Get Home Directory in Linux

Get home directory in Linux

You need getuid to get the user id of the current user and then getpwuid to get the password entry (which includes the home directory) of that user:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>

struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());

const char *homedir = pw->pw_dir;

Note: if you need this in a threaded application, you'll want to use getpwuid_r instead.

How to get $HOME directory of user in bash script root mode?

sudo runs the script as the root-user
To get the name of the user who initiated sudo you can call echo $SUDO_USER

To get its home directory:

getent passwd $SUDO_USER | cut -d: -f6

How do I find the path to the home directory for Linux?

From the home crate.

The definition of home_dir provided by the standard library is incorrect because it relies on the $HOME environment variable which has basically no meaning in Windows. This causes surprising situations where a Rust program will behave differently depending on whether it is run under a Unix emulation environment. Neither Cargo nor rustup use the standard libraries definition - instead they use the definition here.

There is discussion about bringing home_dir back into the standard library, but for now the home crate is probably your best option. It provides canonical definitions of home_dir, cargo_home, and rustup_home:

match home::home_dir() {
Some(path) => println!("{}", path.display()),
None => println!("Impossible to get your home dir!"),

How to get $HOME directory when switching to a different user in bash?

Update: Based on this question's title, people seem to come here just looking for a way to find a different user's home directory, without the need to impersonate that user.

In that case, the simplest solution is to use tilde expansion with the username of interest, combined with eval (which is needed, because the username must be given as an unquoted literal in order for tilde expansion to work):

eval echo "~$different_user"    # prints $different_user's home dir.

Note: The usual caveats regarding the use of eval apply; in this case, the assumption is that you control the value of $different_user and know it to be a mere username.

By contrast, the remainder of this answer deals with impersonating a user and performing operations in that user's home directory.


  • Administrators by default and other users if authorized via the sudoers file can impersonate other users via sudo.
  • The following is based on the default configuration of sudo - changing its configuration can make it behave differently - see man sudoers.

The basic form of executing a command as another user is:

sudo -H -u someUser someExe [arg1 ...]
# Example:
sudo -H -u root env # print the root user's environment


  • If you neglect to specify -H, the impersonating process (the process invoked in the context of the specified user) will report the original user's home directory in $HOME.
  • The impersonating process will have the same working directory as the invoking process.
  • The impersonating process performs no shell expansions on string literals passed as arguments, since no shell is involved in the impersonating process (unless someExe happens to be a shell) - expansions by the invoking shell - prior to passing to the impersonating process - can obviously still occur.

Optionally, you can have an impersonating process run as or via a(n impersonating) shell, by prefixing someExe either with -i or -s - not specifying someExe ... creates an interactive shell:

  • -i creates a login shell for someUser, which implies the following:

    • someUser's user-specific shell profile, if defined, is loaded.
    • $HOME points to someUser's home directory, so there's no need for -H (though you may still specify it)
    • The working directory for the impersonating shell is the someUser's home directory.
  • -s creates a non-login shell:

    • no shell profile is loaded (though initialization files for interactive nonlogin shells are; e.g., ~/.bashrc)
    • Unless you also specify -H, the impersonating process will report the original user's home directory in $HOME.
    • The impersonating shell will have the same working directory as the invoking process.

Using a shell means that string arguments passed on the command line MAY be subject to shell expansions - see platform-specific differences below - by the impersonating shell (possibly after initial expansion by the invoking shell); compare the following two commands (which use single quotes to prevent premature expansion by the invoking shell):

  # Run root's shell profile, change to root's home dir.
sudo -u root -i eval 'echo $SHELL - $USER - $HOME - $PWD'
# Don't run root's shell profile, use current working dir.
# Note the required -H to define $HOME as root`s home dir.
sudo -u root -H -s eval 'echo $SHELL - $USER - $HOME - $PWD'

What shell is invoked is determined by "the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell as specified in passwd(5)" (according to man sudo). Note that with -s it is the invoking user's environment that matters, whereas with -i it is the impersonated user's.

Note that there are platform differences regarding shell-related behavior (with -i or -s):

  • sudo on Linux apparently only accepts an executable or builtin name as the first argument following -s/-i, whereas OSX allows passing an entire shell command line; e.g., OSX accepts sudo -u root -s 'echo $SHELL - $USER - $HOME - $PWD' directly (no need for eval), whereas Linux doesn't (as of sudo 1.8.95p).

