When Does a Process Get Sigabrt (Signal 6)

When does a process get SIGABRT (signal 6)?

abort() sends the calling process the SIGABRT signal, this is how abort() basically works.

abort() is usually called by library functions which detect an internal error or some seriously broken constraint. For example malloc() will call abort() if its internal structures are damaged by a heap overflow.

Terminating because of 6 signal

It's probably talking about signal 6, which is SIGABRT, i.e. abort. The code itself most likely called abort(), or perhaps an assert failed.

You can list the signal numbers from the command line using

kill -l


Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT)

This is either a bug in the library, or, more probably, you provide some wrong parameters to your call. Or worse, there is some memory corruption from previous operations, as suggested here https://stackoverflow.com/a/3413215/952135.

process exited due to signal 6/11 c++

I think the main issue is that you are doing int *used = new int(p_n);, this will create a pointer to an integer that has initial value equal to p_n. But, the problem comes here: used[i_used]=p_arr[i][1]; -- this may lead to a segmentation fault, as you may end up using memory outside the valid bounds.

I'm not sure about the algorithm, but based on the code, I think you should use this instead:

used = new int[p_n]; // assuming p_n > 0

What is fatal signal 6 in android logcat

Without more details (like seeing some code).

1) Do not block the UI thread, this can cause a SIGABRT as the OS will kill a non-responsive app.

bind and unbind on every activity when i switch for like 11 times it crashes my app

2) Make sure that in your OnDestroy within your Activity you are cleaning up after yourself. i.e. Removing all your Listeners/Events and then calling the Base.OnDestory.

3) An external (i.e. BluetoothLeService) service calling back into your app with listeners that now null/nil will cause hangs and thus a SIGABRT, see #2

Django error: Process finished with exit code 134 (interrupted by signal 6: SIGABRT) python2.7 django project

Seems like your libraries are unsigned/old. Try this: https://dbaontap.com/2019/11/11/python-abort-trap-6-fix-after-catalina-update/

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