How to Set the Stacksize with C++11 Std::Thread

std::thread helper class to add thread name and stack size

Here is what you could do:
You need a wrapper around your thread start function so that you can call the appropriate functions before (and possibly after) your thread function is running. It might also be a good idea to include a try-catch block and do some error processing.

template <typename ThreadStartFnc>
struct ThreadWrapper
ThreadStartFnc fnc;
const char *name; // (1) Note: careful, just a pointer here, not a string. See below.
size_t priority;
size_t stack_size;

ThreadWrapper(...) // constructor here...

void operator()()
SetThreadName(name); // Whatever that is on your system
SetThreadPriority(priority); // dito
SetStackSize(stack_size); // not all systems allow this
try {
catch(...) {
cerr << "Exception caught"; // Do exception processing here.

And you need a simple way to instantiate an std::thread with the wrapper "inserted", like this:

template <typename Fnc>
std::thread make_thread(const Fnc& f, const char *name, size_t priority=0, size_t stack_size=0)
return std::thread(ThreadWrapper<Fnc>(f, name, priority, stack_size));

And that is basically it. std::thread accepts a Functor object, which is what ThreadWrapper is. It calls Functor() to start the thread, which is void operator()(). This function uses the additional parameters name, priority, stack_size to set everything up and then call your function.

Enhance this with the C++11/14/17 goodies like variadic template parameters and/or lambda functions as you like.

Below is the actual wrapper function that we use (although we do not use a Functor, we use boost::bind and a static template function instead).

    template <typename Fnc>
static inline void run_cstr(const Fnc &f, const char *name, DWORD priority)
int rc=_configthreadlocale(0);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
::SetThreadPriority(::GetCurrentThread(), priority);
__try {
__except (global_seh_handler(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ) {

It sets the ThreadName for Visual Studio (SetThreadName), sets the locale, sets the thread priority, connects our software watchdog to the thread and also sets up a global Windows try/catch handler for all exceptions including access violations etc....
The global_seh_handler will be executed if any uncaught exceptions (including invalid std lib parameters) end up here. It will write a crash dump file which we use for post mortem debugging.

(1) Note: I've used a const char *name for the thread name, because I am assuming that the thread will run immediately, while the string for the thread name is still available. That is actually unsafe, if you are storing objects of type ThreadWrapper for a longer period. You'd need to change const char* to std::string then.

What does stack size in a thread define in C++?

The stack is used to store local variables, pass parameters in function calls, store return addresses. A thread's stack has a fixed size which is determined when the thread is created. That is the value that you are referring too.

The stack size is determined when the thread is created since it needs to occupy contiguous address space. That means that the entire address space for the thread's stack has to be reserved at the point of creating the thread.

If the stack is too small then it can overflow. That's an error condition known as stack overflow, from which this website took its name. When you call a function some or all of the following happens:

  • Parameters are pushed onto the stack.
  • The return address is pushed onto the stack.
  • A stack frame containing space for the function's local variables is created.

All of this consumes space from the stack. When the function in turn calls another function, more stack space is consumed. As the call stack goes deeper, more stack space is required.

The consequence therefore of setting the stack size too low is that you can exhaust the stack and overflow it. That is a terminal condition from which you cannot recover. Certainly 32 bytes (rounded up to one page which is 4096 bytes) is too small for almost all threads.

If you have a program with a lot of threads, and you know that the thread's don't need to reserve 1MB of stack size then there can be benefits to using a smaller stack size. Doing so can avoid exhausting the available process address space.

On the other hand you might have a program with a single thread that has deep call stacks that consume large amounts of stack space. In this scenario you might reserve more than the default 1MB.

However, unless you have strong reason to do otherwise, it is likely best to stick to the default stack size.

C/C++ maximum stack size of program on mainstream OSes

In Visual Studio the default stack size is 1 MB i think, so with a recursion depth of 10,000 each stack frame can be at most ~100 bytes which should be sufficient for a DFS algorithm.

Most compilers including Visual Studio let you specify the stack size. On some (all?) linux flavours the stack size isn't part of the executable but an environment variable in the OS. You can then check the stack size with ulimit -s and set it to a new value with for example ulimit -s 16384.

Here's a link with default stack sizes for gcc.

DFS without recursion:

std::stack<Node> dfs;
do {
Node top =;
if (top is what we are looking for) {
for (outgoing nodes from top) {
dfs.push(outgoing node);
} while (!dfs.empty())

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