Why Is Memset() Incorrectly Initializing Int

Why is memset() incorrectly initializing int?

memset sets each byte of the destination buffer to the specified value. On your system, an int is four bytes, each of which is 5 after the call to memset. Thus, grid[0] has the value 0x05050505 (hexadecimal), which is 84215045 in decimal.

Some platforms provide alternative APIs to memset that write wider patterns to the destination buffer; for example, on OS X or iOS, you could use:

int pattern = 5;
memset_pattern4(grid, &pattern, sizeof grid);

to get the behavior that you seem to expect. What platform are you targeting?

In C++, you should just use std::fill_n:

std::fill_n(grid, 100, 5);

using memset to initialise the int array

memset sets individual bytes, not entire integers which, typically, span four bytes. If you look at the bits of the number 16843009, it is what you get with four bytes with the value 1. As Ed Heal said, don't complicate things by using memset. Use a loop instead.

Why isn't memset assigning 1?

Manpage :

#include <string.h>
void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)

The memset() function fills the first n bytes of the memory area pointed to by s with the constant byte c.

Therefore, memset can't be used to initialize int array with 1 because if int is represented by 4 bytes, then it will initialize each bytes with 1.

16843009 is equivalent to 0x01010101. Each of 4 bytes are initialized with 01.

Using memset, an array of int can only be initialised with 0 or -1 because 0 and -1 both have all bits 0 and 1 respectively in two's complement binary representation regardless of the size of int data type.

Initializing an integer array using memset and an int value - fails

If you know the size of a table and want to set each element to the certain value you can always write:

int array[10] = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };

If you use gcc you can also do this in this way:

int array[10] = {[0 ... 9] = 4};

When you have to dynamically allocate the array I doubt that there is any alternative solution then just using a simple loop.

Strange problem with memset, why is it zeroing my variable?

When you apply the sizeof operator to an array, it gives you the size of the whole array in bytes, not the size of one element. Because you're multiplying this value by the number of array elements, you're writing far past the end of the array. This invokes undefined behavior.

You can properly clear each array as follows:

out_t *out[c-1];
memset(out, 0, sizeof(out));

int Ilosc[c-1];
memset(Ilosc, 0, sizeof(Ilosc));

Or better still:

out_t *out[c-1] = { NULL };
int Ilosc[c-1] = { 0 };

This will initialize all array elements to NULL or 0 without having to call memset.

Why memset works wrong in apple clang compiler?

memset converts the second operand (argument) into unsigned char and copies it into all destination bytes. In your case, this resulting unsigned char is 0xFF, which copied into all elements of type int gives their values -1.

Documentation link: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/byte/memset.

Recommendation: Don't use low-level "C" functions like memset unless you are very sure of what you are doing and that you really need it. You don't need to set array values in a loop, we have algorithms in C++, such as std::fill suggested in comments. You might also want to use std::array instead of the plain "C" array.

A more C++-like and much more readable alternative:

std::array<int, SIZE> arr2;
std::fill(std::begin(arr2), std::end(arr2), INF);

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