Correct Usage of the Eigen::Ref<> Class

Correct usage of the Eigen::Ref class

In general, using a non const reference like Ref<T>& is never a good idea because this will only work if the caller already has a Ref<T> object at hand. This discards 5 and 7.

The cases 3 and 4 does not make sense, and they won't compile in general.

Then, there is not much difference between a const Ref<const T> and a const Ref<const T>& because it is unlikely that the function is called with an existing Ref<const T> object, and so a Ref<const T> will have to be created in most cases anyway. Nevertheless, we could still recommend 1 over 2 or 6.

So in summary, we could recommend Ref<T> for a writable reference, and const Ref<const T>& for a const reference.

The option 6, Ref<const T>, might still be interesting if you want to change the matrix that is referenced (not its content) through a call to Ref constructor using placement new.

Is returning Eigen::Ref legit?

As was already noted in the comments, there is nothing wrong with returning Ref objects, as long as you make sure that the object you are referring to is still valid at the time you are using the reference.

Simplified example:

struct A {
ArrayXXd xs;
Ref<const ArrayXXd> Xs() const {
return xs.topRows(5); // works (when used properly)
Ref<const ArrayXXd> NotWorking() const {
ArrayXXd foo = 2*xs;
return foo.topRows(5); // compiles, but will give U.B.

// usage:
A a;

Ref<const ArrayXXd> r1 = a.Xs();
// fine to use r1 here
// from here on r1 will point to non-existing memory
// i.e., using r1 will be U.B.

The U.B. (undefined behavior) examples are all essentially use-after-free, which unfortunately are barely detected by compilers, so you need to be somewhat careful when working with Eigen::Ref. UB can mean that your unit-tests work, although your code is bad, but suddenly in production you'll get a seg-fault ...

Eigen::Ref as a member variable

In your case you should very likely better use a VectorXd, otherwise you would have to make sure that the VectorXd you passed to init is never destroyed.

The only reason to use a Ref here would be to allow initializing data with, e.g., a column of a Matrix without any copy.

Finally, if you want to reassign a Ref to reference another buffer, then use a placement new to re-call the constructor of Ref. Don't forget to call the destructor first.

Eigen::Ref in pass-by-pointer

I think the basic idea is not to use pointers or references directly. Eigen uses template expressions to represent calculations. This means the type changes depending on the expression used to calculate the matrix, and expressions are potentially carried around unevaluated.

If necessary Ref will evaluate the template expression into a temporary object matching the memory layout you requested to pass as an argument. If the memory layout of your argument matches the memory layout required by your parameter, Ref will act as a transparent reference.

Borrowing directly from the documentation: Your input parameters should be declared constant, while non-const parameters can be used as output parameters.

void cov(const Ref<const MatrixXf> x, Ref<MatrixXf> C)
C = ...; // Your return value here

If you read from and write to a matrix, the parameter should also obviously be non-const.

For optional parameters you could use a pointer to a Ref.

Edit: The documentation does note that you can use constant references directly to pass parameters. This only works because the compiler is happy to convert temporary objects to const-references. It will not work for pointers.

Why matrices get copied while passing through Ref & in Eigen

A Ref and a MatrixXf are still different objects, and are going to be at different addresses. That doesn't mean the whole matrix gets copied: only that a Ref object gets created.

I supposed "Ref" is already a reference itself then why do we still have to add the reference mark "&"?

No, a Ref is not a reference. At least not from the language's perspective. A Ref is an object that happens to be used in Eigen like a C++ reference. When you pass a const Ref<const T>, you are making a copy of (are creating by conversion) the Ref object because you are still passing by value, but hopefully you are not copying the corresponding T (that's kind of the point). When you pass a const Ref<const T>&, you are not making any copy since you are passing by reference.

Now, whether one way is better than the other depends largely on what exactly a Ref is, and I don't know enough about that to make any assumption other than "it's probably small". Because that's the point: a reference in the general sense, whether it is a pointer, a C++ reference, or a Ref object, is supposed to be very lightweight, easy and fast to copy, so that you don't have to copy the whole referenced object when you want to access it in another function.

In the end, it probably doesn't matter what you choose between const Ref<const T> and const Ref<const T>&, especially since you most likely don't have a preexisting Ref object to pass around (so it's going to be created in both cases anyway). However, it doesn't hurt to go for const Ref<const T>&. and be consistant with how objects are passed around in general in C++.

Worth a read.

Efficiency of Eigen::Ref compared to Eigen::VectorXd as function arguments

Given the above specifications, which option would be the most efficient?

Most likely option 1 as you have guessed. It depends on what the update entails, of course. So you may need some benchmarking. But in general the cost of allocation is significant compared to the minor optimizations allowed by allocating a new object. Plus, option 2 incurs the additional cost of copying the result.

Is calling Foo3 with segments of X guaranteed to always be at least as efficient as calling Foo4 with the same segments?

If you call Foo4(x.segment(...)) it allocates a new vector and copies the segment into it. That is significantly more expensive than Foo3. And the only thing you gain is that the vector will be properly aligned. This is only a minor benefit on modern CPUs. So I would expect Foo3 to be more efficient.

Note that there is one option that you have not considered: Use templates.

template<class Derived>
void Foo1(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& x) {
Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& mutable_x = const_cast<Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>&>(x);
// Update mutable_x.

The const-cast is annoying but harmless. Please refer to Eigen's documentation on that topic.

Overall, this will allow approximately the same performance as if you inlined the function body. In your particular case, it may not be any faster than an inlined version of Foo1, though. This is because a general segment and a Ref object have basically the same performance.

