C++ Code for State MAChine

state machines tutorials

State machines are very simple in C if you use function pointers.

Basically you need 2 arrays - one for state function pointers and one for state transition rules. Every state function returns the code, you lookup state transition table by state and return code to find the next state and then just execute it.

int entry_state(void);
int foo_state(void);
int bar_state(void);
int exit_state(void);

/* array and enum below must be in sync! */
int (* state[])(void) = { entry_state, foo_state, bar_state, exit_state};
enum state_codes { entry, foo, bar, end};

enum ret_codes { ok, fail, repeat};
struct transition {
enum state_codes src_state;
enum ret_codes ret_code;
enum state_codes dst_state;
/* transitions from end state aren't needed */
struct transition state_transitions[] = {
{entry, ok, foo},
{entry, fail, end},
{foo, ok, bar},
{foo, fail, end},
{foo, repeat, foo},
{bar, ok, end},
{bar, fail, end},
{bar, repeat, foo}};

#define EXIT_STATE end
#define ENTRY_STATE entry

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
enum state_codes cur_state = ENTRY_STATE;
enum ret_codes rc;
int (* state_fun)(void);

for (;;) {
state_fun = state[cur_state];
rc = state_fun();
if (EXIT_STATE == cur_state)
cur_state = lookup_transitions(cur_state, rc);


I don't put lookup_transitions() function as it is trivial.

That's the way I do state machines for years.

C state-machine design

State machines that I've designed before (C, not C++) have all come down to a struct array and a loop. The structure basically consists of a state and event (for look-up) and a function that returns the new state, something like:

typedef struct {
int st;
int ev;
int (*fn)(void);
} tTransition;

Then you define your states and events with simple defines (the ANY ones are special markers, see below):

#define ST_ANY              -1
#define ST_INIT 0
#define ST_ERROR 1
#define ST_TERM 2
: :
#define EV_ANY -1
#define EV_KEYPRESS 5000
#define EV_MOUSEMOVE 5001

Then you define all the functions that are called by the transitions:

static int GotKey (void) { ... };
static int FsmError (void) { ... };

All these function are written to take no variables and return the new state for the state machine. In this example global variables are used for passing any information into the state functions where necessary.

Using globals isn't as bad as it sounds since the FSM is usually locked up inside a single compilation unit and all variables are static to that unit (which is why I used quotes around "global" above - they're more shared within the FSM, than truly global). As with all globals, it requires care.

The transitions array then defines all possible transitions and the functions that get called for those transitions (including the catch-all last one):

tTransition trans[] = {
: :
{ ST_ANY, EV_ANY, &FsmError}
#define TRANS_COUNT (sizeof(trans)/sizeof(*trans))

What that means is: if you're in the ST_INIT state and you receive the EV_KEYPRESS event, make a call to GotKey.

The workings of the FSM then become a relatively simple loop:

state = ST_INIT;
while (state != ST_TERM) {
event = GetNextEvent();
for (i = 0; i < TRANS_COUNT; i++) {
if ((state == trans[i].st) || (ST_ANY == trans[i].st)) {
if ((event == trans[i].ev) || (EV_ANY == trans[i].ev)) {
state = (trans[i].fn)();

As alluded to above, note the use of ST_ANY as wild-cards, allowing an event to call a function no matter the current state. EV_ANY also works similarly, allowing any event at a specific state to call a function.

It can also guarantee that, if you reach the end of the transitions array, you get an error stating your FSM hasn't been built correctly (by using the ST_ANY/EV_ANY combination.

I've used code similar for this on a great many communications projects, such as an early implementation of communications stacks and protocols for embedded systems. The big advantage was its simplicity and relative ease in changing the transitions array.

I've no doubt there will be higher-level abstractions which may be more suitable nowadays but I suspect they'll all boil down to this same sort of structure.

And, as ldog states in a comment, you can avoid the globals altogether by passing a structure pointer to all functions (and using that in the event loop). This will allow multiple state machines to run side-by-side without interference.

Just create a structure type which holds the machine-specific data (state at a bare minimum) and use that instead of the globals.

The reason I've rarely done that is simply because most of the state machines I've written have been singleton types (one-off, at-process-start, configuration file reading for example), not needing to run more than one instance. But it has value if you need to run more than one.

Is there a typical state machine implementation pattern?

