Compass, Adding Import Path

Compass, adding import path

To compile multiple .scss files you should import the "child" files into the "parent" SASS file using @import "filename";.

For example if you have main.scss, you might want to import more CSS from a child stylesheet called for example child.scss like this:

@import "_modules/child";

From what I understand, all that add_import_path does is allow you to import files from an additional directory. So you can also @import from _themes/

See this thread.

Compass, adding import path

To compile multiple .scss files you should import the "child" files into the "parent" SASS file using @import "filename";.

For example if you have main.scss, you might want to import more CSS from a child stylesheet called for example child.scss like this:

@import "_modules/child";

From what I understand, all that add_import_path does is allow you to import files from an additional directory. So you can also @import from _themes/

See this thread.

Compass/SASS @import path - Absolute

If you're using grunt-contrib-compass, you can add import paths with the importPath configuration option.

scss: compass, gruntjs and bower install foundation - import path

After reading up more, @Andrey's full solution is actually elaborated here -

It required some updates so I have written a post about it, detailing how to @import 'foundation'. Here -

Stylesheets directory not added to load path for Compass extension

Ad hoc extensions need to be placed within the extensions_dir directory (which is set to extensions by default).

/path/to/extensions/ <- extensions go here

Your myextension_name extension should live in /path/to/extensions/myextension_name/ and then follow the rest of the conventions for creating an extension. You may be able to assign extensions_dir to be the same as your sass_dir or your project's root, but I'm not sure that would be a wise idea.

If your extension is meant to be reused with other projects, it might be better to bundle it as a gem instead and use it the same way you're using Susy.

File to import not found or unreadable: compass/css3 on compiling a ready made .SCSS file

what I did was create a new sass project using ruby's command prompt "compass create newproject" then transfer the files there. then it worked.. I really did not solve the problem, thought but somehow I found a way to make it work. heres the link for reference.

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