How to Make Generic Computations Over Heterogeneous Argument Packs of a Variadic Template Function

How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function?

Since I was not happy with what I found, I tried to work out a solution myself and ended up writing a small library which allows formulating generic operations on argument packs. My solution has the following features:

  • Allows iterating over all or some elements of an argument pack, possibly specified by computing their indices on the pack;
  • Allows forwarding computed portions of an argument pack to variadic functors;
  • Only requires including one relatively short header file;
  • Makes extensive use of perfect forwarding to allow for heavy inlining and avoids unnecessary copies/moves to allow for minimum performance loss;
  • The internal implementation of the iterating algorithms relies on Empty Base Class Optimization for minimizing memory consumption;
  • It is easy (relatively, considering it's template meta-programming) to extend and adapt.

I will first show what can be done with the library, then post its implementation.


Here is an example of how the for_each_in_arg_pack() function can be used to iterate through all the arguments of a pack and pass each argument in input to some client-supplied functor (of course, the functor must have a generic call operator if the argument pack contains values of heterogenous types):

// Simple functor with a generic call operator that prints its input. This is used by the
// following functors and by some demonstrative test cases in the main() routine.
struct print
template<typename T>
void operator () (T&& t)
cout << t << endl;

// This shows how a for_each_*** helper can be used inside a variadic template function
template<typename... Ts>
void print_all(Ts&&... args)
for_each_in_arg_pack(print(), forward<Ts>(args)...);

The print functor above can also be used in more complex computations. In particular, here is how one would iterate on a subset (in this case, a sub-range) of the arguments in a pack:

// Shows how to select portions of an argument pack and 
// invoke a functor for each of the selected elements
template<typename... Ts>
void split_and_print(Ts&&... args)
constexpr size_t packSize = sizeof...(args);
constexpr size_t halfSize = packSize / 2;

cout << "Printing first half:" << endl;
print(), // The functor to invoke for each element
index_range<0, halfSize>(), // The indices to select
forward<Ts>(args)... // The argument pack

cout << "Printing second half:" << endl;
print(), // The functor to invoke for each element
index_range<halfSize, packSize>(), // The indices to select
forward<Ts>(args)... // The argument pack

Sometimes, one may just want to forward a portion of an argument pack to some other variadic functor instead of iterating through its elements and pass each of them individually to a non-variadic functor. This is what the forward_subpack() algorithm allows doing:

// Functor with variadic call operator that shows the usage of for_each_*** 
// to print all the arguments of a heterogeneous pack
struct my_func
template<typename... Ts>
void operator ()(Ts&&... args)

// Shows how to forward only a portion of an argument pack
// to another variadic functor
template<typename... Ts>
void split_and_print(Ts&&... args)
constexpr size_t packSize = sizeof...(args);
constexpr size_t halfSize = packSize / 2;

cout << "Printing first half:" << endl;
forward_subpack(my_func(), index_range<0, halfSize>(), forward<Ts>(args)...);

cout << "Printing second half:" << endl;
forward_subpack(my_func(), index_range<halfSize, packSize>(), forward<Ts>(args)...);

For more specific tasks, it is of course possible to retrieve specific arguments in a pack by indexing them. This is what the nth_value_of() function allows doing, together with its helpers first_value_of() and last_value_of():

// Shows that arguments in a pack can be indexed
template<unsigned I, typename... Ts>
void print_first_last_and_indexed(Ts&&... args)
cout << "First argument: " << first_value_of(forward<Ts>(args)...) << endl;
cout << "Last argument: " << last_value_of(forward<Ts>(args)...) << endl;
cout << "Argument #" << I << ": " << nth_value_of<I>(forward<Ts>(args)...) << endl;

If the argument pack is homogeneous on the other hand (i.e. all arguments have the same type), a formulation such as the one below might be preferable. The is_homogeneous_pack<> meta-function allows determining whether all the types in a parameter pack are homogeneous, and is mainly meant to be used in static_assert() statements:

// Shows the use of range-based for loops to iterate over a
// homogeneous argument pack
template<typename... Ts>
void print_all(Ts&&... args)
"Template parameter pack not homogeneous!"

for (auto&& x : { args... })
// Do something with x...

cout << endl;

Finally, since lambdas are just syntactic sugar for functors, they can be used as well in combination with the algorithms above; however, until generic lambdas will be supported by C++, this is only possible for homogeneous argument packs. The following example also shows the usage of the homogeneous-type<> meta-function, which returns the type of all arguments in a homogeneous pack:

 // ...
"Template parameter pack not homogeneous!"
using type = homogeneous_type<Ts...>::type;
for_each_in_arg_pack([] (type const& x) { cout << x << endl; }, forward<Ts>(args)...);

This is basically what the library allows doing, but I believe it could even be extended to carry out more complex tasks.