I prefer to use a table driven approach for most state machines:

typedef struct instance_data instance_data_t;
typedef state_t state_func_t( instance_data_t *data );

state_t do_state_initial( instance_data_t *data );
state_t do_state_foo( instance_data_t *data );
state_t do_state_bar( instance_data_t *data );

state_func_t* const state_table[ NUM_STATES ] = {
do_state_initial, do_state_foo, do_state_bar

state_t run_state( state_t cur_state, instance_data_t *data ) {
return state_table[ cur_state ]( data );

int main( void ) {
state_t cur_state = STATE_INITIAL;
instance_data_t data;

while ( 1 ) {
cur_state = run_state( cur_state, &data );

// do other program logic, run other state machines, etc

This can of course be extended to support multiple state machines, etc. Transition actions can be accommodated as well:

typedef void transition_func_t( instance_data_t *data );

void do_initial_to_foo( instance_data_t *data );
void do_foo_to_bar( instance_data_t *data );
void do_bar_to_initial( instance_data_t *data );
void do_bar_to_foo( instance_data_t *data );
void do_bar_to_bar( instance_data_t *data );

transition_func_t * const transition_table[ NUM_STATES ][ NUM_STATES ] = {
{ NULL, do_initial_to_foo, NULL },
{ NULL, NULL, do_foo_to_bar },
{ do_bar_to_initial, do_bar_to_foo, do_bar_to_bar }

state_t run_state( state_t cur_state, instance_data_t *data ) {
state_t new_state = state_table[ cur_state ]( data );
transition_func_t *transition =
transition_table[ cur_state ][ new_state ];

if ( transition ) {
transition( data );

return new_state;

The table driven approach is easier to maintain and extend and simpler to map to state diagrams.

Finite State Machines in C

You define an enum that lists your states - good!

typedef enum {
Start_state = 0,
Build_Id_state = 1,
Identifier_state = 2,
Build_Num_state = 3,
Number_state = 4,
Error_state = 5
} State_type;

Slight change to your state transition code,

main(int argc, char** argv) {
State_type currState = 0;
Action_t action;
char* p = *argv; char symbol;
int len = strlen(p);
//C-strings are zero-indexed
for (int i=0; i < len; ++i) {
action = analyzeData(&currState, classify(symbol=*p++));
switch(action) {
case None_act: break;
case Gather_act: //appropriate symbol gathering
case Emit_act: //handle ident/number print/save
case Stop_act: //appropriate behavior, e.g. i=len

Build a state transition table holding these entries:

typedef struct state_table_entry_s {
State_type state;
Transition_t trans; //could define as bit-field
State_type nextstate;
Action_t action; //semantic action
} state_table_entry_t;

Define your state transition table, which makes clear that you have not defined behavior for certain transitions. (Make the table two-dimensional, and you can more quickly process state&transition)

state_table_entry_t states[] = {
{Start_state, Letter_class, None_act, Build_Id}
,{Start_state, Digit_class, None_act, Build_Num}
,{Start_state, Blank_class, None_act, Start_state}
,{Start_state, Semicolon_class, Stop_act, Start_state}
,{Build_Id_state, Letter_class, Gather_act, Build_Id_state}
,{Build_Id_state, Digit_class, Gather_act, Build_Id_state}
,{Build_Id_state, Underscore_class, Gather_act, Build_Id_state}
,{Build_Id_state, Blank_class, None_act, Identifier_state}
,{Identifier_state, Blank_class, Emit_act, Start_state}
,{Build_Num_state, Digit_class, Gather_act, Build_Num_state}
,{Build_Num_state, Blank_class, None_act, Number_state}
,{Number_state, Blank_class, Emit_act, Start_state}
,{Stop_state, <any>, Error_act, Stop_state}
,{Error_state, <any>, None_act, Stop_state}

Notice how the above 'state transition table' clearly documents your state machine? And you could (easily) load this table from a configuration file?

Stop. Did you define (appropriate) actions for every (State X Transition) pair?



