Why Unaligned APK Is Needed

why unaligned apk is needed?

It is a two step process. The unaligned apk is just an intermediate product.

  1. the unaligned apk is generated
  2. the unaligned gets aligned and produces the aligned apk

Unaligned apk and Unsigned apk Similarities and differences

The unaligned Apk is an intermediate Apk.

When we run app, first, the unaligned apk is generated. after that , the unaligned apk gets aligned and produces the aligned apk which is the your app-debug.apk.

For more information read documentaion click here

Difference between app-debug.apk and app-debug-unaligned.apk

The unaligned apk is just an intermediate apk. First, the unaligned apk is generated. Then, the unaligned apk gets aligned and produces the aligned apk which is the app-debug.apk. You can read more about it over here.

I get only app-release-unaligned.apk when I press generate signed apk

app-release.apk file is in the application folder.

Sometimes Android studio shows another directory where the unaligned file is.

in my case The app-release.apk was in app/ folder not in outputs/apk/

What does unaligned mean in an APK file in Qt/Android?

"unaligned" means that it is not zip-aligned ...

zip-aligned is the process to optimize the apk size thats all...

zipalign is an archive alignment tool that provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files. The purpose is to ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular alignment relative to the start of the file

What are the unsigned apk files created by Android Studio?

See why unaligned apk is needed? for some relevant discussion. zipalign is used to optimize app-debug-unaligned.apk, producing app-debug.apk. I assume both are left as outputs so that it is possible (if necessary) to check whether zipalign is working properly when debugging a build issue.

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