  • Older versions of sudo on Linux do NOT apply shell expansions to arguments passed to a shell; for instance, with sudo 1.8.3p1 (e.g., Ubuntu 12.04), sudo -u root -H -s echo '$HOME' simply echoes the string literal "$HOME" instead of expanding the variable reference in the context of the root user. As of at least sudo 1.8.9p5 (e.g., Ubuntu 14.04) this has been fixed. Therefore, to ensure expansion on Linux even with older sudo versions, pass the the entire command as a single argument to eval; e.g.: sudo -u root -H -s eval 'echo $HOME'. (Although not necessary on OSX, this will work there, too.)

  • The root user's $SHELL variable contains /bin/sh on OSX 10.9, whereas it is /bin/bash on Ubuntu 12.04.

Whether the impersonating process involves a shell or not, its environment will have the following variables set, reflecting the invoking user and command: SUDO_COMMAND, SUDO_USER, SUDO_UID=, SUDO_GID.

See man sudo and man sudoers for many more subtleties.

Tip of the hat to @DavidW and @Andrew for inspiration.

How to find a user's home directory on linux or unix?

For UNIX-Like systems you might want to execute "echo ~username" using the shell (so use Runtime.exec() to run {"/bin/sh", "-c", "echo ~username"}).

Getting home directory?

In PowerShell, the most robust way to refer to the current user's home directory is to use automatic variable $HOME, inside "..." if it is part of a larger path:

  • $mySourceDir = "$HOME/Projects/svn/myProject/trunk"; Set-Location $mySourceDir

    (Set-Location is PowerShell's cd equivalent; thanks to a built-in alias definition, you can use cd too, however.)

  • If you're passing a path as an argument to a command, you may be able to get away without the enclosing "...", depending on what characters the path contains; e.g.,

    Set-Location $HOME/Desktop

  • Works on both Windows and Unix platforms, whereas if you tried to use environment variables such as $env:HOME, platform differences would surface.

  • To learn about all automatic variables (built-in variables) that PowerShell defines, see the conceptual about_Automatic_Variables help topic (as of this writing, the description of $HOME reflects just the Windows perspective, but $HOME does work analogously on Unix platforms).

Use ~ only if you're certain that the current location is a filesystem location:

  • The current location is PowerShell's generalized concept of the current directory: PowerShell generalizes the concept of a drive to include other (typically) hierarchical data stores, such as the Windows registry, a directory of all defined functions (drive Function:), variables (Variable), or environment variables (Env:).

  • Each such drive is provided by a drive provider, of which the filesystem [drive provider] is just one instance.

  • ~ is a drive-provider-specific concept, so using just ~, without an explicit reference to a drive provider, refers to the home location as defined by the provider underlying the current location.

    • Some providers provide no default for what ~ represents, causing attempts to use it to fail; for instance, that is the case for the Environment drive provider and its Env: drive:

      Set-Location Env:; Set-Location ~ results in error

      Home location for this provider is not set. To set the home location, call "(get-psprovider 'Environment').Home = 'path'
  • It is the drive provider that interprets ~, so ~ also works inside '...' and "..."

    • From a filesystem location, the following commands all work the same:
      • Set-Location ~/Desktop
      • Set-Location "~/Desktop"
      • Set-Location '~/Desktop'
    • Contrast this with POSIX-like shells such as bash, where it is the shell that expands ~, up front, before the target command sees it, but only if it is unquoted.

Find home directory in Python?

To get the homedir in python, you can use os.path.expanduser('~').

This also works if it's part of a longer path, such as os.path.expanduser('~/some/directory/file.txt'). If there is no ~ in the path, the function will return the path unchanged.

So depending on what you want to do it's better than reading os.environ['HOME']

The username is available through getpass.getuser()

How to find user's home directory on Windows and Linux in PHP

After not working on this for a long time, I finally decided to definitely answer this question.

There are some usefull environment variables defined on Windows: USERPROFILE, APPDATA, LOCALAPPDATA. They are easily accessible via getenv() function:


USERPROFILE exists on any Windows, according to

So, on Windows, it seems to be reliable.

If you need to store data for the current user, APPDATA and LOCALAPPDATA are good variables to find that place.

I've written a package to make these tools reusable:

It's still work in progress and certainly needs to be improved. Any help is welcome to make this tool reliable on any platform.

Thanks to eryksun whose comments helped a lot in solving this question.

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