C++ Abi Issues List

C++ ABI issues list

Off the top of my head:

C++ Specific:

  • Where the 'this' parameter can be found.
  • How virtual functions are called
    • ie does it use a vtable or other
    • What is the layout of the structures used for implementing this.
  • How are multiple definitions handled
    • Multiple template instantiations
    • Inline functions that were not inlined.
  • Static Storage Duration Objects
    • How to handle creation (in the global scope)
    • How to handle creation of function local (how do you add it to the destructor list)
    • How to handle destruction (destroy in reverse order of creation)
  • You mention exceptions. But also how exceptions are handled outside main()
    • ie before or after main()


  • Parameter passing locations
  • Return value location
  • Member alignment
  • Padding
  • Register usage (which registers are preserved which are scratch)
  • size of primitive types (such as int)
  • format of primitive types (Floating point format)

What is an application binary interface (ABI)?

One easy way to understand "ABI" is to compare it to "API".

You are already familiar with the concept of an API. If you want to use the features of, say, some library or your OS, you will program against an API. The API consists of data types/structures, constants, functions, etc that you can use in your code to access the functionality of that external component.

An ABI is very similar. Think of it as the compiled version of an API (or as an API on the machine-language level). When you write source code, you access the library through an API. Once the code is compiled, your application accesses the binary data in the library through the ABI. The ABI defines the structures and methods that your compiled application will use to access the external library (just like the API did), only on a lower level. Your API defines the order in which you pass arguments to a function. Your ABI defines the mechanics of how these arguments are passed (registers, stack, etc.). Your API defines which functions are part of your library. Your ABI defines how your code is stored inside the library file, so that any program using your library can locate the desired function and execute it.

ABIs are important when it comes to applications that use external libraries. Libraries are full of code and other resources, but your program has to know how to locate what it needs inside the library file. Your ABI defines how the contents of a library are stored inside the file, and your program uses the ABI to search through the file and find what it needs. If everything in your system conforms to the same ABI, then any program is able to work with any library file, no matter who created them. Linux and Windows use different ABIs, so a Windows program won't know how to access a library compiled for Linux.

Sometimes, ABI changes are unavoidable. When this happens, any programs that use that library will not work unless they are re-compiled to use the new version of the library. If the ABI changes but the API does not, then the old and new library versions are sometimes called "source compatible". This implies that while a program compiled for one library version will not work with the other, source code written for one will work for the other if re-compiled.

For this reason, developers tend to try to keep their ABI stable (to minimize disruption). Keeping an ABI stable means not changing function interfaces (return type and number, types, and order of arguments), definitions of data types or data structures, defined constants, etc. New functions and data types can be added, but existing ones must stay the same. If, for instance, your library uses 32-bit integers to indicate the offset of a function and you switch to 64-bit integers, then already-compiled code that uses that library will not be accessing that field (or any following it) correctly. Accessing data structure members gets converted into memory addresses and offsets during compilation and if the data structure changes, then these offsets will not point to what the code is expecting them to point to and the results are unpredictable at best.

An ABI isn't necessarily something you will explicitly provide unless you are doing very low-level systems design work. It isn't language-specific either, since (for example) a C application and a Pascal application can use the same ABI after they are compiled.

Edit: Regarding your question about the chapters regarding the ELF file format in the SysV ABI docs: The reason this information is included is because the ELF format defines the interface between operating system and application. When you tell the OS to run a program, it expects the program to be formatted in a certain way and (for example) expects the first section of the binary to be an ELF header containing certain information at specific memory offsets. This is how the application communicates important information about itself to the operating system. If you build a program in a non-ELF binary format (such as a.out or PE), then an OS that expects ELF-formatted applications will not be able to interpret the binary file or run the application. This is one big reason why Windows apps cannot be run directly on a Linux machine (or vice versa) without being either re-compiled or run inside some type of emulation layer that can translate from one binary format to another.

IIRC, Windows currently uses the Portable Executable (or, PE) format. There are links in the "external links" section of that Wikipedia page with more information about the PE format.

Also, regarding your note about C++ name mangling: When locating a function in a library file, the function is typically looked up by name. C++ allows you to overload function names, so name alone is not sufficient to identify a function. C++ compilers have their own ways of dealing with this internally, called name mangling. An ABI can define a standard way of encoding the name of a function so that programs built with a different language or compiler can locate what they need. When you use extern "c" in a C++ program, you're instructing the compiler to use a standardized way of recording names that's understandable by other software.

What could C/C++ lose if they defined a standard ABI?

The freedom to implement things in the most natural way on each processor.

