How to Write to a Memory Buffer With a File*

How to write a file to a buffer memory in C

One way to do it would be to create a buffer that exactly fits the size of the file.
In order to do so, you can write a function to get the size of an openned file like so:

size_t get_file_size(FILE *f)
size_t pos = ftell(f); // store the cursor position
size_t size;

// go to the end of the file and get the cursor position
fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(f);

// go back to the old position
fseek(f, pos, SEEK_SET);
return size;

Then create and fill your buffer:

FILE *f = fopen("your_file", "r");
size_t size = get_file_size(f);
char *buffer = malloc(size);

if (fread(buffer, 1, size, f) != size) { // bytes read != computed file size
// error handling

// use your buffer...

// don't forget to free and fclose

It is worth mentioning that you should check if the file was opened correctly, and to check if you have enough memory to store the buffer (the one created with malloc).


As Andrew Henle said, fseek()/ftell() to get the size of a file is non-portable. Instead, to get the size of your file, you should use one of these techniques depending on your OS (assuming you are trying to open a 'normal' file):

On Linux / MacOS:

#include <sys/stat.h>

struct stat st;
size_t size;

if (stat("your_file", &st) != 0) {
// error handling...
size = st.st_size;

On Windows (as answered here) :

__int64 FileSize(const wchar_t* name)
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(name, GENERIC_READ,

return -1; // error condition, could call GetLastError to find out more

if (!GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &size)) {
return -1; // error condition, could call GetLastError to find out more

return size.QuadPart;

Make a file pointer read/write to an in-memory location

If your operating system provides fmemopen,
probably it will meet your purpose.

Writing a file from memory in C

you should use 'fwrite' take the place of fpus

Send file writes to in-memory buffer (fopen something, but write to buffer, not disk)

Stdout is a basic file handle, which means its a pointer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv);

int main (argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
stdout = &(*stderr);
fprintf(stdout, "test");
return 0;

By declaring stdout to point to a different file handle, this program redirects stdout. To test it, compile it as test, and then type ./test > t and ./test 2> t on the command line.

The redirected stdout pipe will still output the word test, whereas the redirected stderr pipe will not.

Since files are streams, read this section of the GNU C Library for how to create memory streams. This example creates a text buffer to dynamically resize for holding input, and redirects stdout to point to it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv);

int main (argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
char *bp;
size_t size;
FILE *stream;

stream = open_memstream (&bp, &size);
stdout = &(*stream);
fprintf(stdout, "test");
fprintf(stderr, "buf = %s, size = %d\n", bp, size);
fclose (stream);
return 0;

Pay careful attention to the sections on flushing the buffers when switching between input and output in the manual.

How to create a virtual file as a memory buffer

In Linux, there are anonymous, in-memory files that behave like regular ones and can be created using os.memfd_create() (Python 3.8 and higher).

>>> fd = os.memfd_create('test_file')
>>> os.write(fd, b'This is a test file\n')
nano /proc/[pid]/fd/[fd]
It automatically disappears if closed.
>>> os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)
>>>, 0x100)
b'This is a test file\nIt automatically disappears if closed.\n'
>>> os.close(fd)

More information here:

  • man page: memfd_create()
  • python3 os module

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