Affecting Parent Element of :Focus'D Element (Pure CSS+HTML Preferred)

Affecting parent element of :focus'd element (pure CSS+HTML preferred)

Unfortunately css doesn't support parent selectors. :(

So the only way to do it is to use javascript like the jQuery parent method.

CSS Selectors Level 4 will support parent selectors!

CSS3 - style on focused parent element

There is no parent selector in css (yet).

You can, however, select it with jQuery:


<div class="parent">
<input type="text" />


.parent {
/* parent styles */
} {
/* do stuff when the input is hovered */


// listen for a focus event on the input,
// and then add a class to the parent
$('input').on('focus', function () {

CSS how to style a parent item when a textarea is in focus?

Not sure what #hallPost-inner is, but in general CSS selectors cannot ascend, meaning you would need to have the textarea:focus selector, but then would need to style an ancestor element, which cannot be done in css. Here's a good resource, among many others. The link shows how an easy javascript solution can be achieved as well.

Is there a CSS parent selector?

There is currently no way to select the parent of an element in CSS in a way that works across all browsers.

That said, the Selectors Level 4 Working Draft includes a :has() pseudo-class that will provide this capability. It will be similar to the jQuery implementation.

li:has(> { /* styles to apply to the li tag */ }

As of 2022, it is only supported by Safari, and by Chromium browsers behind a flag.

In the meantime, you'll have to resort to JavaScript if you need to select a parent element with full cross-browser support.

CSS solution to make drop-down element visible while focused

The solution has been already proposed, but lacks browser support:

9.4. The Generalized Input Focus Pseudo-class: :focus-within

The :focus-within pseudo-class applies to elements for which the
:focus pseudo class applies.

An element also matches :focus-within if one of its
shadow-including descendants matches :focus.

div {

width: 300px;

line-height: 50px;

text-align: center;

background: #e8e8e8;

border: 1px solid #666;


div:hover form, div:focus-within form {

display: block;


form {

display: none;

padding: 0 15px;

<div tabindex="-1">Hover Me

<form class="search">

<input type="search" placeholder="What are you looking for?" autofocus>

<input type="button" value="Search!">



Is there a CSS parent selector?

There is currently no way to select the parent of an element in CSS in a way that works across all browsers.

That said, the Selectors Level 4 Working Draft includes a :has() pseudo-class that will provide this capability. It will be similar to the jQuery implementation.

li:has(> { /* styles to apply to the li tag */ }

As of 2022, it is only supported by Safari, and by Chromium browsers behind a flag.

In the meantime, you'll have to resort to JavaScript if you need to select a parent element with full cross-browser support.

Is there a CSS parent selector?

There is currently no way to select the parent of an element in CSS in a way that works across all browsers.

That said, the Selectors Level 4 Working Draft includes a :has() pseudo-class that will provide this capability. It will be similar to the jQuery implementation.

li:has(> { /* styles to apply to the li tag */ }

As of 2022, it is only supported by Safari, and by Chromium browsers behind a flag.

In the meantime, you'll have to resort to JavaScript if you need to select a parent element with full cross-browser support.

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