I imagine that c in particular has conforming implementations on more different architectures than any other language. Abiding by a ABI optimized for the currently common, high-end, general-purpose CPUs would require unnatural contortions on some the odder machines out there.

Standard library ABI compatibility

ABIs in practice are not linked to the standard, for example consider this following code compiled with gcc 4.9.4 and gcc 5.1
using the same flags:

-std=c++11 -O2

#include <string>
int main(){
return sizeof (std::string);

gcc 4.9.4 returns 8 from main, gcc 5.1 returns 32.

As for guarantees: it is complicated:

Nothing is guaranteed by the standard.

Practically MSVC used to break ABI compatability, they stopped (v140,v141,v142 use the same ABI), clang/gcc have a stable ABI for a long time.

For those interested in learning more:
For a broad discussion of ABI/C++ standard that is not directly related to this question you an look at this blog post.

C++ Plugins ABI issues on Linux

Is it sufficient to define an abstract class to get rid of all ABI issues?

Short answer:


I wouldn't recommend using C++ for a plugin API (see longer answer below), but if you do decide to stick with C++ then:

  1. Don't use any standard library types in your plugin API.
    For instance, Character::name() returns a std::string. If the implementation of std::string ever changes (and it has in the past in GCC) then that will result in Undefined Behavior. Really, anything that you don't control (any third-party library) shouldn't be used in the API.
  2. Don't use exceptions or RTTI across the plugin boundary. On Linux exceptions and RTTI might work if you load the plugin with RTLD_GLOBAL (not a good idea for plugins) and both the host and the plugin use the same runtime. But in general you either won't be able to catch exceptions from another module, or they might even cause heap corruption (if they are allocated by different runtimes).
  3. Only add functions to the end of your abstract classes, or everything will silently break because of the vtable layout changing (and that can be really hard to diagnose).
  4. Always allocate and deallocate an object from the same module. I noticed you don't have a destroyCharacter() function (main() actually leaks the character but that's another question). Always provide symmetric create and destroy functions for resources created by a different module (shared library or plugin).
    I believe on Linux with GCC the host application's operator new and operator delete get correctly propagated to the loaded plugin (through weak symbols), but if you want it to work on Windows then don't assume that operator new and operator delete in the host application and the plugin are the same. A statically linked runtime, especially built with LTO, might also mess with this.

Longer answer:

There are a lot of possible issues when exporting a C++ API from a plugin.
Generally speaking, there are no guarantees about it working if anything about the toolchains used to build the host application and the plugin differs. This can include (but is not limited to) compilers, versions of the language, compiler flags, preprocessor definitions, etc.

The common wisdom regarding plugins is to use a pure C89 API, because the C ABI on all common platforms is very stable.
Keeping to the common subset of C89 and C++ will mean that the host and plugin can use different language standards, standard libraries, etc. Unless the host or the plugin are built with some weird (and probably non-standard-conforming) APIs, this should be reasonably safe. Obviously, you still have to be careful with data structure layouts.

You can then provide a rich C++ header-only wrapper for the C API that handles lifetime and error code/exception conversions, etc.
As a nice bonus, C APIs are producible and consumable by most languages, which could allow the plugin authors to use not just C++.

There are actually quite a few pitfalls even in a C API. If we're being pedantic then the only safe things are functions with fixed-size arguments and return types (pointers, size_t, [u]intN_t) - not even necessarily built-in types (short, int, long, ...), or enums. E.g. in GCC: -fshort-enums can change the size of enums, -fpack-struct[=n] can change the padding within structs.
So, if you really want to be safe then don't use enums and either pack all your structs or don't expose them directly (instead expose accessor functions).

Other considerations:

These aren't strictly related to the question but should definitely be considered before committing to a specific style of API.

Error handling: Whether or not you use C++, you'll need an alternative to exceptions.
This will probably be some form of error code. std::error_code in C++ can be then used to wrap the raw enum/int as soon as you're in C++ land, and if the API uses C++ then a std::expected-like or Boost.Outcome-like type with a stable ABI could be used.

