Operator Overloading in C++ as Int + Obj

operator overloading in c++ with an integer and an object

to implement i+list1 you must define a friend non member operator like

class SortedDoublyLinkedList {

friend SortedDoublyLinkedList operator+(int i, const SortedDoublyLinkedList &_list);

SortedDoublyLinkedList operator+(int i, const SortedDoublyLinkedList &_list) {
SortedDoublyLinkedList newlist(_list);
return newlist;

Return Integer while overloading operator plus 2 object in c++

Because the operator is defined inside the class it's left hand side must be of type Sum and the right hand side must be of type Sum* (because that's the type of parameter d1).

However, you try to add two pointers here:

int result = num1 + num2;

Correct would be to dereference the left hand side

//           V
int result = *num1 + num2;

Even better would be to overload the operator with a reference as right hand side argument and don't use new at all (You don't really need to use new in modern C++).

//             VVVVV     V
int operator+ (const Sum &d1) {
return this->getNumber() + d1.getNumber();


int main() {
Sum num1(17);
Sum num2(9);

int result = num1 + num2;
cout << result;

How to overload + operator that can work on objects of class largeIntegers that can store a number upto 100 digits in an array?

The problem is that your overloaded operator+ was returning a reference to a local variable. To solve this, you can instead use the following version of operator+:

//return by value 
largeIntegers operator+(const largeIntegers &lhs, const largeIntegers &integer)
largeIntegers temp;
int remainder = 0;
int digi = max(lhs.digits, integer.digits);
temp.digits = digi;
for (int i = 0; i < digi; i++) {
temp.num[i] = (remainder + lhs.num[i] + integer.num[i]) % 10;
remainder = (remainder + lhs.num[i] + integer.num[i]) / 10;
if (remainder) {
temp.num[digi] = remainder;

return temp;

For the above to work make operator+ a friend by adding a friend declaration as follows inside the class:

friend largeIntegers operator+(const largeIntegers &lhs, const largeIntegers &rhs);

The complete working program that uses the above shown modification can be seen here and is given below:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

class largeIntegers {
/* data */
int num[100] = {0};
int digits;
bool isPositive;

friend istream &operator>>(istream &, largeIntegers &);
//i have added this friend declaration
friend largeIntegers operator+(const largeIntegers &lhs, const largeIntegers &rhs);
void getLargeInteger(void);
void setLargeInteger(string);
void print(void);

int main() {
largeIntegers num1;
cin >> num1;
largeIntegers num2;
num2 = num1;
cin >> num1;

largeIntegers num3;
num3 = num1 + num2;
return 0;
//i have modified the operator+ as shown below
largeIntegers operator+(const largeIntegers &lhs, const largeIntegers &integer)
largeIntegers temp;
int remainder = 0;
int digi = max(lhs.digits, integer.digits);
temp.digits = digi;
for (int i = 0; i < digi; i++) {
temp.num[i] = (remainder + lhs.num[i] + integer.num[i]) % 10;
remainder = (remainder + lhs.num[i] + integer.num[i]) / 10;
if (remainder) {
temp.num[digi] = remainder;

return temp;

largeIntegers::largeIntegers(string n) { setLargeInteger(n); }

largeIntegers::largeIntegers() {
isPositive = true;
digits = 0;

void largeIntegers::setLargeInteger(string n) {
int start = 0;
if (n[0] == '-') {
isPositive = false;
start = 1;
digits = 0;
for (int i = n.length() - 1; i >= start; i--) {
num[digits] = int(n[i]) - int('0');

void largeIntegers::getLargeInteger(void) {
cout << "Enter a large integer:\n";
string n;
cin >> n;

istream &operator>>(istream &isObject, largeIntegers &largeInt) {
string num;
isObject >> num;

return isObject;

void largeIntegers::print(void) {
if (!isPositive)
cout << "-";
for (int i = digits - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
cout << num[i];
cout << endl;

See the comments in the above code to check the modifications i made

Operator Overloading c++ adding int to object

You will need to define another overload of operator+ that takes an int as argument:

  upDate upDate::operator+(int days) const{    
upDate temp(*this);
temp.day += days;
return temp;

Edit: as Dolphiniac has noted, you should define a copy constructor to initialize temp correctly.

Can we overload operators for built-in types like int or float?

You cannot redefine a built-in operator. Operator overloading
is designed to allow you to extend the language, not to change
it. At least one of the parameters of an overloaded operator
must be a user defined type (class or enum type) or a reference
to a user defined type.

How to overload object = constant int + object

It's simple, define the overload out of class

class mango

mango operator+(const int a, const mango& b)

In fact it's generally reckoned that all symmetric and anti-symmetric operators should be defined out of class. So your mango + int should also be moved out of the class.

mango operator+(const mango& a, const int b)

Overloading operator + and doing a + b where a is int and b custom object

Overloading operator + and doing a + b where a is int and b custom object

By defining the overload operator+(int a, custom b).

It may however be preferable to make the custom type implicitly constructible from int in which case you would only need one operator overload operator+(custom a, custom b) which would work with all combinations of custom and int.

Can I overload an operator in Objective-C?

Operator overloading is not a feature of Objective-C. If two instances of your classes can be added together, provide a method and allow them to be added using that method:

Thing *result = [thingOne thingByAddingThing:thingTwo];

Or, if your class is mutable:

[thingOne addThing:thingTwo];

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