For the above, you need to define your state transition classes:

typedef enum {
} Transition_t;

And you need to define your actions:

typedef enum {
} Action_t;

Convert your characters/symbols into their transition class (you could use ctype.h and the isalpha(), isdigit() macros),

Transition_t classify(char symbol) {
Transition_t class = Other_class;
if (isblank(c)) {
return(class = Blank_class); break;
else if(isdigit(symbol)) {
return(class = Digit_class);
else if (isalpha(symbol)) {
return(class = Letter_class); break;
else {
switch(tolower(symbol)) {
case ' ':
return(class = Blank_class); break;
case '_':
return(class = Underscore_class); break;
case ';':
return(class = Semicolon_class); break;
default :
return(class = Other_class); break;
return(class = Other_class); break;

Find your matching state in the state table (you can make this much more efficient), and your matching transition in the transition table, then take the semantic action,

analyzeData(State_type& currState, Transition_t class) {
for( int ndx=0; ndx<sizeof(states)/sizeof(states[0]); ++ndx ) {
if( (states[ndx].state == currState)
&&. (states[ndx].trans == class) ) { //state match
currState = states[ndx].nextState;

You will need to define your 'semantic_action' function, and of course you will need to 'gather' your input, so that you can perform the output at appropriate action times. And your 'emit_act' will need to cleanup.

State machines in C

I like the Quantum Leaps approach.

The current state is a pointer to a function that takes an event object as argument. When an event happens, just call the state function with that event; The function can then do its work and transition to another state by just setting the state to another function.


// State type and variable, notice that it's a function pointer.
typedef void (*State)(int);
State state;

// A couple of state functions.
void state_xyz(int event) { /*...*/ }
void state_init(int event) {
if (event == E_GO_TO_xyz) {
// State transition done simply by changing the state to another function.
state = state_xyz;

// main contains the event loop here:
int main() {
int e;
// Initial state.
state = state_init;
// Receive event, dispatch it, repeat... No 'switch'!
while ((e = wait_for_event()) != E_END) {
return 0;

The QL frameworks provides helpers for extra things like entry/exit/init actions, hierarchical state machines, etc. I highly recommend the book for a deeper explanation and good implementation of this.

Finite State Machine In C

It is a pretty much straight forward question and the solution is also very simple.

I have 7 states namely from 0 to 6 as shown by diagram.0 is the initial state. 3,4,5 could be the final states and 6 is the dead state.

enter image description here

state 0: Initial state and from this state we can only encounter following chars:

0 or O or 1-9

if any other char then an error is there and no need to process further.

state 1: if char from state 0 is 0 then this is the next state and

if char from this state is x then the string is hexadecimal(state=4) and no need to process further as any char can follow.

if char from this state is 0-7 then string is octal(state=5) and we process till the end of string to see if we get any char different from 0-7, if we do then error is there as invalid string and no need to process further as soon as we get it.

state 2: if char from state 0 is O then this is the next state and from this state if next char is X then string is hexadecimal(state=4) and no need to process further, if it is not then error is there.

state 3: if char from state 0 is 1-9 then string is decimal number(state=3) and we process till the end of string to see if we get any char different from 0-9, if we do then error is there as invalid string and no need to process further as soon as we get it.

state 4:hexadecimal number

state 5:octal number

state 6:error meaning invalid string

Here is the C code. I have taken the length of the string to be 9, just for simplicity and nothing else.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char *a="066676777";
int state=0;int i=0;
case 0:
else if(a[i]=='O')
else if(a[i]>=49&&a[i]<=57)
else {state=6;i=9;}
case 1:
else if(a[i]>=48&&a[i]<=55)
else {state=6;i=9;}
else {state=6;i=9;}
case 2:
else {state=6;i=9;}
case 3:
else {state=6;i=9;}
printf("please select correct initial state");
printf("it is a decimal number");
else if(state==4)
printf("it is a hexadecimal number");
else if(state==5)
printf("it is a octal number");
else printf("error encountered as invalid string");

C++ code for state machine

I was thinking in a more OO approach, using the State Pattern:

The Machine:

// machine.h
#pragma once

#include "MachineStates.h"

class AbstractState;

class Machine {
friend class AbstractState;

Machine(unsigned int _stock);
void sell(unsigned int quantity);
void refill(unsigned int quantity);
unsigned int getStock();

unsigned int stock;
AbstractState *state;

// --------

// machine.cpp
#include "Machine.h"
#include "MachineStates.h"

Machine::Machine(unsigned int _stock) {
stock = _stock;
state = _stock > 0 ? static_cast<AbstractState *>(new Normal())
: static_cast<AbstractState *>(new SoldOut());

Machine::~Machine() { delete state; }

void Machine::sell(unsigned int quantity) { state->sell(*this, quantity); }

void Machine::refill(unsigned int quantity) { state->refill(*this, quantity); }

unsigned int Machine::getStock() { return stock; }

The States:

