CSS Ie8 Can't Style a List Element

IE8 display inline-block not working

I'm guessing you haven't declared a doctype. Try placing this on the first line, before the html tag:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

The code you pasted works in IE8 with that doctype.

CSS styles not being loaded in IE8

@Guffa put me onto the right track with this: the problem is that the HTML5 elements aren't working in Internet Explorer 8 and lower.

Modernizr would fix this, but: http://www.modernizr.com/docs/#installing

Drop the script tags in the <head> of
your HTML.
For best performance, you
should have them follow after your
stylesheet references. The reason we
recommend placing Modernizr in the
head is two-fold: the HTML5 Shiv (that
enables HTML5 elements in IE) must
execute before the <body>
, and if
you’re using any of the CSS classes
that Modernizr adds, you’ll want to
prevent a FOUC.

So, you simply need to move Modernizr from just before </body> to inside the <head> element.

Why can't I style the html element using attribute or class selectors in IE8?

Ok, so I am a fool, but for anyone else who stumbles across this (as it is super mysterious until you realize it), I had forgot that I was using HTML5 Boilerplate-style conditional comments on the html element, so that the template variables were only being attached to the html element in non-IE browsers.

Internet Explorer 8 problems with CSS

There are no such headings as h7 and h8. Only h1-h6. IE8 and IE7 don't understand unknown elements and do not style them.

Internet Explorer 11 ignores list-style:none on the first load

Reply to Peter:

No idea if this would be better. Copied from the jquery git

list-style-image: url();

IE8 Developer Tools - add CSS style

You can:

  • add a style attribute (right click the html tag and click add attribute (with the name style, and then edit the style attribute once its added)
  • Click the CSS tab, right click the empty space, and add a rule (this is like adding a line to your css file)

How do I inject styles into IE8?

In MSIE set the cssText-property of the styleSheet-object related to the <style/>-element:

   $('<style id="custom_persona_css"></style>').appendTo('head'); 

$("#custom_persona_css").prop('styleSheet').cssText='#abc{ color:#000000; }';
$("#custom_persona_css").append('#abc{ color:#000000; }');


More Info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ms533698%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

How can I get IE8 to accept a CSS :before tag?

Update: I misread the page! IE 8 does support :before with images, it just doesn't when it is in IE7 compatibility mode.

IE8 supports :before, but not and also images as content when not in compatibility mode. Kudos to @toscho for testing!

  • Source

  • Detailed comparison of which browsers can deal with what sort of content

How I love quirksmode.org, which makes dealing with this stuff at least half-way bearable. The guy deserves a medal!

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