Access to Method Pointer to Protected Method

Access to protected member through member-pointer: is it a hack?

The fact that a member is not accessible using class member access expr.ref (aclass.amember) due to access control [class.access] does not make this member inaccessible using other expressions.

The expression &Derived::value (whose type is int Base::*) is perfectly standard compliant, and it designates the member value of Base. Then the expression a_base.*p where p is a pointer to a member of Base and a_base an instance of Base is also standard compliant.

So any standard compliant compiler shall make the expression other.*(&Derived::value); defined behavior: access the member value of other.

Why is it impossible to get a pointer to a protected method of the base class?

If you were able to take a pointer to A::foo, you could use it to invoke foo on an object of type A or of type C derived from A:

class B : public A {
void xx(A a) { auto tmp = &A::foo; a.*tmp(); } // illegal

Instead, take a pointer to B::foo; this is fine because you can only use it on objects of type B, your own class.

Pointer to base class method with protected inheritance

Why is this not possible, when I have used using and I can call operator directly?

The using declaration gives you access to the name operator[]. But it doesn't alter the member's type. It stays
int &(Foo::*)(size_t). Note the Foo.

So converting to the declared type of o requires a conversion down the inheritance tree. This conversion must check that the target class is indeed derived from the base, but that is an inaccessible base.

One way to work around it is to give Bar a member function that returns that pointer. Inside Bar's scope the base will be accessible to the conversion. Also, this sort of conversion requires a static_cast.

Taking a pointer to a protected method of the base class and passing it to a different class

Expanding on robal's perfectly correct answer, I've rewritten the constructor of my class so that I don't need a manual type cast:

template <class TargetInstanceClass, class TargetMethodClass>
CCallback(TargetInstanceClass * target, void (TargetMethodClass::*targetMethod)(Arguments...))
void (TargetInstanceClass::*targetInstanceMethod)(Arguments...) = static_cast<void (TargetInstanceClass::*targetInstanceMethod)(Arguments...)>(targetMethod);

protected members are not accessible through a pointer or object

You are trying to access the member of an other instance of your mother class:
classProb, but inheritance make you able to access protected member of your own parent class only.

One way to correcting (but it strongly depend of what you are trying to do) is to put an getter of _probClass in your Training class and call it in your test, for instance for the _probCalc member:

(Type) Training::getProbCalc() {
return _probCalc;

the to change your call in the loop:

for (it3 = classProb.getProbCalc().begin(); it3 != classProb.getProbCalc().end(); it3++)

If you are trying to acces your own member inherited by your mother instance just call them directly. For instance:

for (it3 = _probCalc().begin(); it3 != _probCalc().end(); it3++)

How to access protected method in base class from derived class?

Protected members in a base-class are only accessible by the current object.

Thus, you are allowed to call this->foo(), but you are not allowed to call this->b->foo(). This is independent of whether Derived provides an implementation for foo or not.

The reason behind this restriction is that it would otherwise be very easy to circumvent protected access. You just create a class like Derived, and suddenly you also have access to parts of other classes (like OtherDerived) that were supposed to be inaccessible to outsiders.

c++ protected pointer member to the same class and access privileges

The compiler will allow that an object A accesses private/protected members of an object B if A and B have the same static type.

I will try to make this clear with an example:

class Base
int a;

class Derived : public Base
void foo(Base& b, Derived& d)
//allowed because this obviously has the same type as this :)
a = 1;
//allowed because this has the same type as d (Derived)
d.a = 1;
//not allowed because this (Derived) does not have the same
//type as b (Base). They might have the same dynamic type
//but the compiler has no way of knowing this.
b.a = 1;

So, to answer your questions:

  1. Class node is allowed to access the name field if the node pointers of your args vector because they are also of class node.
  2. You cannot directly. You either have to make the field public (I wouldn't do that) or make public accessors.

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