// MachineStates.h
#pragma once

#include "Machine.h"
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>

class Machine;

class AbstractState {
virtual void sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) = 0;
virtual void refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) = 0;
virtual ~AbstractState();

void setState(Machine &machine, AbstractState *st);
void updateStock(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);

class Normal : public AbstractState {
virtual void sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
virtual void refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
virtual ~Normal();

class SoldOut : public AbstractState {
virtual void sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
virtual void refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
virtual ~SoldOut();

// --------

// MachineStates.cpp
#include "MachineStates.h"

AbstractState::~AbstractState() {}

void AbstractState::setState(Machine &machine, AbstractState *state) {
AbstractState *aux = machine.state;
machine.state = state;
delete aux;

void AbstractState::updateStock(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
machine.stock = quantity;

Normal::~Normal() {}

void Normal::sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
unsigned int currStock = machine.getStock();
if (currStock < quantity) {
throw std::runtime_error("Not enough stock");

updateStock(machine, currStock - quantity);

if (machine.getStock() == 0) {
setState(machine, new SoldOut());

void Normal::refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
int currStock = machine.getStock();
updateStock(machine, currStock + quantity);

SoldOut::~SoldOut() {}

void SoldOut::sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
throw std::runtime_error("Sold out!");

void SoldOut::refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
updateStock(machine, quantity);
setState(machine, new Normal());

I'm not used to program in C++, but this code apparently compiles against GCC 4.8.2 clang@11.0.0 and Valgrind shows no leaks, so I guess it's fine. I'm not computing money, but I don't need this to show you the idea.

To test it:

// main.cpp
#include "Machine.h"
#include "MachineStates.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>

int main() {
Machine m(10), m2(0);

std::cout << "m: "
<< "Sold 10 items" << std::endl;

try {
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "m: " << e.what() << std::endl;

std::cout << "m: "
<< "Refilled 20 items" << std::endl;

std::cout << "m: "
<< "Sold 10 items" << std::endl;
std::cout << "m: "
<< "Remaining " << m.getStock() << " items" << std::endl;

std::cout << "m: "
<< "Sold 5 items" << std::endl;
std::cout << "m: "
<< "Remaining " << m.getStock() << " items" << std::endl;

try {
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "m: " << e.what() << std::endl;

try {
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "m2: " << e.what() << std::endl;

return 0;

A little bit of Makefile:

CC = clang++
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -std=c++17

main: main.o Machine.o MachineStates.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o main main.o Machine.o MachineStates.o

main.o: main.cpp Machine.h MachineStates.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.cpp

Machine.o: Machine.h MachineStates.h

MachineStates.o: Machine.h MachineStates.h

$(RM) main

Then run:

make main

Output is:

m: Sold 10 items
m: Sold out!
m: Refilled 20 items
m: Sold 10 items
m: Remaining 10 items
m: Sold 5 items
m: Remaining 5 items
m: Not enough stock
m2: Not enough stock

Now, if you want to add a Broken state, all you need is another AbstractState child:

diff --git a/Machine.cpp b/Machine.cpp
index 935d654..6c1f421 100644
--- a/Machine.cpp
+++ b/Machine.cpp
@@ -13,4 +13,8 @@ void Machine::sell(unsigned int quantity) { state->sell(*this, quantity); }

void Machine::refill(unsigned int quantity) { state->refill(*this, quantity); }

+void Machine::damage() { state->damage(*this); }
+void Machine::fix() { state->fix(*this); }
unsigned int Machine::getStock() { return stock; }
diff --git a/Machine.h b/Machine.h
index aa983d0..706dde2 100644
--- a/Machine.h
+++ b/Machine.h
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ public:
Machine(unsigned int _stock);
void sell(unsigned int quantity);
void refill(unsigned int quantity);
+ void damage();
+ void fix();
unsigned int getStock();

diff --git a/MachineStates.cpp b/MachineStates.cpp
index 9656783..d35a53d 100644
--- a/MachineStates.cpp
+++ b/MachineStates.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@ void AbstractState::updateStock(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
machine.stock = quantity;

+void AbstractState::damage(Machine &machine) {
+ setState(machine, new Broken());
+void AbstractState::fix(Machine &machine) {
+ setState(machine, machine.stock > 0
+ ? static_cast<AbstractState *>(new Normal())
+ : static_cast<AbstractState *>(new SoldOut()));
Normal::~Normal() {}

void Normal::sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
@@ -33,6 +43,10 @@ void Normal::refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
updateStock(machine, currStock + quantity);