Now comes the implementation, which is a bit tricky in itself so I will rely on comments to explain the code and avoid making this post too long (perhaps it already is):

#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>


// Declare primary template
template<int I, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type_of

// Base step
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type_of<0, T, Ts...>
using type = T;

// Induction step
template<int I, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>
using type = typename nth_type_of<I - 1, Ts...>::type;

// Helper meta-function for retrieving the first type in a parameter pack
template<typename... Ts>
struct first_type_of
using type = typename nth_type_of<0, Ts...>::type;

// Helper meta-function for retrieving the last type in a parameter pack
template<typename... Ts>
struct last_type_of
using type = typename nth_type_of<sizeof...(Ts) - 1, Ts...>::type;


// Base step
template<int I, typename T, typename... Ts>
auto nth_value_of(T&& t, Ts&&... args) ->
typename std::enable_if<(I == 0), decltype(std::forward<T>(t))>::type
return std::forward<T>(t);

// Induction step
template<int I, typename T, typename... Ts>
auto nth_value_of(T&& t, Ts&&... args) ->
typename std::enable_if<(I > 0), decltype(
std::forward<typename nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>::type>(
std::declval<typename nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>::type>()
using return_type = typename nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>::type;
return std::forward<return_type>(nth_value_of<I - 1>((std::forward<Ts>(args))...));

// Helper function for retrieving the first value of an argument pack
template<typename... Ts>
auto first_value_of(Ts&&... args) ->
std::forward<typename first_type_of<Ts...>::type>(
std::declval<typename first_type_of<Ts...>::type>()
using return_type = typename first_type_of<Ts...>::type;
return std::forward<return_type>(nth_value_of<0>((std::forward<Ts>(args))...));

// Helper function for retrieving the last value of an argument pack
template<typename... Ts>
auto last_value_of(Ts&&... args) ->
std::forward<typename last_type_of<Ts...>::type>(
std::declval<typename last_type_of<Ts...>::type>()
using return_type = typename last_type_of<Ts...>::type;
return std::forward<return_type>(nth_value_of<sizeof...(Ts) - 1>((std::forward<Ts>(args))...));


// Used as the underlying type of non-homogeneous parameter packs
struct null_type

// Declare primary template
template<typename... Ts>
struct homogeneous_type;

// Base step
template<typename T>
struct homogeneous_type<T>
using type = T;
static const bool isHomogeneous = true;

// Induction step
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
struct homogeneous_type<T, Ts...>
// The underlying type of the tail of the parameter pack
using type_of_remaining_parameters = typename homogeneous_type<Ts...>::type;

// True if each parameter in the pack has the same type
static const bool isHomogeneous = std::is_same<T, type_of_remaining_parameters>::value;

// If isHomogeneous is "false", the underlying type is the fictitious null_type
using type = typename std::conditional<isHomogeneous, T, null_type>::type;

// Meta-function to determine if a parameter pack is homogeneous
template<typename... Ts>
struct is_homogeneous_pack
static const bool value = homogeneous_type<Ts...>::isHomogeneous;


// The structure that encapsulates index lists
template <unsigned... Is>
struct index_list

// Collects internal details for generating index ranges [MIN, MAX)
namespace detail
// Declare primary template for index range builder
template <unsigned MIN, unsigned N, unsigned... Is>
struct range_builder;

// Base step
template <unsigned MIN, unsigned... Is>
struct range_builder<MIN, MIN, Is...>
typedef index_list<Is...> type;

// Induction step
template <unsigned MIN, unsigned N, unsigned... Is>
struct range_builder : public range_builder<MIN, N - 1, N - 1, Is...>

// Meta-function that returns a [MIN, MAX) index range
template<unsigned MIN, unsigned MAX>
using index_range = typename detail::range_builder<MIN, MAX>::type;


// Implementation inspired by @jogojapan's answer to this question:

