Integer Division Always Zero

Integer division always zero [duplicate]

You are doing integer division.

Try the following and it will work as expected:

int x = 17;
double result = 1.0 / x;

The type of the 1 in the expression you have above is int, and the type of x is int. When you do int / int, you get an int back. You need at least one of the types involved to be floating point (float or double) in order for floating point division to occur.

Unlike in Mathematics, division in C++ can either refer to truncated integer division (what you did) or floating point division (what I did in my example). Be careful of this!

In my example, explicitly what we have is double / int -> double.

Division in double variable returning always zero [duplicate]

The result of 80/100 (both integers) is always 0.

Change it to 80.0/100.0

Division result is always zero [duplicate]

because in this expression

t = (1/100) * d;

1 and 100 are integer values, integer division truncates, so this It's the same as this

t = (0) * d;

you need make that a float constant like this

t = (1.0/100.0) * d;

you may also want to do the same with this

k = n / 3.0;

Division returns zero

You are working with integers here. Try using decimals for all the numbers in your calculation.

decimal share = (18m / 58m) * 100m;

Division of integers returns 0

You should cast before you divide, but also you were missing a subquery to get the total count from the table. Here's the sample.

count(random_int) as Count,
cast(count(random_int) as decimal(7,2)) / cast((select count(random_int) from test) as decimal(7,2)) as Percent
from test
group by random_int
order by random_int;

C - Division returns zero

int intValue, menuSelect,Results;

So Results is declared as int.

When you assign it to your function result, it gets rounded/truncated (probably not what you want, but only part of the issue).

The fact that 0.0 is printed is because you're using %lf format in printf, which doesn't match int data type, and no conversion is performed here, since printf uses variable arguments and trusts the caller (some compilers issue warnings though).


double Results;

should be enough.

Division in Java always results in zero (0)? [duplicate]

You're doing integer division.

You need to cast one operand to double.

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