;}
.foo-2 {width: 150px;}
.bar {width: 120px;}
.bar-2 {width: 120px;}
.bar-3 {width: 150px;}
@media (max-width: 999px) {
.foo {width: 110px;}
.foo-2 {width: 120px;}
.bar {width: 110px;}
.bar-2 {width: 110px;}
.bar-3 {width: 120px;}

For some further info I've given on LESS and @media related to this, see:

  1. CSS pre-processor with a possibility to define variables in a @media query
  2. Media Query grouping instead of multiple scattered media queries that match

Media Query grouping instead of multiple scattered media queries that match

First, your solution given in the question certainly has some usefulness to it.

One thing I thought, however, was that it would be nice to define all the media query variables "near" one another (your solution would have them under each media query call). So I propose the following as an alternative solution. It also has drawbacks, one being perhaps a bit more coding up front.


//define our break points as variables
@mediaBreak1: 800px;
@mediaBreak2: 1024px;
@mediaBreak3: 1280px;

//this mixin builds the entire media query based on the break number
.buildMediaQuery(@min) {
@media only screen and (min-width: @min) {

//define a variable output mixin for a class included in the query
.myClass1(@color) {
.myClass1 {
color: @color;

//define a builder guarded mixin for each break point of the query
//in these is where we change the variable for the media break (here, color)
.buildMyClass1() when (@min = @mediaBreak1) {
.buildMyClass1() when (@min = @mediaBreak2) {
.buildMyClass1() when (@min = @mediaBreak3) {

//call the builder mixin

//define a variable output mixin for a nested selector included in the query
.mySelector1(@fontSize) {
section {
width: (@min - 40);
margin: 0 auto;
a {
font-size: @fontSize;

//Again, define a builder guarded mixin for each break point of the query
//in these is where we change the variable for the media break (here, font-size)
.buildMySelector1() when (@min = @mediaBreak1) {
.buildMySelector1() when (@min = @mediaBreak2) {
.buildMySelector1() when (@min = @mediaBreak3) {

//call the builder mixin

//ect., ect., etc. for as many parts needed in the media queries.

//call our code to build the queries

CSS Output

@media only screen and (min-width: 800px) {
.myClass1 {
color: #ff0000;
section {
width: 760px;
margin: 0 auto;
section a {
font-size: 10px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
.myClass1 {
color: #008000;
section {
width: 984px;
margin: 0 auto;
section a {
font-size: 12px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1280px) {
.myClass1 {
color: #0000ff;
section {
width: 1240px;
margin: 0 auto;
section a {
font-size: 14px;

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