// Collects internal details for implementing functor invocation
namespace detail
// Functor invocation is realized through variadic inheritance.
// The constructor of each base class invokes an input functor.
// An functor invoker for an argument pack has one base class
// for each argument in the pack

// Realizes the invocation of the functor for one parameter
template<unsigned I, typename T>
struct invoker_base
template<typename F, typename U>
invoker_base(F&& f, U&& u) { f(u); }

// Necessary because a class cannot inherit the same class twice
template<unsigned I, typename T>
struct indexed_type
static const unsigned int index = I;
using type = T;

// The functor invoker: inherits from a list of base classes.
// The constructor of each of these classes invokes the input
// functor with one of the arguments in the pack.
template<typename... Ts>
struct invoker : public invoker_base<Ts::index, typename Ts::type>...
template<typename F, typename... Us>
invoker(F&& f, Us&&... args)
invoker_base<Ts::index, typename Ts::type>(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Us>(args))...

// The functor provided in the first argument is invoked for each
// argument in the pack whose index is contained in the index list
// specified in the second argument
template<typename F, unsigned... Is, typename... Ts>
void for_each_in_arg_pack_subset(F&& f, index_list<Is...> const& i, Ts&&... args)
// Constructors of invoker's sub-objects will invoke the functor.
// Note that argument types must be paired with numbers because the
// implementation is based on inheritance, and one class cannot
// inherit the same base class twice.
detail::invoker<detail::indexed_type<Is, typename nth_type_of<Is, Ts...>::type>...> invoker(

// The functor provided in the first argument is invoked for each
// argument in the pack
template<typename F, typename... Ts>
void for_each_in_arg_pack(F&& f, Ts&&... args)
for_each_in_arg_pack_subset(f, index_range<0, sizeof...(Ts)>(), std::forward<Ts>(args)...);

// The functor provided in the first argument is given in input the
// arguments in whose index is contained in the index list specified
// as the second argument.
template<typename F, unsigned... Is, typename... Ts>
void forward_subpack(F&& f, index_list<Is...> const& i, Ts&&... args)

// The functor provided in the first argument is given in input all the
// arguments in the pack.
template<typename F, typename... Ts>
void forward_pack(F&& f, Ts&&... args)


Of course, even though I provided my own answer to this question (and actually because of this fact), I am curious to hear if alternative or better solutions exist which I have missed - apart from the ones mentioned in the "Related Works" section of the question.

How to write generic version of variadic template class that calculates sum of integers

It is also possible to do so for non integer types with some modification!

Templates non-type, non-template parameters should be of integer types or of reference/pointer with a linkage or some limited more possibilities. One can read the full list here Template parameters and template arguments.

Since floating types can not appear as templates non-type, non-template parameters/arguments, the best next option is to take them by reference.

So the struct becomes like:

template<auto& ...>
struct add{
static constexpr auto value = 0;
template<auto& first, auto& ... others>
struct add<first, others...>{
static constexpr auto value = first + add<others ...>::value;

Values should be stored as constants (with a linkage) first, so before main():

const auto v1 = 12; //int
const auto v2 = 54L; //long
const auto v3 = 3.25242; //double
const auto v4 = 75.7256L; //long double

Then they can be used any where:

#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cout << add<v1, v2, v3, v4>::value << std::endl;

Possible output:


It works not only with (mixed) integer types and (mixed) floating types but also any custom type provided that the custom types satisfy specific properties including having constexpr constructors and operator +. It also has to have some sort of type conversion operator or other means to achieve similar functionality.
For example this type can be used:

class custom_type{
const float v;
//this one works too but the first is better for the purpose.
//float v;
template<typename T>
constexpr custom_type(T v_):v(v_){}
template<typename T>
constexpr auto operator +(T o)const{
return o + 7345 + v ;
//this one works but the next one is better for the purpose.
//operator auto()const{
//this one works too but the next one is more clear.
//constexpr operator auto()const{
template<typename T>
constexpr operator T()const{
return v;