+void Normal::fix(Machine &machine) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("If it ain't broke, don't fix it!");
SoldOut::~SoldOut() {}

void SoldOut::sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
@@ -43,3 +57,17 @@ void SoldOut::refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
updateStock(machine, quantity);
setState(machine, new Normal());
+void SoldOut::fix(Machine &machine) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("If it ain't broke, don't fix it!");
+Broken::~Broken() {}
+void Broken::sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Machine is broken! Fix it before sell");
+void Broken::refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Machine is broken! Fix it before refill");
diff --git a/MachineStates.h b/MachineStates.h
index b117d3c..3921d35 100644
--- a/MachineStates.h
+++ b/MachineStates.h
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class AbstractState {
virtual void sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) = 0;
virtual void refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity) = 0;
+ virtual void damage(Machine &machine);
+ virtual void fix(Machine &machine);
virtual ~AbstractState();

@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ class Normal : public AbstractState {
virtual void sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
virtual void refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
+ virtual void fix(Machine &machine);
virtual ~Normal();

@@ -29,5 +32,13 @@ class SoldOut : public AbstractState {
virtual void sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
virtual void refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
+ virtual void fix(Machine &machine);
virtual ~SoldOut();
+class Broken : public AbstractState {
+ virtual void sell(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
+ virtual void refill(Machine &machine, unsigned int quantity);
+ virtual ~Broken();
diff --git a/main b/main
index 26915c2..de2c3e5 100755
Binary files a/main and b/main differ
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 8c57fed..82ea0bf 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -39,11 +39,34 @@ int main() {
std::cerr << "m: " << e.what() << std::endl;

+ m.damage();
+ std::cout << "m: "
+ << "Machine is broken" << std::endl;
+ m.fix();
+ std::cout << "m: "
+ << "Fixed! In stock: " << m.getStock() << " items" << std::endl;
try {
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "m2: " << e.what() << std::endl;

+ try {
+ m2.fix();
+ } catch (std::exception &e) {
+ std::cerr << "m2: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ m2.damage();
+ std::cout << "m2: "
+ << "Machine is broken" << std::endl;
+ try {
+ m2.refill(10);
+ } catch (std::exception &e) {
+ std::cerr << "m2: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
return 0;

To add more products, you must have a map of products and its respective in-stock quantity and so on...

The final code can be found in this repo.

Where does finite-state machine code belong in µC?

It is like saying return all functions in one place, or other habits. There is one type of design where you might want to do this, one that is purely interrupt/event based. There are products, that go completely the other way, polled and not even driven. And anything in between.

What matters is doing your system engineering, thats it, end of story. Interrupts add complication and risk, they have a higher price than not using them. Automatically making any design interrupt driven is automatically a bad decision, simply means there was no effort put into the design, the requirements the risks, etc.

Ideally you want most of your code in the main loop, you want your interrupts lean and mean in order to keep the latency down for other time critical tasks. Not all MCUs have a complicated interrupt priority system that would allow you to burn a lot of time or have all of your application in handlers. Inputs into your system engineering, may help choose the mcu, but here again you are adding risk.

You have to ask yourself what are the tasks your mcu has to do, what if any latency is there for each task from when an event happens until they have to start responding and until they have to finish, per event/task what if any portion of it can be deferred. Can any be interrupted while doing the task, can there be a gap in time. All the questions you would do for a hardware design, or cpld or fpga design. except you have real parallelism there.

What you are likely to end up with in real world solutions are some portion in interrupt handlers and some portion in the main (infinite) loop. The main loop polling breadcrumbs left by the interrupts and/or directly polling status registers to know what to do during the loop. If/when you get to where you need to be real time you can still use the main super loop, your real time response comes from the possible paths through the loop and the worst case time for any of those paths.

Most of the time you are not going to need to do this much work. Maybe some interrupts, maybe some polling, and a main loop doing some percentage of the work.

As you should know from the EE world if a teacher/other says there is one and only one way to do something and everything else is by definition wrong...Time to find a new teacher and or pretend to drink the kool-aid, pass the class and move on with your life. Also note that the classroom experience is not real world. There are so many things that can go wrong with MCU development, that you are really in a controlled sandbox with ideally only a few variables you can play with so that you dont have spend years to try to get through a few month class. Some percentage of the rules they state in class are to get you through the class and/or to get the teacher through the class, easier to grade papers if you tell folks a function cant be bigger than X or no gotos or whatever. First thing you should do when the class is over or add to your lifetime bucket list, is to question all of these rules.

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