Loading the plugin and importing symbols: With abstract classes it's easy - a simple factory function is all you need. With a traditional C API you might end up needing to import hundreds of symbols. One way of dealing with that would be to emulate a vtable in C. Make each object that has associated functions start with a pointer to a dispatch table, e.g.

typedef struct game_string_view { const char *data; size_t size; } game_string_view;

typedef enum game_plugin_error_code { game_plugin_success = 0, /* ... */ } game_plugin_error_code;

typedef struct game_plugin_character_impl *GamePluginCharacter; // handle to a Character

typedef struct game_plugin_character_dispatch_table { // basically a vtable
void (*destroy)(GamePluginCharacter character); // you could even put destroy() here
game_string_view (*name)(GamePluginCharacter character);
void (*update)(GamePluginCharacter character, /*...*/, game_plugin_error_code *ec); // might fail
} game_plugin_character_dispatch_table;

typedef struct game_plugin_character_impl {
// every call goes through this table and takes GamePluginCharacter as it's first argument
const game_plugin_character_dispatch_table *dispatch;
} game_plugin_character_impl;

Future extensibility and compatibility: You should design the API, knowing that you'll want to change it in the future and keep compatibility. IMO, a C API lends itself well to this because it forces you to be very precise in what is exposed. The plugin should be able to expose it's API version to the host in a way that is forward and backward compatible.

It's a good idea to think about extensibility when designing each function signature. E.g. if a struct is passed by pointer (instead of by value), then it's size can be extended without breaking compatibility (so long as at run time both the caller and the callee agree on it's size).

Visibility: Maybe look into visibility on Linux and other platforms. This isn't really a question of API design, just helps clean up the symbols exported from a shared library.

All of the above is by no means extensive.
I would suggest the talk "Hourglass Interfaces for C++ APIs" as further "reading".
And of course there other good talks and articles on the matter (that I can't remember of the top of my head).

C++ ABI issue related to STL

There's no defined C++ ABI and it does differ between compilers in terms of memory layout, name mangling, RTL etc.

It gets worse than that though. If you are targeting MSVC compiler for example, your dll/exe can be built with different macros that configure the STL to not include iterator checks so that it is faster. This modifies the layout of STL classes and you end up breaking the One Definition Rule (ODR) when you link (but the link still succeeds). If the ODR is violated then your program will crash seemingly randomly.

I would recommend maybe reading Imperfect C++ which has a chapter on the subject of C++ ABIs.

The upshot is that either:

  • you compile the dll specifically for the target compiler that is going to link to it and name the dll's appropriately (like boost does it). In this case you can't avoid ODR violations so the user of the library must be able to recompile the library themselves with different options.
  • Provide a portable C API and provide C++ wrapper classes for convenience that are compiled on the client side of the API. This is time consuming but portable.

GCC ABI compatibility

The official ABI page points to an ABIcheck. This tool may do, what you want.

Please explain the C++ ABI

Although the C++ Standard doesn't prescribe any ABI, some actual implementations try hard to preserve ABI compatibility between versions of the toolchain. E.g. with GCC 4.x, it was possible to use a library linked against an older version of libstdc++, from a program that's compiled by a newer toolchain with a newer libstdc++. The older versions of the symbols expected by the library are provided by the newer libstdc++.so, and layouts of the classes defined in the C++ Standard Library are the same.

But when C++11 introduced the new requirements to std::string and std::list, these couldn't be implemented in libstdc++ without changing the layout of these classes. This means that, if you don't use the _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 kludge with GCC 5 and higher, you can't pass e.g. std::string objects between a GCC4-compiled library and a GCC5-compiled program. So the ABI was broken.

Some C++ implementations don't try that hard to have compatible ABI: e.g. MSVC++ doesn't provide such compatibility between major compiler releases (see this question), so one has to provide different versions of library to use with different versions of MSVC++.

So, in general, you can't mix and match libraries and executables compiled with different versions even of the same toolchain.

G++ new ABI problems

This error indicates that you're linking to some code or library that has not been recompiled by gcc 5.3, and was compiled by an earlier version of gcc, using the earlier version of the ABI.

If you are linking with some external libraries, besides the standard C++ library, those external libraries need to be recompiled (and reinstalled).

If you are not linking with any external libraries, and you are only linking together your own code, some of your source modules must not've been recompiled yet. Recompile everything. Make sure to wipe all existing object modules, with make clean, or the equivalent for whatever build system you're using.

Does C have a standard ABI?

C defines no ABI. In fact, it bends over backwards to avoid defining an ABI. Those people, who like me, who have spent most of their programming lives programming in C on 16/32/64 bit architectures with 8 bit bytes, 2's complement arithmetic and flat address spaces, will usually be quite surprised on reading the convoluted language of the current C standard.

For example, read the stuff about pointers. The standard doesn't say anything so simple as "a pointer is an address" for that would be making an assumption about the ABI. In particular, it allows for pointers being in different address spaces and having varying width.

An ABI is a mapping from the execution model of the language to a particular machine/operating system/compiler combination. It makes no sense to define one in the language specification because that runs the risk of excluding C implementations on some architectures.

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