Putting it all together:

template<auto& ...>
struct add{
static constexpr auto value = 0;
template<auto& first, auto& ... others>
struct add<first, others...>{
static constexpr auto value = first + add<others ...>::value;

class custom_type{
const float v;
template<typename T>
constexpr custom_type(T v_):v(v_){}
template<typename T>
constexpr auto operator +(T o)const{
return o + 7345 + v ;
template<typename T>
constexpr operator T()const{
return v;

const auto v1 = 12; //int
const auto v2 = 54L; //long
const auto v3 = 3.25242; //double
const auto v4 = 75.7256L; //long double
const custom_type v5 = 34.234; //custom_type

#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cout << add<v1, v2, v3, v4, v5>::value << std::endl;

Possible output:


Please note the struct add for C++ versions lower than 17 can only take arguments of a single type and for the type double would be like:

template<const double& ...>
struct add{
static constexpr double value = 0;
template<const double& first, const double& ... others>
struct add<first, others...>{
static constexpr double value = first + add<others ...>::value;

And constants:

const double v1 = 12;
const double v2 = 54L;
const double v3 = 3.25242;
const double v4 = 75.7256l;

Good luck!

C++ variadic template arguments method to pass to a method without variadic arguments

[Continued from part 1: ]

There is an issue, however. We had to change the way our code is written to accomodate ExecuteMethod(), which may not always be possible. Is there a way around that, so that it functions exactly the same as your previously specified ExecuteMethod(), and doesn't need to take the variable it modifies as a macro parameter? The answer is... yes!

// Variadic function-like macro to automatically create, use, and destroy functor.
// Uncomment whichever one is appropriate for the compiler used.
// (The difference being that Visual C++ automatically removes the trailing comma if the
// macro has zero variadic arguments, while GCC needs a hint in the form of "##" to tell
// it to do so.)
// Instead of a do...while structure, we can just use a temporary Executor directly.
// MSVC:
// #define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M), decltype(&M)>{}(M, __VA_ARGS__)
// GCC:
#define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M), decltype(&M)>{}(M, ##__VA_ARGS__)

// For your example function WriteDocument(), defined as
// int WriteDocument(const FilePath &file, const char *fileFormatName, bool askForParms);

bool c = ExecuteMethod(WriteDocument, file, fileFormatName, askForParams);

This is all well and good, but there is one more change we can make to simplify things without impacting performance. At the moment, this functor can only take function pointers (and maybe lambdas, I'm not familiar with their syntax), not other types of function objects. If this is intended, it means that we can rewrite it to do away with the first template parameter (the entire signature), since the second and third parameters are themselves components of the signature.

// Default functor.
template<typename... Ts>
struct Executor { };

// General case.
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Params>
struct Executor<ReturnType (*)(Params...)> {
// Instead of explicitly taking M as a parameter, create it from
// the other parameters.
using M = ReturnType (*)(Params...);
// Parameter match:
bool operator()(M method, Params... params) {
ReturnType r = method(params...);
// ...

// Parameter mismatch:
template<typename... Invalid_Params>
bool operator()(M method, Invalid_Params... ts) {
// Handle parameter type mismatch here.

// Special case to catch void return type.
template<typename... Params>
struct Executor<void (*)(Params...)> {
// Instead of explicitly taking M as a parameter, create it from
// the other parameters.
using M = void (*)(Params...);
// Parameter match:
bool operator()(M method, Params... params) {
// ...

// Parameter mismatch:
template<typename... Invalid_Params>
bool operator()(M method, Invalid_Params... ts) {
// Handle parameter type mismatch here.

// Variadic function-like macro to automatically create, use, and destroy functor.
// Uncomment whichever one is appropriate for the compiler used.
// (The difference being that Visual C++ automatically removes the trailing comma if the
// macro has zero variadic arguments, while GCC needs a hint in the form of "##" to tell
// it to do so.)
// Instead of a do...while structure, we can just use a temporary Executor directly.
// MSVC:
// #define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M)>{}(M, __VA_ARGS__)
// GCC:
#define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M)>{}(M, ##__VA_ARGS__)

// Note: If your compiler doesn't support C++11 "using" type aliases, replace them
// with the following:
// typedef ReturnType (*M)(Params...);

This results in cleaner code, but, as mentioned, limits the functor to only accepting function pointers.

When used like this, the functor expects parameters to be an exact match. It can handle reference-ness and cv-ness correctly, but may have issues with rvalues, I'm not sure. See here.

As to how to use this with your JSContext... I'm honestly not sure. I haven't learned about contexts yet, so someone else would be more helpful for that. I would suggest checking if one of the other answers here would be more useful in your situation, in all honesty.