Efficiency of accessing Ref vs. Vector

Let's look at the performance in more detail between computations on an Eigen::Vector, an Eigen::Ref<Vector>, an Eigen::Matrix and an Eigen::Ref<Matrix>. Eigen::Block (the return type for Vector.segment() or Matrix.block()) is functionally identical to Ref, so I don't bother mentioning it further.

  • Vector and Matrix guarantee that the array as a whole is aligned to 16 byte boundaries. That allows operations to use aligned memory accesses (e.g. movapd in this instance).
  • Ref does not guarantee alignment and therefore requires unaligned accesses (e.g. movupd). On very old CPUs this used to have a significant performance penalty. These days it is less relevant. It is nice to have alignment but it is no longer the be-all-end-all for vectorization. To quote Agner on that topic [1]:

Some microprocessors have a penalty of several clock cycles when accessing misaligned data that cross a cache line boundary.

Most XMM instructions without VEX prefix that read or write 16-byte memory operands require that the operand is aligned by 16. Instructions that accept unaligned 16-byte operands can be quite inefficient on older processors. However, this restriction is largely relieved with the AVX and later instruction sets. AVX instructions do not require alignment of memory operands, except for the explicitly aligned instructions. Processors that support the
AVX instruction set generally handle misaligned memory operands very efficiently.

  • All four data types guarantee that the inner dimension (only dimension in vector, single column in matrix) is stored consecutively. So Eigen can vectorize along this dimension
  • Ref does not guarantee that elements along the outer dimension are stored consecutively. There may be a gap from one column to the next. This means that scalar operations like Matrix+Matrix or Matrix*Scalar can use a single loop over all elements in all rows and columns while Ref+Ref need a nested loop with an outer loop over all columns and an inner loop over all rows.
  • Neither Ref nor Matrix guarantee proper alignment for a specific column. Therefore most matrix operations such as matrix-vector products need to use unaligned accesses.
  • If you create a vector or matrix inside a function, this may help escape and alias analysis. However, Eigen already assumes no aliasing in most instances and the code that Eigen creates leaves little room for the compiler to add anything. Therefore it is rarely a benefit.
  • There are differences in the calling convention. For example in Foo(Eigen::Ref<Vector>), the object is passed by value. Ref has a pointer, a size, and no destructor. So it will be passed in two registers. This is very efficient. It is less good for Ref<Matrix> which consumes 4 registers (pointer, rows, columns, outer stride). Foo(const Eigen::Ref<const Vector>&) would create a temporary object on the stack and pass the pointer to the function. Vector Foo() returns an object that has a destructor. So the caller allocates space on the stack, then passes a hidden pointer to the function. Usually, these differences are not significant but of course they exist and may be relevant in code that does very little computation with many function calls

With these differences in mind, let's look at the specific case at hand. You have not specified what the update method does, so I have to make some assumptions.

The computations will always be the same so we only have to look at memory allocations and accesses.

Example 1:

void Foo1(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> x) {
x = Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(x.size(), 0., 1.);
Eigen::VectorXd Foo2(int n) {
return Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(n, 0., 1.);
x.segment(..., n) = Foo2(n);

Foo1 does one unaligned memory write. Foo2 does one allocation and one aligned memory write into the temporary vector. Then it copies to the segment. That will use one aligned memory read and an unaligned memory write. Therefore Foo1 is clearly better in all circumstances.

Example 2:

void Foo3(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> x)
x = x * x.maxCoeff();
Eigen::VectorXd Foo4(const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd>& x)
return x * x.maxCoeff();
Eigen::VectorXd Foo5(const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd>& x)
Eigen::VectorXd rtrn = x;
rtrn = rtrn * rtrn.maxCoeff();
return rtrn;

Both Foo3 and 4 do two unaligned memory reads from x (one for the maxCoeff, one for the multiplication). After that, they behave the same as Foo1 and 2. Therefore Foo3 is always better than 4.

Foo5 does one unaligned memory read and one aligned memory write for the initial copy, then two aligned reads and one aligned write for the computation. After that follow the copy outside the function (same as Foo2). This is still a lot more than what Foo3 does but if you do a lot more memory accesses to the vector, it may be worthwhile at some point. I doubt it, but cases may exist.

The main take-away is this: Since you ultimately want to store the results in segments of an existing vector, you can never fully escape the unaligned memory accesses. So it is not worth worrying about them too much.

Template vs. Ref

A quick rundown of the differences:

The templated version will (if written properly) work on all data types and all memory layouts. For example if you pass a full vector or matrix, it can exploit the alignment.

There are cases where Ref will simply not compile, or work differently than expected. As written above, Ref guarantees that the inner dimension is stored consecutively. The call Foo1(Matrix.row(1)) will not work, because a matrix row is not stored consecutively in Eigen. And if you call a function with const Eigen::Ref<const Vector>&, Eigen will copy the row into a temporary vector.

The templated version will work in these cases, but of course it cannot vectorize.

The Ref version has some benefits:

  1. It is clearer to read and has fewer chances to go wrong with unexpected inputs
  2. You can put it in a cpp file and it creates less redundant code. Depending on your use case, more compact code may be more beneficial or appropriate


Error passing Eigen matrix to a function in C++: no instance of overloaded function matches the argument list

Your third argument, ph needs to be

Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXcd> ph

(without the reference) and not

Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXcd>& ph

because ph is already a reference. You do not want to change the reference, you want to change the matrix.

Check out this answer: Correct usage of the Eigen::Ref<> class

Why are const Eigen::Matrix& and const RefEigen::Matrix apparently incompatible?

This is because const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> is not a const reference. It must be declared like this:

Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>

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