Note: I'm not sure how easy it would be to modify the functor to work if its function parameter is a functor, lambda, std::function, or anything of the sort.

Note 2: As before, I'm not sure if there would be any negative effects on performance for doing something like this. There's likely a more efficient way, but I don't know what it would be.

split variadic template arguments

We still lack a lot of helpers to manipulate variadic parameter packs (or I am not aware of them). Until a nice Boost library brings them to us, we can still write our own.

For example, if you are willing to postpone your array's initialization to the constructor body, you can create and use a function that copies part of the parameter pack to an output iterator:

#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

// Copy n values from the parameter pack to an output iterator
template < typename OutputIterator >
void copy_n( size_t n, OutputIterator )
assert ( n == 0 );

template < typename OutputIterator, typename T, typename... Args >
void copy_n( size_t n, OutputIterator out, const T & value, Args... args )
if ( n > 0 )
*out = value;
copy_n( n - 1, ++out, args... );

// Copy n values from the parameter pack to an output iterator, starting at
// the "beginth" element
template < typename OutputIterator >
void copy_range( size_t begin, size_t size, OutputIterator out )
assert( size == 0 );

template < typename OutputIterator, typename T, typename... Args >
void copy_range( size_t begin, size_t size, OutputIterator out, T value, Args... args )
if ( begin == 0 )
copy_n( size, out, value, args... );
copy_range( begin - 1, size, out, args... );

template < int N >
struct DoubleArray
std::array< int, N > p;
std::array< int, N > q;

template < typename... Args >
DoubleArray ( Args... args )
copy_range( 0, N, p.begin(), args... );
copy_range( N, N, q.begin(), args... );


int main()
DoubleArray<3> mya(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
std::cout << mya.p[0] << mya.p[2] << std::endl; // 13
std::cout << mya.q[0] << mya.q[2] << std::endl; // 46

As you can see, you can (not so) easily create your own algorithms to manipulate parameter packs; all is needed is a good understanding of recursion and pattern matching (as always when doing Template MetaProgramming).

C++: How call a function with type parameter on variadic template arguments?

First of all, you forgot the

#include <tuple>

And the syntax you're probably looking for is:

return std::make_tuple(get<Ts>(stream)...);

How to write a function with an arbitrary number of parameter packs

Using this type trait to check if a type is a specialization of a template

template <class T, template <class...> class Template>
struct is_specialization : std::false_type {};

template <template <class...> class Template, class... Args>
struct is_specialization<Template<Args...>, Template> : std::true_type {};

You can change your function to just a normal variadic template, but add SFINAE to constrain the generic type to only being specializations of std::tuple like

template <typename... Tuples, 
std::enable_if_t<(is_specialization<Tuples, std::tuple>::value && ...), bool> = true>
void form_packet(const Tuples...& tuples)
(handle_single_tuple(tuples), ...); // comma operator used to call each member in order

iterating over variadic template's type parameters

What Xeo said. To create a context for pack expansion I used the argument list of a function that does nothing (dummy):

#include <iostream>
#include <initializer_list>

void dummy(A&&...)

template <class ...A>
void do_something()
dummy( (A::var = 1)... ); // set each var to 1

// alternatively, we can use a lambda:

[](...){ }((A::var = 1)...);

// or std::initializer list, with guaranteed left-to-right
// order of evaluation and associated side effects

auto list = {(A::var = 1)...};

struct S1 { static int var; }; int S1::var = 0;
struct S2 { static int var; }; int S2::var = 0;
struct S3 { static int var; }; int S3::var = 0;

int main()
std::cout << S1::var << S2::var << S3::var;

This program prints 111.

Empty Pack Variadic Template

An alternative way to structure it so you can remove the 'ugly' default is the following, which also removes the recursion and would work with an empty actions parameter pack,

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

enum class Action {A, B};

template <Action a>
void applyAction()
std::cout << "Action " << (int)a << std::endl;

template <Action... as>
void applyActions() {
using do_= int[];
(void)do_{0, (

void foo() {
applyActions<Action::A, Action::B>();

void bar() {
applyActions<Action::B, Action::A>();

int main() {
return 0;


As pointed out by HolyBlackCat, in c++17 you could just use a fold expression,

template <Action... as>
void applyActions() {

(applyAction<as>(), ...);

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